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Everything posted by YO303

  1. You won't believe the things "The wives of IDM" are into. I heard from a very reliable source that Aphex's ex wife is into Nascar racing and miming.
  2. FUCK YEAH EXTREME ABORTION HA HA MY FAVORITE TWO POSTS IN THIS THREAD maybe I'll go see it now Sometimes I think YO303 and Rixxx are the same people who are rixxx?
  3. A movie some people are afraid to see because is not up to the standards of a Kubrick film. (oh and they can't pretend to be intelligent)
  4. But why would that bit stop you from enjoying the movie? I bet Awe was sitting there watching the movie and when that bit came on he began a fight with Ridley Scott for like ten minutes, and i also bet he was like "i can't wait to tell WATMM about this MAJOR FLAW FUCK RIDLEY SCOTT ARGHH!!". Its not healthy behavior, people like him needs to learn to enjoy movies, shut down his autism/odc or whatever syndrome is stoping him from enjoying life. Last night i watched Wanderlust, and i enjoyed it, do you know how many flaws that movie has? millions, but who cares i enjoyed the movie for what it is.
  5. I don't understand why people get angry about little stuff like that (the Idris Elba thing). Are you so miserable that you can't even watch a movie without picking on ridiculously small flaws?
  6. When i left the cinema there were two guys wearing Alien t-shirts that were angry and loud, fucking Ridley Scott off to hell. -- -- I can't see Awe's facial expression but i assume his head is about to explode in anger because he is passionately criticizing a movie on a internet forum..you don't do that unless you are so angry that you need to blow off some steam.
  7. Its cool to criticize movies, give you opinions and pick on plot holes but you shouldn't get so angry. Its just a fucking movie, its not like Ridley Scott came to your house kill your kids and raped your wife.
  8. A lot of people in this thread are so angry .. its just a fucking movie. I enjoyed the fuck out of Prometheus, yeah it has its flaws but most movies (if not all movies) has flaws. Stop being so fastidious.
  9. I hate to use wikipedia for this but i think it says what i tried to say more eloquently .. You should visit Spain and see how they treat black people there, the nation in general would never use the word negro in a friendly matter. (I know i'm repeating myself but i'm 100 percent right about this)
  10. @Chen - No they are not. In most spanish-speaking south american countries (specially in Uruguay and Argentina) calling someone of colour "negro" in a friendly manner is extremely common. In that part of the region people often use a physical charateristic to give like a friendly nickname to someone (example - to a fat person they would say "Hola gordo" meaning "Hi fat boy"). Spain in the other hand they don't do that, they don't have friendly nicknames like that. It's weird to hear a spanish person to use the word negro in a friendly manner (it never happens), specially with their history of racism.
  11. He's spanish?? lol i thought he was argentinian or something. Negro has a whole different meaning in Spain, unlike Argentinians or Uruguayans the Spanish never use the word Negro in a friendly way .. never. Maybe that's Glenn Johnson's nickname ... Glenn "Negrito" Johnson. This is so wrong lol.
  12. During the whole Suarez affair he said south american players always call him "negro" and that he was okay with it because it was like a friendly thing.
  13. Poor Glen Johnson he must be such a nice guy, every south american Liverpool players calls him a negro and he doesn't complain or gets angry.
  14. You'll never see River Ferdinand do this, specially with that crocked back of his. [media=] [/media]
  15. hahaha i know, only half serious. He's been a great servant, wish him well at Aston Villa.
  16. Yeah fuck Grant Holt, he is a neanderthal.
  17. This was a friendly .. for charity .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXPJ5Hor1qY lol
  18. Movie looks awesome. A quick question for ye experts : i haven't watch any of the alien movies, should i watch them before Prometheus? I'm afraid the movie will have references to the aliens movies and i won't enjoy it as much as someone that has watched aliens. (I'm aware the movie is not out yet but maybe the director said something on an interview that would make you assume Prometheus will be full of Alien references)
  19. Blatter is an idiot, FIFA has failed football its time to either reform or for national teams to quit fifa and form a new organization. anyways .. Golden balls laughable facial hair ..
  20. I'm okay, thanks for asking. The ridiculously high amount caffeine made me forget all rational thought. I don't normally drink this much caffeine (usually i drink just a can of red bull) but i was feeling very tired and almost felt asleep at work i needed a kick ( the worst thing about it is that i had to leave work to go to hospital so i lost almost a whole day, my boss is making me work next saturday to make up the hours lost the prick)
  21. Drank expresso coffe + a can of red bull this morning, had to go to hospital with one of the worst anxiety attacks i have ever experienced in my life, i thought i was having a heart attack.
  22. Maybe West Ham (Robert Green may not signed a new contract) also Wes Brom, Ben Foster was on loan from Birmingham. Craig Gordon was released by Sunderland, i would have him in my team.
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