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Everything posted by YO303

  1. the drama leading up to this video is 10000 times better than the video itself. The girl promised this video about a year ago, 5days ago was the release day but the video was uploaded so everyone went ape shit and started calling her a whore and scam artist,etc i recommend browsing the comments section for this video, my favorite comment is "if you want money sell your body, cunt"
  2. yeah, now i have a new found respect for parents/single parents, etc. Im single/nochildren, nobody really depends on me, imagine if i had children or something, it would probably drive to murdersuicide (exaggeration probably) respect to all
  3. i remember liking this movie im never watching this film because in the trailer it shows the main actor screaming something like "i will survive", i cant be bother, im not into that kind of movie.
  4. this is my luck at the moment .. this job i just got fired from (from not having a driving license) called me to work just for a day (probably, its possible that they'll give me more days but im not optimistic at all, fingers crossed), i said yes .. ten minutes later a work agency calls me to tell me of a job (that had the potential of being stable) and in a panic i said i was not available for tomorrow lol, this is the first time i experienced this kind of stress, lol uncertainty
  5. looks like a retard from the year 2126
  6. This has been the last two weeks of my life: quit my job (which was stable and the pay was okay) because i got offered another job that pays double of what i was doing (and on the promise that this is long term blah blah blah) i worked on the new job for two weeks (weekly paycheck was of 700 dollars!!!!) on Friday the manager of the new job tells me that he wont be able to give me work because he needs someone with a license (which i dont have), then he hires someone to replace me (someone who i was training for the last two day lol!!!) now im jobless, stressed out and i had to do the most humiliating thing i've ever done .. ask for my old job back. the future is so fucking uncertain right now that i cant every fucking enjoy anything
  7. oh yeah and this cool cool cool cool cool coooool
  8. lol this is a real show on tv, this is so offensive lol. this world is fucked .. "i thought you had the holy ghost in you" "i like the music" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPlfVJUT9W4
  9. are vines a way for obnoxious, unfunny people to be creative? i hate this world (the only one i liked was the one with the cats having a bro-off)
  10. the writers of this show are laughing all the way to the sauna ..
  11. Jobs - im only review the acid trip scene ... so heres what happened, steve jobs fucks a random girl, random girl offers him acid, he accepts, she expects to drop acid with him but steve has other plans, he not only takes acid for him but also for HIS GIRLFRIEND, so he takes about 4 tabs of acid from this random girl (such a cool guy) .. cut to trip scene, steve, his girlfriend and his friend are lay down on a picnic blanket .. so heres how they tripped: his friend asked how spaced worked (that was all), steve's girlfriend tells steve how she missed him when hes not around (cool one, he just cheated on her lol) , and steve .. he starts crying and then stands up and does tai chi. Judging by this scene the whole movie is most likely one of the most bland pieces of bread out there, not that a movie about steve jobs would be interesting. 0/10, weak filmmaking
  12. The Wicker Man 10/10 - That scene where shes trying to seduce him woah. This movie was amazing. The Town Who Dreaded Sundown 8/10 - bit of an old school slasher horror, i thought it was good and creepy.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTje_QKTlU
  14. i dont like the color, it looks like when you highlight text/pictures, my brain is telling me to click away from it to unhighlight it.
  15. my favorite mike love moment is when he grew a long as beard and wore robes all the time, the guy claimed he never done acid but he was doing something Another great mike love moment is when his daughter married drumer dennis and beat the shit out of him, maybe you are right, lol
  16. TM helped him deal with drug addicts and drunks like the Wilson brothers (brothers were very talented but a pain in the ass to deal with) Mike love is a misunderstood man. (im not saying he isnt a cunt, im not a big fan of some of his action but ya know) He is at fault for turning the beach boys into a nostalgia band.
  17. rat problem update: it ate all the poison (a whole tray of poison), it didnt die, this rat is immortal.
  18. yes, but we love making music so hopefully that day wont come
  19. do you still think UFOs are real?, ever had a sighting/close encounter?
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