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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. heh. they've put out a newsletter every month since 2000. https://www.toolband.com/newsletter-archives. they're weird and meandering and often lack any tool news
  2. the november newsletter seems to say they're done tracking. it took about 8 months
  3. do they have a new album already? if they want to just keep releasing albums... i will keep buying them
  4. that brings me back to a point i made on the second page of this thread though. any reason to send a human somewhere is a reason to just make the robots better. there's no good reason to send people anywhere. it's a weird entertainment instinct that causes people to want it. the cost decrease that happens when you don't send humans is at least an order of magnitude. it will result in better robotics, which provide a better return on investment. the only way to establish to a high degree of likelihood that mars doesn't have native microbial life is for there to be an extensive and long-standing robotic presence there, looking for it. maybe i'm wrong but that would seem like the right way to do this. and it would seem fitting for there to be a protocol like you could do round trips to mars orbit, but trips to the surface are one-way. so any chance of earth contamination can be eliminated. at least at first.
  5. i mean it's just not hard to imagine something like whatever killed the native americans but much worse. maybe it's not likely, but would this be bad practice? how many heavenly body return trips does it take to run out your odds?
  6. This is when humanity realizes that round trips to things that could have microbial life is a horrible idea.
  7. or he has huge financial ties to saud and doesn't mind sending a shock to the journalism community. the kind of shock they get when one of them is killed by corrupt politicians they are covering. inexcusably heinous. repugnant to the senses. noxious. is this a tacit threat to the press at large? trump has been brazenly threatening to his opponents, particularly in the press. we just learned he actually sought to have hillary and comey prosecuted. is this the rich baby dipping his tiny foot into authoritarian murder water? it certainly lends itself to that interpretation
  8. matt whitaker... anyway, here's a funny picture of mitch mcconnell voting
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