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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. medical professionals express concern about bernie's age. mental decline with sudden onset in the 80s is common, so the difference of early 70s vs late 70s actually is significant. medical professionals also say that the recent heart attack is not good. furthermore, his own staff had remarked that he seemed to be slowing. and, my own perception is that bernie appears to have slowed a bit in the last few years. if you compare warren's govtrack to bernie's govtrack you will see that she has 9 enacted bills, where bernie has 7 and she's only been in the congress for a quarter of the time. furthermore, she has accomplishments from before her time in the senate, such as building an entire government agency, the CFPB, and teaching at harvard.
  2. if only there were a younger, sharper, savvier, more accomplished, more energetic version of bernie running for president, who isn't trying to redeem socialism, the exact ideology of public spending that makes republican voters be republican voters.
  3. the gop decided against primaries in many states, actively precluding any challenge to dj trump
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/02/07/antarctica-just-hit-65-degrees-its-warmest-temperature-ever-recorded/ Antarctica just hit 65 degrees, its warmest temperature ever recorded i'm sure it will be fine
  5. the fear inoculum songs were better live than on the CD. as good as the production of the album is, you can't capture the live sound. tool has always been noticably better than their counterparts at making use of live, arena sound. the bass, textures, and sound design make the pummeling performance that much more impactful. i think danny said something about how, with the new songs, they were trying to allocate frequency ranges to each-other... it was like hearing the real songs for the first time. invincible destroys.
  6. it blows my mind how much the right wing blob is covering up with trump, and how so many people are successfully duped and blinded to glaring realities. at least the dems made the GOP own it. that was always the play. pelosi saw it. all the GOPs could do was let their skin hang and vote no, and cheer like idiots at the SOTU. gop-deceptosphere is the root cause from which trump emerged, and pelosi made the GOP sign their names on a fraud that is relatively plain for their constituents to see. "stand with the team" is apparently what GOPs text each other when they try to keep people from abiding by their consciences. i liked romney's speech.
  7. i thought warren's post-iowa speech was pretty good klobuchar's, biden's, bernie's, and pete's don't inspire me with confidence
  8. there's nothing unbelievable about the official story. seems lame to me that the media is trying to cash in on a sensationalist spin. "iowa debacle" just because the results aren't ready immediately. that's how it is in a lot of states. seems like they had adequate paper back-ups and they are proceeding with appropriate caution, given that the original reporting mechanism was abandoned on caucus night. the precinct captains realized they couldn't use the app the night of. it wasn't tested thoroughly enough. the real story is biden. i was watching msnbc iowa coverage and they had people in i think 5 of the precinct caucuses and some had like 3 biden people. also sanders may have showed some weakness, for someone who seemed to be polling in the lead in iowa. also noteworthy that pete, amy, and warren did well.
  9. cheers. to be clear, you downloaded them? not recorded?
  10. murkoski voted against new witnesses. lamar alexander too, but his statement conceded the alleged conduct occurred. he reasoned that, because there was not bipartisan support for impeachment, the charges don't merrit conviction. witness vote failed 51-49. so no bolton in the senate, but he is free to do an interview in the next few days. he liked a tweet suggesting this idea, so maybe that's possible. now in the trial there still remains closing arguments on monday and then the final vote on wednesday. senator alexander's statement conceding the conduct alleged by the House impeachment managers is interesting. other gop senator statements had similar language. mulvaney knew the final messaging - we did it, get over it. that's the senate gop argument now. trump did it, but they don't want to remove him from office. at least the House managers accomplished that. the arguments against conviction don't stand up, and the arguments for conviction are strong. but the senate gop are pretty self-interested and their big factors are polling for trump support in their home states staying in the graces of their party
  11. Elon Musk Returns With New Song "Don’t Doubt Ur Vibe"
  12. i try to envision the distant future, and how our time is being digitally captured in detail for future generations to examine. they will be fascinated by this time, when we are transitioning from the archaic information ecosystem to a new one, which is and will be vastly different. we don't yet know the ultimate form that is taking shape, and we don't yet know the full import of what is happening. so, yeah, i agree with you on your points. i'm just trying to highlight the error of all these unserious shills, which will be on display for all of the future.
  13. deliberately circulating deceptive information at large scale is a serious public safety hazard. Fox, the GOP, and all these grinning shit-heads are making eternal fools of themselves by contributing to the collective mental degradation.
  14. anyway... romney, collins, and murkowski now clearly signalling witness votes. that's 3. CJ Roberts breaks ties. Still 4 days before witness vote, apparrently friday. trump defense finishes their "case" today/tomorrow, then there are 2 days of questioning by the senate directed towards both the impeachment managers and the trump defense team. the count can only grow. it looks like bolton testimony is happening. and nyt reported last night that bolton is establishing first-hand direction by trump of US aid conditionality on Ukraine announcing investigations of both the Bidens and the GRU theory whitewashing 2016 hack&dump attribution. senate gop are worried they might not be able to get away with covering this up.
  15. stephen miller seems to be a white supremicist, as evidenced by leaked emails. recommended articles by white supremicists pushed link between immigrants and crime recommends white supremicist book Camp of the Saints he's a key architect of trump immigration policy bannon said "He’s burrowed down into the apparatus to make fundamental change" also noteworthy trump's dad was arrested at a kkk march in 1927 trump resisted applying domestic terrorist categorization to white-supremicists, against urging of officials, even after mass shootings in US said there were fine people on both sides, after car driven into crowd of counter-protesters at white supremicist rally in charleston Chose the 6 muslim countries in Africa that Trump don't have a business presence in, for his travel ban 0-tolerance policy implementation (family separation) did not include tracking whose children were whose, resulting in hundreds of lost and stranded children
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