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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. how you feeling, ignatius? saw your post wednesday
  2. putting a few of the new ones here https://xlr8r.com/features/squarepusher-back-to-the-future/ https://thequietus.com/articles/27612-squarepusher-interview-2 https://djmag.com/longreads/return-squarepusher
  3. as a long-time foreign-policy geek, my issue with DJ tump has been that he is mentally ill and evinces a corrupt and dishonest lifestyle, and that bodes ill for the sensitive and consequential aspects of the role. the GOP nominated the exact worst nightmare of the founding fathers. he was only not removed from office because the GOP themselves are so corrupt and they control the senate. obstruction of justice, abuse of power, trying to start a war with iran, squandering the potential for a nuclear deal with NK, bungling the pandemic response, losing the kids of people lawfully seeking asylum, these are things of gravity. was cool to see this in the news: federal judge can't reconcile bill barr's summary of mueller report with the report itself
  4. elections are not meant to produce a perfect person. the purpose is to rotate in new humans, to stave off the tendency of consolidation of power. just vote. and don't vote for the manifestation of dishonesty, hate and malice (tump)
  5. that video is edited. it cuts after the word "premiums" the second text quote in that tweet, "not quality, but only affordable," misrepresent the content. Biden was correcting himself. Biden stutters. this is a speech disorder. the way he controls it when speaking is to shift to a different part of what he is talking about when he feels a stutter coming. i've been seeing a number of these videos being shared, in which a biden speech is sensationalized and misrepresented, capitalizing on his speech disorder, to mislead voters about the presidential candidate this messaging is consistent with the gop strategy to deceitfully raise the unfavorability of the dems because it's easier than trying to make themselves look good
  6. yes, the negatives are key. there's persuasion and there's mobilization. if you don't have a good case to make for your side, demobilizing the other side is your path. cambridge analytica was targeting the paranoids. they targetted "dark triad" personality types to be recipients of their deceptive manipulation naratives. christopher wylie says bannon sensed the potential of angry men online and was tapping into it.
  7. roger lau, warren's campaign head, signals reassessment https://medium.com/@teamwarren/next-steps-bfa8482e2fbc a lot of warren supporters would go biden. bernie claims he has a "movement" of "tens of millions." he got 13 million voting for him in 2016. that's ten million, not tens of millions. the demographic of the movement is young people. no old people like bernie. college campuses are were these people showing up in the polling are, and they aren't turning out to the voting booths. consistently in every state bernie's turnout is lower than his polling suggests. the supporters are flakier. bernie did worse in many states than he did in 2016. he did not make gains with african americans, either. there were states with record turnout, they went to biden. bernie's turnout numbers do not look high, but biden's turnout numbers are enormous. and this is out of nowhere. a week ago biden was polling as nowhere. his campaign had no cash before saturday. he had no offices in super tuesday states. he had no ads runnining in many of them. he had not campaigned in many of them. and he annihilated in many of those states, because he's the happy warrior. biden is the one showing that he can turn people out at the voting booths. looked up numbers on warren supporters' second choice. found this vox article from this week.
  8. if you want to shit yourself, here's a dan carlin podcast episode on the nuclear chain of command
  9. warren placed above biden in IA and NH, but below him in SC and NV. it will be interesting to see how they do on super tuesday.
  10. warren is great. she's the one who saw the 08 crash coming and called it. then she built the cfpb. then she took the seat of one of the gop senators who blocked her appointment as cfpb head.
  11. that's always the case. now that i am looking at sanders through the lens of arriving at the convention with the most delegates, he looks like a president, and not a bad one. it's an easy argument to make. just like the dems want bernie bros to be cool and get behind the dem nominee... the dems need to chill out and just get behind bernie. i think they can do it.
  12. he had no money. thats been reported for a bit. bernie is taking ca, tx, other tuesday states, and the nomination they will come around. many of them anyway. i think this is just how it works. you dont get your guy, deal with it. bernie is a good guy. bernie will be i could see a scenario in which amy, biden, and/or pete, drop out after tuesday. because of the video you posted. he expects to tank and then drop out. he is letting her know that he is not about to clean up.
  13. i bet bernie ends up with a good lead and gets the nomination. obama won in 08 because he wanted it. he scratched for the numbers. when i look at the campaigns, a lot of them are running great campaigns but i think the one who is clawing for it may be bernie. he's been plotting since 16. rank in the first 4, get CA, and grow the following.
  14. couple new free ones. kae is a beaut. https://exmat.bandcamp.com/track/kae https://exmat.bandcamp.com/album/exm-iii-iiiiii also a new ep vinyl just appeared on touched, seems to be going fast. https://touchedrevolutions.bandcamp.com/album/ls16
  15. this guy was good also bill gates wrote an op-ed for new england journal of medicine. dude has been fighting epidemics for decades with his massive non-profit. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2003762
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