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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. HYPE UP :aphexsign: Wtf! What are those sweet beats?! That just sound so fucking goooooooood!!! reminds me of field day promos
  2. idk man. we should be getting a redacted version soon. will be interesting to see. seems like the obstruction section was meant for congress. i.e., mueller declined to decline because doj is not on firm footing to indict, so he handed it off to the body that's meant to handle these things. mueller's team is speaking to numerous press outlets, saying barr's summary whitewashes the report. apparently barr's public summary was not required, and omitted summaries mueller's team prepared for public release.
  3. i was pleasantly surprised by the death side of the "a walk with love & death" album.
  4. if clear evidence of substantial obstruction of justice were laid out, would you support impeachment?
  5. 42DIMENSIT3 e3 is underrated. it's one my favorites of the modern aphex era.
  6. yeah, political rhetoric gets over the top too much
  7. I read this post and heard Alex Jones’s voice in my head. I’m sure you think you’re being very logical and level headed, but do you ever consider you’ve actually fallen victim to mass hysteria/delusion? I’m sure all of these “facts” make sense to you, but a mainstream conspiracy theory is still a conspiracy. I just think it’s lame that centrist liberals act like it’s so obvious that trump is a Russian asset, but poopoo any other conspiracy theory that doesn’t fit their narrative. you mad? i don't even think trump necessarily coordinated with russia. funny you mention sports teams, it's weird that conservatives are looking the other way. did you read what i wrote? i was laying out some interesting facts. there is cause for concern, was my point.
  8. I don’t really have a dog in the fight since I’m in truth a political nihilist, but it’s sad to see centrists dismiss Yang without any concrete reasoning. Basically your standard ad hominem. Besides, UBI is just his platform. He isn’t going to actually do it. It’s a fake solution to a real problem, just like Trump’s wall, but where the wall was meant to stoke tribalism worldwide (help tip the scales on brexit, etc.), UBI is meant to illuminate the impending obsolescence of the majority of American jobs, plus the tole those jobs are taking on mental health (namely retail and trucking). do you care that trump fired the AG who wouldnt protect him from the mueller investigation and nominated barr, who wrote about issues with the mueller investigation? then the mueller report said it looked like there probably was obstruction of justice, and seemed to recommend congress take it up, and the AG said nah? that's fine? reminds me of when trump asked comey to stop investigating flynn, and comey said no, and trump fired comey. then flynn plead guilty. kind of seems like obstruction of justice. btw the intel community told the trump admin flynn was compromised by russia and the trump admin declined to let him go as nat sec advisor for weeks, until the press got too bad. he lied to the fbi about talking to the russian gov about lifting sanctions. these are facts.
  9. wait this site charges you twice and doesnt give you aphex? i think i know why richard chose it.
  10. it does seem like mueller was trying to hand obstruction over to congress and barr inserted himself in there. a number of expert observers are pointing out that barr did not need to take a position on obstruction because mueller chose not to. actually the language in barr's letter about mueller considering whether or not to use the criminal standard seems to imply another venue of consideration - like impeachment, which is how these things are supposed to be handled. this is what impeachment is for. mueller including the list of obstruction evidence in the report lays out the invitation to subpoena it. will be interesting how redacted of a thing barr will put out, and if people will settle for it. nadler's already said they'll subpoena barr to testify, presumably in public.
  11. i believe that's incorrect. no one knows who a sealed indictment is from. that's part of the secrecy. so they wouldn't say. we do know that there are a number at a docket that mueller uses, some observers describing it as an unusually large amount.
  12. stuff's getting handed off to other groups, like sdny, etc. sdny indicted manafort this month (apart from the mueller indictments). nadler's house judiciary took the list of mueller subpoenas and just did the same thing. that's another way mueller's work is getting handed off. we also don't yet know what barr makes of the report, or anything at all about what's in it. actually, if some big fish were about to fry, they would let the AG finish reading the report before launching the raids... he said he may finish reviewing it this weekend. we also don't know what sealed indictments are awaiting timing considerations.
  13. aphex twin has had very exciting merch lately
  14. Jacques Vallet's appoach is pretty cool. i think he says something like, regardless of physical reality, there is a phenomenon of sightings being reported. he deals with data in a professional way, he did this work for governments, and seems to evince good skepticism, as far as i know. he finds parallels among sightings data and suggests that it may be not purely physical in nature, the way we think of physical, mechanical things. like, a ufo maybe choses to take the form of a ufo, and the perception of the phenomenon may be intended. hehe
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