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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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  1. may be rude

    Rob pls

    guys check exm out he has a bunch of free stuff https://exmat.bandcamp.com/
  2. here's a wapo fact checker article that's informative of the details surrounding warren's dna test results and the reporting that misrepresented the results Just about everything you’ve read on the Warren DNA test is wrong https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/10/18/just-about-everything-youve-read-warren-dna-test-is-wrong/ she has native american ancestry and her family stories were verified by the test trump said he would give a million dollars to charity if warren got a test that found she had native american ancestry, and then she did. trump renegged. it may be unusual to identify with a dilluted ancestral ethnicity, but it's understandable with a unique ethnicity like native american that one may be proud of it and identify with it more. one unadmixed native american 6 generations back is the same as one half-native-american 5 generations back. that would be warren's great great great grandparent, and that would be rememberd through family stories. accusations that warren used her ethnic claim for advantage don't seem to be born out by evidence. people who hired her at harvard said it had nothing to do with their choice and warren was clearly over-qualified for the job. also at least some of the forms from her history that have been dug up said the field was for statistical purposes and would not make a difference. making fun of her for being proud of her ancestry is childish and lame. she never claimed tribal membership people are allowed to talk about their ancestry it looks like she may have plagiarized 2 recipes in a cookbook in 1984 that's the worst they have on her. 2 recipes from a cookbook in 1984
  3. lynch did a short on netflix that's not bad. what did jack do? https://www.netflix.com/title/81226955
  4. cdc people saying covid-19 reaching pandemic criteria soon outbreak is very likely community transmission is expected becoming a community virus is likely, meaning it *doesnt* go away hopefully the 2% death rate is based on skewed data, and we can get it lower. still, fuck. would be nice if vaccine turn-around were "fairly quick" as trump says. but experts say the projection for a vaccine is 12 months+
  5. colbert is good. that 1 minute clip of mostly chris christie is, obviously, not representative
  6. forecasts for SC and super tuesday are bernie town, meaning that's the game for the nomination*. though my choice is warren i am happy with bernie. i hope he doesn't have a medical event this year. medical people i talk to always give a dreadful look regarding an 80 year old who just had a heart attack running for president. and they're probably not even thinking about the ridiculous intensity of this particular election. *likely he won't get majority of delegates though, meaning a massive shitshow at the convention. luckily we can all trust the media to keep people well informed as the democrats struggle with a heavily nuanced national conversation. i bet he gets the nomination, though there are still some wild cards
  7. rachel maddow is here to make you feel better. apparently trump had previously dropped, cut, fired, and forced out much of the apparatus that would handle this kind of thing. and now his administration is, yes, ineptly bungling things. the government doesn't even know what the chain of command is. they accidentally put 14 people infected with the virus onto buses with other americans, all about to be flown to the states. then they realized what they did, and, against cdc recommendation, the state department insisted they just fly those 14 people back to the states with the healthy people anyway. then trump publicly said it was the right thing to do, but then later publicly said he didn't know who did that and it was wrong. mainly relevant to people in the states, although the US typically does play a consequential role in international efforts, in these situations. for example, obama's administration worked effectively to help contain and resolve the ebola situation.
  8. what godel said is that primary votes needing party registration is not voter suppression, and that is correct.
