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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. Re-installed Diablo3 a week ago after a year or so break. I read that there was a major patch/overhaul to prepare for the upcoming expansion. Pretty nice changes, auction house is finally gone, and the rng on loot is geared toward the player's class. Rare and legendary items got huge buffs as well. Legendary items are available to trade to anyone in your current game and then become account bound.

    I've already upgraded almost all my gear, and gotten around 25 paragon levels in the last week due to the new difficulty mechanics. I'm currently playing on Torment 2 which gives me something like 500% xp/gold/magic item chance increase, and I believe the paragon levels are infinite. Torment is the hardest difficulty level, but within Torment there is something like 6 levels of difficulty. Each paragon lvl gives you a point to put into stats.


    Looking forward to Act 5 and trying out the new class when Reaper of Souls goes live in a few days.

  2. Getting Doug with High, anyone seen this? It's a live youtube show with comedian Doug Benson(super high me). A live show is starting in a few minutes. I've only recently seen a couple past broadcasts on his youtube channel. Going to catch the live show tonight. It's really just a show of comedians getting high and talking shit & joking around for an hour.


    Anyways the show is starting soon, I have no idea who the guest is going to be. Figured i'd share here:

    (there's also one of those youtube chat rooms with about 700 ppl currently waiting for the show to start. Of course they are all chatting about getting high).



  3. So I got a letter in the mail from an Attorney back in Florida saying I have unclaimed dividends owed to me, and for a %17.5 fee they will send me some money. So I found this website www.fltreasurehunt.org and put my name in. It came up, so I emailed them and asked about the claim. A woman from the dept. of financial services and the bureau of unclaimed properties for the state of Florida replied to my email. She also sent me a pdf file with a long list of unclaimed dividends adding up to almost $3,000.00. Each claim was from a recognizable company that I've dealt with in the past. Mostly stocks. So, honestly not sure if legit or great scam preying on a poor cripple. Anyone mind looking at that treasurehunt link and tell if that site looks legit?


    That money would build me a new greenhouse, we'll see.

  4. Winter's Bone - Whoa. This is some backwoods, hillabilly, gummo/deliverance family oriented business. Pretty dark.

    The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete - The young kids are good actors. I love Pete. Pretty sad, but another great excuse to get lost in entertainment.

  5. Stopped by the Central Waters brewery on the way to my 97-year old cousin Maynard's house a few days ago and purchased a 4-pack of this bourbon barrel stout. It was pretty strong, but once I allowed it to warm-up, it really was delicious for being nearly 10%.



  6. Starbound on Steam. It's an early access beta. I wanted to wait for winter sale to purchase but I couldn't hold out. It's a mix of terraria and minecraft. The worlds you discover are beautiful, and the music really sets a nice atmosphere. It's one of those games I can find myself completely immersed in. And hours seem to just fly by. You can also play multiplayer, but I have been exploring solo so far.

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