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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Weed is ilegal but these women are being praise. There is no way that woman ran a 26 miles marathon.
  2. Year Zero and The Slip are his more passable lyrics, PHM,TDS are tolerable, With Teeth is a mixed bag and The Fragile is just a mess. Is Year Zero hollywood liberal? mm, the only song i find hollywood liberal from that album is Capital G (the one i always skip)
  3. oh found another one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Vta96u8Ug
  4. New song, i dont know if to cry or lol, lyric's-wise Trent Reznor is the new Jonatan Davis, or maybe Trent has always been JD but year zero made us forget. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUf-3d3CsAw
  5. To be fair it was probably worth it for Ron Livingston's one facial expression performance, i was laughing the whole time. One of the the lines that made me hahahha at laud was "You told me you needed a priest for an exorcism, you aren't a priest" deeeeeerp
  6. The Conjuring - This is Ron Livingston's movie, Ron stole the show as the typical 1970's dad with only one emotion in his face, whatever the situation his facial expressions never changed, it didnt matter if it was moving to a new house, the family's dog dying or his wife being possessed by some witch, his facial expression never changed, it was always the same, a emotionless bastard, the face of a psychopath if you ask me, he'll probably end up killing his whole family because he can't fix the chevy or something. /10 --- Real Review - I feel like i should ask yshf for a refund, this movie is so fucking average i couldn't believe my eyes, it had every single fucking cliche modern horror movies, it even had that same actor from another recent horror movie (which was better in my opinion), the same movie keeps coming out every year, yuk. It was well done i'll give them that but its sad that we are rewarding well polished turds now, cinema is sad. 6/10
  7. The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either In my opinion ..
  8. So gabber is the music venetian snares always wanted to make but he isn't talented enough ... mmmmmm
  9. Fuck, i forgot to add that the main actor was fucking brilliant, his performance is one of those things that you want to stand up and applaud.
  10. A Field In England - This is one of those films that is either a 0/10 or a 10/10, i think it was a 10/10. I think everyone should see this film but its going to be like going to the see an abstract art exhibition.
  11. Sightseers - Weird film with very unique and bizarre characters and a adorable dog. Not exactly sure how to rate it, its kind of like god bless america but with 100 times more interesting characters but at the same time i felt kind of empty at the end. 7/10 i guess.
  12. luul football aint real, clueless presenters, moral is lost The presenters dont get it, they just dont fucking get it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmCtci6cen8&feature=player_embedded
  13. I was excited about the lone ranger but then they casted Jonnhy Depp and then it wasnt The Lone Ranger anymore, the movie should be called Johnny Depp is Tonto. I get that they need to fill seats but come on! fuck off hollywood. Seriously they need to stop casting this actor, every movie hes in is a piece of shit.
  14. This is the end - it had its moments, the movie was solid but then it was ruined by the end bit, i regret going to the theater for this. 0/10
  15. Good for him. Early retirement was made possible by him getting sacked by Chelsea, his pay off was something like 12 million.
  16. i think i went to one of these, or maybe it was turtles on ice who knows..
  17. Had a dream last night i was in some sort of prehistoric tribe (maybe post-apocalyptic tribe because at one point there was an earthquake and we found cover in some sort of man made arc building thing). The most exciting part of the dream was when a bunch of leopards came and attacked us, at one point there was a leopard underwater and jumped at me and i stabbed it right in the jugular (he bit me in the wrist). Definitely one of the better dreams in recent memory.
  18. Watching Trent sing the line "I am not who I used to be" was painful, watching a hero die before your eyes is never fun.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iA3182mNT0&feature=player_embedded
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