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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i like that tool masters their albums with monitors mounted on bedrock.
  2. so the house gop voted unanimously for the mueller report to be released. and 10 gop senators so far are voting to block the emergency declaration. huh
  3. getting ready for a bike ride. remembered there are hours of unlistened AE_LIVE what's in your wallet
  4. Once again, the master obstructionist. Can't believe shit turtle is up for re-election next year. I could go on another countless empty rant about how much this presidency sucks, but it'd be wasted energy. Besides, it's pretty much up to Mueller and House Democrats to do the right thing. hopefully they will get some shit done, and they may, but people cannot bank on mueller or the house cleaning the place up. one of the best ways to remove a president from office is with an election. the criminal justice system lets guilty people go all the time, because criminal justice has inherent limitations. the most significant thing cohen said during his public testimony 2 weeks ago was this: "given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today." not only do we need to be ready to beat trump, its looking like - apparently - we need to make sure he is destroyed so clearly that he will not attempt to overthrow US democracy :(
  5. not sure if to spite obama or to make putin happy probably a big factor is just the general fuck you to everybody
  6. i hope dems keep making mcconnell deny a vote on HR1
  7. warren is the one who will go at the root issues in an effective way. as much as i like bernie, i see warren getting more done.
  8. the politicians that says government shouldn't do much are lazy
  9. lawfare does these "no bull" edits of congressional hearings where they cut out everything except the interesting parts. elena kagan has actually been doing the editing herself recently. here's the cohen one. there is actually a lot of consequential information in there.
  10. melber got a 30 minute interview. melber is the man. nicole wallace's interview is also good and has revelations
  11. this mccabe stuff is nuts. check this one - edit: timestamps don't work. 11:54. whole thing's good, too
  12. I've been enjoying lipid funk quite a bit since I got the flac. got to admit its a coincidence that kr ms+800 bit ended up being the same person that everyone thought was aphex, and uses a cirklon.
  13. there's a misconception i've noticed. people express frustration that candidates are flawed. democracy is not supposed to produce perfect people, it's just better than the alternative. we need to rotate in new flesh.
  14. if you disregard the journalists, activists, and political opponents murdered and jailed, and how he siphons the wealth from his poor country, and how he outright steals elections, he seems like he could be a shit-head.
  15. good read on where we're at with who mueller's boss is also apparently stone involved in russian intelligence coordinating with wikileaks to dump hillary emails
  16. maddow last night was good one. podcast link. big developments yesterday including: manafort's sentencing recomendation from the special counsel's office lays out that the things he lied about - breaching his plea deal and utterly fucking himself - were largely about his contacts with kilimnik. stone's case is linked with the gru case and the special counsel's office has communications between both stone and gru (guccifer2) and stone and wikileaks. the manafort one is compelling. just flynn lying to the fbi about talking with russians about sanctions is startling. manafort lying while engaged in a cooperation agreement earned him life in prison, and the thing he lied about was contacts with russian intelligence. mueller's write-up about manafort is wild edit: https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/developments-in-three-mueller-related-cases-advance-trump-scandal-1443687491617
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