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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i am going to be balling large
  2. :/ user364304579 has 2 songs. they're 2 for 2 at getting "is it aphex" threads.
  3. Correct, first thing I thought about when I heard kr ms​+​800 bit was this track ohh. the lipid funk person. thanks for the link. looks like that's purchasable, now, here: https://colorsquadrecords.bandcamp.com/album/c-o-l-o-r-s-q-u-a-d-0-4 i'm not hearing it being the same artist. i'm still thinking aphex for kr ms+800 bit. it has the alien artifact feel.
  4. it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion yep. cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times. it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. information vetting is a really difficult skill. epistemology itself is an unsolved problem. we can and will improve, though. it's become a theater of war.
  5. it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion
  6. lately i am always making my own playlists and generally do not prefer just listening to entire albums, even on shuffle. london, however, is pretty great to play on shuffle also, i just looked into the album classification thing again and apparently the catalog number indicates warp considered the vinyl an ep.
  7. One could hope. NRA could certainly never recover, never thought of it but the gun lobby could indeed splinter off. The old mainline gun rights folks versus the right-wing nutjob divide is emerging again, the former can only hold onto power for so long. I really with the GOP would implode, but I see this either as the longest one out and/or never quite happening. I do think a Dem majority is coming again but the cynic in me expects them to still not fulfill their potential. I also worry that post-Trump the GOP will flush out the worst but still maintain a brainwashed following as the lesser but still corrupt stay in power. The dream is a far left party versus centrist left leaning party with an imploded GOP forming a weak non-majority contingency. I'll settle with a center left Democrat majority sweep by 2020 at this point though. i feel like a concerted gerrymandering campaign has left the gop with a healthy advantage. there is a lot of anecdotal evidence where votes go two thirds blue by popular vote but they get half the seats or something like that.
  8. i don't know if trump understood how shutdowns work
  9. at least it makes paul ryan feel good to see shutdowns go on without him
  10. chris hayes lays out the origin of the wall idea starting at 1:17, which is pretty amazing. mnemonic device given to him by advisors so he wouldn't forget to talk about immigration. also at 13:40 there's a good bit on the transcript of the call between trump and the mexican president
  11. trump is negotiating like the child. he may have finally tripped himself up good, politically. *hears self say that*
  12. there was like a 15 second clip that some musican friend took of them jamming this year. i can't find it now. it sounded nice and heavy
  13. i bet it will be pretty good to excellent.
  14. hm, yeah, similar clap/hats. different kicks though. the mix opens up nicely on my monitors.
  15. he does seem determined to destroy anything obama did. watch this.
  16. you mean you feel less concerned because he's too incompetent to realize his destructive ambitions? i do not feel comfortable. let's say catastrophic effects of climate change happen in the next hundred years and, resultedly, the global economic prosperity and relative international peace go to shit and the world has to struggle and adapt through a post-modern era of war, oppression and poverty. how will the histories of the year 2300 look back on the people of our time, who, smiling, looked the other way and let it happen? there's a cultural relativism that is making us ok with things that are extremely not ok. that's the way i feel about getting inured to DT. watch fail army. people laugh and think they will be ok right before they destroy their spine. history is the same way.
  17. too perfect. maybe he experiences time twice as fast?
  18. i know you guys love these threads so check out this one https://touched.bandcamp.com/track/kr-ms-800-bit it's an awesome song and very well produced. i think it's richard. no?
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