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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. *CIA puts you on terrorist list* that's awesome BTW. Always feels great to do man-stuff. I repaired an oil furnace in my house and felt like I gained a few chest-hairs. But fuck, a bobcat, you basically just earned a pelt. MAN PELT.
  2. In a country where 45+% of the people didn't vote, this is what you get. In a country where we cast aside reasonable candidates and promote the worst via media, this is what you get. It's been said before me - but I feel like Heston at the end of Planet of the Apes. God damn us all to hell
  3. Making the government be the 'single payer' was too 'big government' for them. Same fucks who use red diesel commenting about how the government has too many programs. Absolute cognitive dissonance
  4. Never knew what those were until now. Like tubular flavored bugles or some shit. Sounds like they have some fuckin' weird flavors. Ever mix em together and try to guess the flavors?
  5. Sounds like a plug track kinda, but I can't place if it's actually been used by him. Slow it down and it's a pretty dope hip-hop break
  6. ^^^ we need a rule - if you're going to have the gall to post a 20+ minute video of Alex Jones... oh wait... it's JUST Alex Jones talking (I don't even get to see his jowels redden up) cliffnotes that shit for everyone for fucks sake. Ain't nobody got the time or patience to listen to this fucking blowhard for 20+ minutes
  7. Daves Insanity is not a forgiving sauce! That shit is awful! I tricked a bunch of drunk coworker-yahoos into trying it when I was bartending years back by telling them I knew a secret to not having hot sauce burn. The secret I told them was to put it in between a bunch of peanut butter on crackers. They did it, and holy fuck it was funny. Peanut butter doesn't do shit to stop it from being spicy. Sociopathic, yes. Funny, also yes.
  8. People still want these douchebags to do videos? I thought MtN Dew, LAN parties and calling people fags got old after the age of 15...
  9. I'm hearing this is some 4chan troll somewhere else. either way, it's lush. Hope its him really being peed on, but who knows.
  10. I'll say it again, JE's hot ball-crushing dominatrix sister and this crazy blonde conservative wet-dream just need to get in a mud pit and wrestle while debating for the good of the nation. I can't be alone in thinking this. Red state girls pop get poppin' pussy every day, b.
  11. Audioblysk


    ^^ that one reminds me of that sample in the box energy afx remix. My gf doesn't understand a lick of what he says and it's super funny
  12. ^^^Jesus Christ, this windbag again... I like how she conveniently left out the whole point of Streep being upset - Donald Trump mocking a physically handicapped reporter. No mention of that. It's pretty damn inexcusable, but nobody seems to defend it on either side. lol at the 'Go Cowboys' tossed in the full-on yelling rant. WE LIKE MMA N FEWTBAWL DAMMIT FUCK U MERYL, GO COWBOYS. Pretty sure Donald Trump was considered a moderate-left reality TV celebrity up until the last few years and is still very much considered a 'lying sack of crap'. We can't rant about the 'importance of the electoral college' when 45% of the fucking country didn't even vote. Let's be real. I like that the one time they let her out of her red-state echo-chamber, she proved herself to be a fool merely regurgitating a bunch of lame points with Trever Noah. He should have gone way harder on her, and I'm disappointed he didn't. I highly doubt she'll be on any other show where the host has half a brain, because her rhetoric gets obliterated when confronted and while it backs itself into a corner - it shows its true colors. Talking about hard-working Americans and shit when she probably hasn't worked more than a few years of hard work herself, if at all, is totally laughable and redneck idiots should call her out on that. It's absolute madness that this woman is given even a modicum of respect or allowed to have a platform to keep angrily spewing such dumb garbage.
  13. Audioblysk


    The more I watch it, the more I love it. Also, at first, my ability to understand Scottish was next to none, now I gets it.
  14. Canadian textbook of numbers and words #7. Made by Rand McNallEHHHHH
  15. Audioblysk


    Huh... so that's Scottish comedy..
  16. geddabiiiiike but then how can blame ethnics? Ethnics can always be blamed. You know this, Chen. The reason he gets a bike is to avoid ethnics. His bosses will applaud and ask if he's packing any firearms in case the ethnics try to steal his bike That is whe Luke whips out his katana to another round of joyous applause and cheering. Or maybe I'm describing my NyQuil dreams (Lol fuckin iPhone autocorrects brand names to have proper capitalization, I blame ethnics and will be building a wall around my phone)
  17. I feel horrible. I haven't been this sick in who knows how long... holy fuck kill me The fuck are you going? That seems rather odd for the Seattle area
  18. Fever hitting me harde. 101F and I have no fuckin' insurance to see a doctor. Fml. My work is being super annoying about me taking sick days. Probably one of the worst things about being in the American workforce is that employers either don't believe you're sick or you're a pussy and should suck it up - thus exposing the virus to everyone because I couldn't take a few days to get my health together
  19. """This is why democrats lost, this is why commie Bernie lost, because you are so arrogant you can't come to terms that Trump won because we are sick and tired of the policies of war mongers, democrats and republicans. Get your head out of your asses, stop crying like little bitches, and realize things are going to change from your leftists ideology. Globalism is dying everywhere and pride for your country is rising. There is nothing racist about it. It's Nationalism not socialist nationalism just like redistribution of wealth as you see it as means to a communist utopia what it really is is an act of the likes of Hitler and you can't come with the terms that your party is the KKK party, the NAZI party =the BLM=the SJW party.""" - some guy who I sadly engaged in an internet argument with on a friends facebook. It came to this after he got stumped in all directions by multiple people People like this exist and think they're woke as fuck
  20. everyone in my industry is all worried about WA's legal cannabis industry getting fucked by Trump and the gang. I highly doubt he's that dumb. Hopefully if he's half the twat of a businessman he seems to be he'd see the $ generated from legalization and start collecting some tax $$$ and making jobs
  21. The levels of morphine can vary from pretty high to virtually non-existent in PST concoctions. Not the best way at all to go about any of that. Plus, lots of other alkaloids in the mix are pretty nasty. It's a long, droopy, itchy high that gives a good headache due the thebaine content of the brew. Poppy pod extraction is far superior. Its actually quite easy to get relatively pure morphine from an extraction a 3rd grader could do. Don't want to get too specific here, but just something to look into. Very basic chemistry to get the morphine anions to crash out of the solution if you kno your alchemy.
  22. How are you getting morphine in this day and age? It's easy to do from certain things, but I never pegged you for a chemistry person
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