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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    NOICE thank you guys. Both of you seem to have chosen largely the same trax. I'll give those playlists a whirl.
  2. usually a full on drink. I make them 2:0.75 ratio whisky to pickle juice. lots of ice. IMO works best with sweeter whisky like bourbon. However, I think it's popular to do what you said, have it as a shot (either mixed or whisky followed by pickle juice.
  3. Yeah I assume that's what I was meant to get but some sexy rounding error must've just caught me a little short I'm not sure how it works tbh, if it has something to do with value drift? My final number (just finished) is: Paperclips: 29,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,900 seems like a whole lot of 9s in both our numbers, can't be a coincidence? nevermind, just manually made 100 clips with the last 100 bits of wire, I'm at an even 30 septendecillion now. That was strangely addicting. Also introduced me to "Tonto's Expanding Headband". Apparently their beast of a synthesizer is actually here in my city at the national music center.
  4. heh... I'm at 30 septendecillion at the moment. A bigger number sure but doesn't roll off the tongue like sexdecillion
  5. I have no way of articulating how much of a fucking piece of shit trump is. It's beyond me how people have voted for it, and how people continue to support it. I won't refer to it as him tbh.
  6. holy fuck.... lol she's so fucking stupid. I'd love to say Dumb as a Brick but I don't want to take credit away from bricks tbh.
  7. lol what? They contribute like 65% of agricultural related nitrous oxide. Not to mention toxic nitrates in waterways etc.
  8. I'm sorry you can't google the impact of fertilizer production and use and the impact on GHG to gain a better, more rounded understanding of how the problem is not 1 dimensional. Your own Berkeley university has some leading scholarly articles on the topic? "Yet agricultural soil management, which includes N fertilization and manure application, is estimated to contribute about two-thirds of the U.S. nitrous oxide emitted to the atmosphere. " nitrous oxide is only one ghg but it's not a particularly good one meng.
  9. It seems you don't understand the topic very well and are jumping to a lot of conclusions so I'll move along. I wish you a pleasant night.
  10. before u respond, I have my christmas hat on and only want to spread cheer =(
  11. like these people I read about, dying having sex on train tracks or in moving vehicles?
  12. Still sidestepping my questions. The point is not that animal agriculture is more detrimental than the transportation industry. The point is a sudden shift in worldwide diet to not eating meat would have a significant impact on the environment due to increase nitrogen release associated with the required fertilizer + significant destruction of the environment due to farmed land, impact on waterways, etc. This is being studied in great detail right now by people far smarter than myself, it's also not "fringe" science. The answer is not "don't eat meat", but more so "curb population growth". Anyways, not worth arguing about it or anything. yes heh, you posted that as I was typing the same.
  13. I understand the impact of mass produced/factory farmed meat etc. I don't think most people would argue that it doesn't have a huge impact. But I insist, research the effects of increased use of fertilizer on greenhouse gases (specifically nitrous oxide btw). Fertilizer bad? Go organic? Welp, organic farming has a huge impact on how the land is tilled/soil is turned over, causing permanent damage to the environment. Oh and the decreased yield associated with organic farming. I bet your last serving of fruit arrived in your city an airplane btw. Simply not eating meat is probably not the answer. I mean, if you don't do it for ethical reasons or whatever that's cool. But the environmental impact argument isn't clear cut.
  14. Stop eating meat. Yeah cause' all those fruits and vegetables you transport from across the planet are certainly carbon neutral and ethical. Do you know the carbon footprint of rice? What's the impact of an increased use of nitrogen based fertilizers on greenhouse gasses?
  15. I can do a full face shave 3x before I need to replace my gillette fusion pro-glide razor.
  16. ffs I didn't need this. I'm already still playing CookieClicker a year after discovering it :(((( I'm sorry guys. Though this one didn't take me TOO long. Less than two days, but I was leaving it running part of that...and you can of course replay it and try different things but I didn't feel tempted to. PAPERCLIPS MENG NEED TO MAKE MORE PAPERCLIPS AND SPACE DRONES
  17. fair enough! I'd be pretty pissed off if I was on the line for 75 minutes though lol.... Glad it's over for ya =)
  18. ask for some free shit for being passed around like that
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