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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Oregon is just as Podunk in some places as pretty much any place where American culture breeds into bizarre conspiracy theories and gun fetishism. Ignorance knows no state or international border.
  2. There is a profile of safety associated with the non methylated amphetamine when used at a consistent purity, dosage and increment of dosage. Adderall is just a mixture of amphetamine salts. Essentially, it's just an enantiomerically specific version of the same chemical that made up ol' 70's biker dope. Methamphetamine is very closely related chemically. Methamphetamine, even in clinical settings or when it's very rarely prescribed, eventually becomes fairly neurotoxic over a long period of time due to its relative potency and methyl (-CH3) substitution making it have a higher affinity for certain binding sites. Meth is also much more stable chemical that not only takes longer for the body to break down as apposed to amphetamines, it also metabolizes to amphetamines when taken orally as part of the process. There are subjective effects that are varying between meth and pharma-lab produced amphetamines - but it's really not too much different in some terms. It's really interesting that one is viewed as acceptable to prescribe to kids if parents are having a hard time making Billy go and do shit that he doesn't want to do. Stuff like sitting still and focusing on things for a long time before he's rewarded by spending all day on the internet and killing people in games.
  3. He is - there's a study he sited a while back in a drug thread where a doctor suggested (with some pretty solid evidence from animal studies) that amphetamine pharmacodynamically induces the same response in behavioral models as it's methylated friend methamphetamine when it comes to the mode of addiction and that when given a choice, addicted humans and animals will choose amphetamine over methamphetamine. Personally, I consider meth to be a much more enticing drug because it offers more euphoria to non-tolerant users. But, I believe that study showed that the euphoria soon fades with tolerance and they more-or-less become the same drug to the brain in some ways. Also on the reefer propaganda commercial - that's a goddamn crock of shit. If the commercial was switched to liquor it would just be every day reality. Even the most stern conservative can see the tax revenue WA and CO have generated and give pot a chance. The demo using of it is wearing a little thin as more studies come out in its favor. Cannabis by no means is a perfect drug, but FFS stop with the 'but what about the children?!' Argument to keep arresting people who get stoned and grow cannabis. Your kids will be exposed to things you could never imagine, might as well take the allure and stigma away from a plant that most people only use occasionally if ever.
  4. Fucking lol. I though delet was being funny. Either way it was funny. Worked as well as it possibly could have. I had no idea it plummeted Australia into a hellhole after getting rid of guns... my eyes have been opened
  5. How'd the whole taking guns work out in the land of Oz, delet?
  6. I have a nasty cold. Normally I'd go to a doctor to and milk some decent codeine syrup from the visit, but alas, my obamacare doesn't kick until next month. Thanks Obama. You've ruined my sickness-ritual of pretending to be a rapper.
  7. man, that was depressing to watch. The first guy seemed like he was really over the lifestyle. Hope all of them get the help and love they need to survive.
  8. Ever since visiting Bavaria and basically consuming beer in the place of water while there - I can't get enough german beer. I can drink it so easily, it's tasty and it's pretty cool to drink beers that are basically the mecca for euro beer origins. I used to be a big hop-head. Now when I drink a heavier IPA it's just not appealing. MY GOD WHAT HAS HAPPENED?
  9. lol perfect execution of the GIF (golf clap)
  10. Too damn tired on my days off to do much. God dammit. THC's decarboxylation temp along with its almost full solubility in lipids mean that you really only need to get it in oil around 250-300 degrees for about 15-30minutes max. I always cringe when I see people cook the living shit out of pot like they are frying a few pieces of chicken. At some point you convert the THC-a to its orally active, non-acid form, generally pretty quickly. But, also after a certain point at running it too high of temp for too long THC will degrade into a more stony and sluggish cannabinoid named CBN. You're an Aussie right? I hear all the time from Oz expats that are in my industry that loads of people grow down there. Probably total bullshit as I assume your country has strict laws on that and they are just cocky cunts. But if you can, you just gotta make a clever connection to a bloke willing to unload some trim on you and you'd be set for a few dozen moons on your canna-butter needs.
  11. Some pics from Iceland. IMGP4327 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4338 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4361 by polygon window, on Flickr' IMGP4151 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4184 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4226 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4283 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP4301 by polygon window, on Flickr
  12. They do seem to be ramping up the advertising... I was watching the new South Park on their streaming Hulu abomination website. The commercials on the site that my adblock didn't get rid of was a suuuper dumb Jared Leto advert for Gucci where he hangs out in a bathtub with a few girls that look like bulimic aliens and sniffs them. The next commercial was from Koch basically being like "hey, we know you've heard shit about us, but we are trying to do good things" in the most patronizing and fake tone ever with some children or some shit in the commercial. Not only were these commercials very out of place for the material I was watching, but I couldn't help think of our late Fluorescent Grey and his rumblings about the South Park creators being 'alt-right apologists'... made me chuckle. They probably don't have any control over their adverts on Hulu. Plus, JE is still a fuckin hot-air bag leaking gripes about the world and changing nothing with a hot sister who questions errything in a tone that says she'd love to dominate your testicles with her foot while clad in leather - for the most part.
