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Everything posted by melancholera

  1. "I pity the poor cunt" flol
  2. I love how at the beginning of every Bob Ross episode he says something like "So today I thought we would just do a fun little painting...". Like, I thought we were going to be doing spreadsheets or algebra or something, but a painting? Sweet. And a fun little one? Even better. I don't mean this cynically at all.
  3. A business that my friend manages may be used as a shooting location for True Detective S3. I never watched S2 as it seemed to be a huge letdown for everybody.
  4. Like a week ago the official Twitter tweeted a fan video of Buckie High. Which appears to be the first time any official channel has acknowledged anything pre-Twoism. Interesting.
  5. Good lord the last two pages have been amazing. Gut laughed more than once.
  6. WATMM hates this one weird trick that bypasses the bad image extension error
  7. Watched Manhunt: Unabomber. Got better as it went along. The bombing scenes were unexpectedly graphic, which I guess serves as a counter balance to any accusations of garnering sympathy for the guy. The episode about his formative years was pretty cool. Still, Mindhunter mined similar subject matter in a far more interesting way, and with better acting.
  8. Aliens don't want to touch us with a 10 light year pole, and I don't blame them!
  9. Of the many things going on with that Chef poster, the lighting on the people far left and right is especially atrocious. It could have been one of those design-by-committee things and not the artists fault. Along with not having the time/funds to do a proper photo shoot and having to use cutouts of what is given to you. Having some graphic design jobs in my time, I have experienced that.
  10. 90% of people think they're smarter than average. Dank memes are the zeitgeist of our times. There are 7 billion people who have a life a detailed as yours. Sometimes I don't post something because I figure the idea has already been said at least 10 different ways somewhere and sometime. The internet makes some mental illnesses objectively worse, or at least more damaging. We are witnessing western civilization slowly and painfully come to this conclusion. If all or most of the Russia allegations are true (yes), they are using the most democratic thing ever invented (the internet) against democracy itself. I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
  11. Somebody in 1990 trying to understand this thread
  12. Chuck Steak would probably at least acknowledge the tragedy of 17 school aged kids being slaughtered. Only a cowardly, greedy shit-heel like La Pierre could make even that about being a victim. To quote Carlin again, " I hope [he] dies. I do, I hope he goddamn dies. I hope he gets a hold of some tainted cheese, and dies lonely and forgotten in the bathroom of some bad building in a poor neighborhood, with his hand in [Trump's] pants."
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