  9. here's Admiral McRaven's op-ed, about the firing of DNI Maguire over his briefing of congress on Russia's current election meddling (in tump's benefit) William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/william-mcraven-if-good-men-like-joe-maguire-cant-speak-the-truth-we-should-be-deeply-afraid/2020/02/21/2068874c-5503-11ea-b119-4faabac6674f_story.html
  10. the atmosphere the ultimate nominee will be walking into, the way it's looking right now with barr's doj and trump's abuse of power, is pretty insane. combine the following gravity of being at brink of constitutional crisis, if doj declines to enforce judicial orders ominousness of trump's actions consistent with abetting a foreign attack on the country, as former cia director brennan recently stated and as publicly proven challenge of going into an election against a flagrantly corrupt president who, in multiple ways, has broken laws in order to inappropriately influence US elections for his benefit uncertainty of not knowing how far congressional gop will go to enable the administration's authoritarian behavior, and if gop members are personally compromised by blackmail authoritarian threat posed by a president of this character, facing threat of prosecution after leaving office, particularly in light of the tell-tale autocrat identifier, among numerous others: weaponization of the criminal justice system clear messaging conditioning the public for a scenario of trump questioning the legitimacy of election results, and remaining in office beyond 2 terms cause for concern of unecesary war, particularly in light of the illegal, dubiously predicated, and obscenely reckless strike on soleimani that only didn't lead to widescale war by miracle. clear pattern of encouraging military and police brutality and corruption, even to the extent of loudly and explicitly condoning outright murderous behavior now extensive history of disrupting us diplomatic, justice, and intelligence operations i've been saying that this is a chapter in US history, the only question is how big. that's starting to not be a question anymore. it's now a major chapter. best case scenario is a quick halt and cleaning of the damage. the alarmist narrative is more realistic than ever. who do you want to send in there? i say warren.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_primary#History https://www.vox.com/2016/4/5/18089408/brokered-convention-contested-explained https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brokered_convention the dnc can't "rig" anything. they do whatever they want. primaries aren't in the constitution, they are constructs the parties decided to begin doing in 1968, in their current form. the party chooses the nominee. they always have and they still reserve the right to, in certain circumstances, like in the case of no one getting half the pledged delegates. i think the established system leaves the party with a ton of leeway, then. pod save america or fivethirtyeight podcast were saying the party can even bring in an outsider, a non-candidate, at that point. btw fivethirtyeight's "model" is seeing a brokered convention as the most likely scenario, now https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo
  12. good debate last night. i was cracking up the whole time. the knives were out. what i've liked about warren for years is how she will viciously call people out, when appropriate, impressively well. she also has, overall, been trying to focus on running a positive campaign. that makes sense, strategically, but last night she knew that it was time to show people what she could do to an opponent, because voters want to nominate someone who will beat trump. and that is one of the reasons why warren is the best candidate, she will give you a mental breakdown on stage. she lit into bloomberg effectively and was landing strikes on the others as well. pete looked good. biden, too. bernie had good moments. klobuchar took damage. bloomberg looked bad. full debate:
  13. album seems like a unique and dense burst of energy. interesting blend of light and dark. two squares up.
  14. Trump Offered Assange Pardon if He Covered Up Russian Hack, WikiLeaks Founder’s Lawyer Claims https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-offered-assange-pardon-if-he-covered-up-russian-hack-court-hears?source=twitter&via=desktop idekwe
  15. funny how bill barr's dad is named donald and wrote this a lot going on with barr right now: the house judiciary committee is questioning barr in march about improper influence of doj investigations. many congress members are seeking to remove him. last week, over two thousand doj alumni signed a letter saying barr and trump are turning the country into an autocracy, and he must resign: the federal jugdes association - 1,100 federal judges - is having an emergency meeting today to address issues generated by Barr’s interference and Donald Trump’s continued threats to the judiciary a week ago barr jumped in on the roger stone sentencing, after prosecutors advised around 9 years. barr said maybe stone should get no prison time. it is very out of the ordinary for an AG to supercede sentencing reccomendations from prosecutors. the prosecutors resigned in protest immediately after. this is also very unusual in DOJ. in the michael flynn case, which was nearing sentencing, barr is now having an outside prosecutor review the case. this unusual step coincides with flynn seeking to revoke his earlier guilty plea (for lying to fbi agents about promising to relieve sanctions on russia during the transition). a report came out this week that barr shut down several investigations of trump, many of which the public does not know about former AG don ayer, who previously worked with barr, said barr must resign
  16. he changed the names of some tracks from early in the dump so they are now marked as pbod. nice batch of tracks active rn...
  17. tell some veteran victims of fraud that her veteran fraud prevention legislation is not substantial. as for your comment about gender, not touching that with a stick.
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