  13. Sad truth is that many Americans are either unaware of the obvious playing of both sides - or - they just refuse to believe it. It's easier to have powers that be run a media campaign post-9/11 convincing us all to be musselman-phobes and that us spreading horrible militaristic imperialism is somehow keeping us safe. It's harder than to try and show a bunch of conditioned "I GOT MINE FUCK YOU IF YOU TRYIN'A GET UR'S" people that a system that directly benefits the people while removing huge lobbying powers and financial cronyism from what should (at this point) be a universal right to good health without becoming financially insolvent. Besides, our media is essentially to keep the status quo and to spin and project the next pocket-raping from the average citizen along with some nice bias and underhanded racism sometimes.. Our country doesn't do things to directly benefit the people it supposedly serves, it just does things that it can persuade dumb people into believing it's necessary and they should carry a bucket of nationalistic pride to dump on themselves and others when the obvious logical fallacies of our current system are actually brought up.
  14. Just fap through the poos Come out stronger on the other side Just bring some Gatorade
  15. 'Merica complains about guns being taken away when anyone proposes we should do something with gun control Right identifiers eople stockpile arms against the government and fear all these weirdo conspiracies about Obama, but then bitch about a dude not standing up for a song that most recline, fart and eat cheetos too. Left identifiers get nothing accomplished, have ushered in a wave of new PCism that's just annoying to listen to, want unrealistic free things (sorry, we waste fucktons of money, but not on our own peoples benefit) and are afraid of anything having to do with race. Both say they 'have black friends' when confronted with possibly being naive or racist about something Police are super worried about everyone having guns, 'specially black people, and therefore shit pops off and they keep getting tanks and shit to deal with fact that you can have a legal cache of weapons. Who knows if someone feels like deciding to kill anything, anywhere at anytime? Need to prepare for that. Then crazies get all crazy and say the gubmnt is gonna kill them and put them all in FEMA death Obama camps. Our news stations are admitted in their bias at this point, but people still side with them... somehow. All in all, good stuff going on here. EDIT: Oh yeah, that racism thing still exists. Hard.
  16. if you're leasing shouldn't your landlord pay for the wood in your floor to be redone? or you work something out? come down to portland.. the legal weedz are cheaper.. but i guess factoring in your gas money/time kinda evens it all out. legal grow ftw! my girlfriend's hippie parents have legally grown for years thanks to medical cards and they share with people too poor to buy for medical use. their motto is 'never for profit' plus i think that's the law down here.. can't grow your own for 'personal use' then turn around and sell it.. i find that i have to pile up the projects then just get them all done in one lump of time span with proper amount of coffee and music in the headphones. i have several waiting to commence.. i'm almost ready to install the replacement (shipped to me free under warranty) repair of the top part of the storm door on the entry way door that, god dammit, pulled apart at the corners and where the fancy retractable screen curls up into the top via some kind of engineering magic from Pella. My landlord and I have a weird understanding. He's greatly discounting my rent to compensate for when I decide to do the work and he's paying for materials. He also doesn't care about the little grow. This is pretty much just for myself and few close friends/family. I would rather just pay for electricity and have it for pennies than pay for weirdos to grow my state-sanctioned and taxed cannabis. I think the solution is to take a 3-day weekend and not work so much then pretty much force myself to get this shit done.
  17. I have a few projects around the house I'm too lazy to do. One requires me moving a bunch of stuff out of the basement and punching a few holes in some walls. Need to re-setup a little medical (legal) grow because recreational budz out here are spendy. The other one is re-doing the wood floor in my dining room. Both are big undertakings and after my 50 hour work weeks I just don't want to spend time on it when I can finally be a sloth in my own domicile. Also, I want to get a cat, but my lease doesn't allow it. I miss having cats.
  18. Golden orb weavers are the only species I've seen that look like that. I feel like the Australians of watmm are laughing at us. They are comfortable with spiders bigger than your hand, but still not comfortable with black peoples. What a world ;)
  19. Leftover chicken from last night. Made it with mashed potatoes, green beans and apple/port reduction. FUGGIN GOOD
  20. My GF absolutely has arachnophobia. She won't enter a room after a spider has been in it (and killed) for a few hours. I used to be freaked out by them until I realized how fragile and dumb they are. I like them in my gardens and encourage garden and cellar spiders, but not the fuckers that bite if they have to. They've been around he house lately (some are fucking huge) and she's been a handful with them lol. Funny enough the whole "I'm being a good person by letting a spider out" thing is total bullshit, at least in my neck of the woods. The reason a great deal of alpha-ass big spiders such as the hobo, euro giant house spider and a few others come indoors is because they are likely going to die outside. Changing of season, rain/snow, lack of food and destruction of dwellings sends spiders into your cozy home in search of possible food and safety. They are found a lot in bathroom fixtures because they crawl into them and then cannot get out, so that's usually where you see them aside from the occasional brazen scurry across the floor or after you move something. So yeah, if you want to subject the spider to a long, drawn-out death in the elements, put that fucker outside during any season besides late spring or summer. I prefer the ol' painless of sicking a cat on them or killing them very quickly.
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