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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Yep they are terrible, i dont know who modey hangs out with that they all love TH, awful band. ---- My first world problem is that i'm fighting the flu and have to play soccer, 90 minutes of hell, ugh.
  2. to be fair i was not even paying attention, i was singing songs in my head waiting for the movie to end.
  3. Movie 43 - I only lasted about 3 sketches Mama - There is nothing wrong with this movie, i just found the whole thing kind of dull 6/10 Warm Bodies - I'm sure this movie is good just not my cup of tea, lost patience about 44 minutes in and turned it off.
  4. oldtimers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EorAtNx7icE
  5. Daniel Radcliff said he filmed the last 3 films of Harry Potter drunk.
  6. Too bad you wont be able to visit WATMM anymore, esoteric material and all that.
  7. You are not in the mood man, i think your mood right now is heroin and needles. Year Zero TDS PHM The Slip HS With Teeth Ghosts Broken The Fragile
  8. Maniac - I don't usually like horror movies that dont involve something paranormal (because usually for the most part are slasher porn) but this one i found really interesting and genuinely scary (there is something about a serial killer in the city that sends shivers down my spine), i recommend - 8/10
  9. The Bling Ring - lol these people actually exists. It takes too long for them to get their comeupins. Sofia Coppola needs to fucking edit her movies, some scenes are totally unnecessary, long and uncomfortable. 7/10 (it was entertaining a bit and comical at times)
  10. Europa Report - They can't get these type of film right can't they? 5/10
  11. .. and apparently he vomited when he was subbed ... lol? warning
  12. hahah Agbonglahor taking a charity match way to seriously (apparently that guy is from one direction boy band,lol) pussy
  13. World War Z - Those zombies were insane, Brat Pitt is a hero for infecting himself with AIDS, good movie, some boring parts, i didnt like that the mexican kid joined in the family hug in the end. 8.5/10
  14. no shit, its was 1-1 with 10 minutes to go, why are people complaining? the only option was to tackle. If i were a Croat i would be annoyed at the manager for allowing 9 men to attack a corner (with 10 minutes to go and a man up)
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