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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. 2 scoops. Consuming a budweiser right now.
  2. faith like potatoes huh? <<<< I count that high...
  3. I think I worded it poorly... Ah well. Lets drink beer :)
  4. What? snare rush snare rush snare rush ad infinitum. ("you now have the option of taking heroin" Chaos AD) I didn't say I don't like it though. I like it enough that I own 95% of his albums, EPS, unreleased materials, and live sets. haha Well if you own everything he has released then I dont really understand what your up to.... You either like it or not unless you're rich and like to spend money on things you think are crappy and unoriginal. I'm not up to anything. I said he makes some impressive stuff that I like but he's missing some aspects/musicality of my favorite artists.... I didn't say I didn't like it. I said it was method music (have you seen how he does it in renoise?). And then you put the little disappointed guy for some reason... You have confused me my friend.
  5. What? snare rush snare rush snare rush ad infinitum. ("you now have the option of taking heroin" Chaos AD) I didn't say I don't like it though. I like it enough that I own 95% of his albums, EPS, unreleased materials, and live sets. haha
  6. He is still in my top 15 electronic artists though.
  7. Good post. That is what I was trying to get at RE vsnares when I called it "method music". I like snares stuff but sometimes each song sounds the same, or at least, too similar.....
  8. One of my two properties was built in 2005, the other is 2003.... They don't have the trendy granite counter tops and dark hardwood cabinets I want.. :(
  9. And please do not mistake my inference that xanopticon is not completely original for me saying that steinvord is.
  10. Terminal 11 has some good stuff. my fav track by him is Reluctantly Accepting Temporary Overexhaustion. Im not saying other artists arent good. but: "probably best yeah, since the work xanopticon does shits all over steinvord"..... I think that's a bit of a stretch. To each their own I guess. Can you show me something Xanopticon has done that v-snares or others off the hymen label didn't do 5-10 years before him? I'm not saying I don't enjoy Xanopticon but the conversation I think is in regards to originality, no?
  11. If you don't get the musicality on Steinvord tunes is because your mind is totally absorved by the whole conspiracy thing and it's not fully on the music, because it's there. Also, let's see the current artists who have been pushing the drum programming techniques beyond Steinvord that aren't on Rephlex. Yeah that's what I'm waiting to hear.... Hahaha, my god does this forum get funky some times! Ok, so I guess it's all subjective but some artists who I figure have been more "progressive" with drum programming technique http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9AvLYRxeqA Tim Exile, really not his best stuff this album, (genuinely terrible in places) but some pretty awesome drum programming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygVq72L2q8I Xanopitcon, far away one of the most underrated producers. Unfortunately tagged with the breakcore brush of ignore. Cant find the right track for Beatwife, one called Ritalin (it think) is fooking awesome, dude is super fucking cool and constantly pushing stuff. I mean fuck, even Venetian Snares or Ricky Devines stuff has moments of sheer "Woah WTF, HOW?!?!?!" in their beat programming and you really don't have to delve far into the breakcore community to find a plethora or people trying all manner of new stuff with hyper beat editing. This isn't a vague insult in the direction of the "IDM demi godz of Watmm" so no need to get all edgy =D I don't for a moment hold any one of these producers in higher regard than AFX or pusher. ESPECIALLY in terms of musicality, as I said that Exile album was more or less terrible, Xanos stuff hasn't got close to the amount of "feeling" as some of Aphex finest moments. All I said was effectively "Drukqs and Go Plastic came out 10 years ago, people took some of those ideas and really ran with them, far beyond a point which Steinvord is reaching imo" And also, Im not in the least obsessed with the whole conspiracy thing, not in the least interested either. Just that I find it humorous that the usual terms of dismissal normally garnered on any other release which might feature a bit of "amen-mashery", are suddenly absent. It's funny, that's all. I didn't think it was either Aphex of Pusher when the tracks first surfaced on myspace, still don't now. Also, I did not, for a moment say that there was no musicality in Steinvord, what I said was.. Meaning... strip away the things which are fairly easy to emulate, techniques and such, and concentrate more on the musical aspects, harmonic interplay, cadence, progression and so on. It doesn't have the same characteristics as either Aphex or Squarepusher. Note that Im not saying "it has no musicality" just that "it has a different sense of musicality" oh, aaaand I also said: Again, not insinuating that there is no inherent musicality in the Steinvord EP. More like in Aphex and pushers stuff, the drums have always been just one part of a far more complicated beast, all the parts interrelating in spectacular ways to create some super awesome hyper wig out. While Steinvord stuff I get the same as I do from a lot of Snares tracks, a melodic foundation with drums playing the lead most of the time. I guess akin to comparing some proper wig out jazz ensemble (EVERYBODY SOLO!!) to a Guitar solo in a rock band or whatever. Anyway, as i said from the start, this is all subjective. I suppose I should have been more clear with that when I stated "pisses all over this" or whatever.. heh "IMO" are more valuable on this forum than anywhere else on the internet! So yeah, genuinely sorry for that =D But I got a sense that you'd misunderstood what I was trying to say so I just wanted to restate and clarify. Thanks! Yeah vsnares has some impressive stuff but it's all method music in my opinion... Like he applies the same methodology to all tracks where with rdj/sp etc each track is legitimately it's own entity... Love tim exiles work, listening tree got such bad press but was brilliant I think, same with pro agonist. xanopticon and richard devine... well I'll keep my comments to myself on that one... Have a good day m8
  12. If you don't get the musicality on Steinvord tunes is because your mind is totally absorved by the whole conspiracy thing and it's not fully on the music, because it's there. Also, let's see the current artists who have been pushing the drum programming techniques beyond Steinvord that aren't on Rephlex. Yeah that's what I'm waiting to hear....
  13. I'd disagree with this tbh. Don't get me wrong though, both Aphex and Squarepusher have some fucking incredible programming skills, and no doubt way ahead of the curve 10 years ago. But nowadays I really don't think so. Maybe it's because their music had been so influential to others, or their tricks have been meticulously deconstructed by others, but at least on the techniques front, Ive not heard anything from either of them that could not be done by someone else, on the technical aspect at least. (secretly hoping for some completely mind blowing stuff still to come, somewhat doubtfully) I guess what I mean is, both producers have a powerful arsenal of tricks, more than a whole host of other producers, but no single special ability that no one else in the world also possesses. The one "skill" that they both do have, which no one could hope to acquire, is sounding like Aphex, or sounding like Squarepusher. that's something far more intangible and impossible to accurately deconstruct. That's what leaves me convinced that Steinvord is neither of them, once you strip away the technique from the equation, it does not have that certain something. A hint of "inspired by" but no more. i wouldn't go quite so far, but more or less agree. I don't think it's pretty shit, but not fantastic either. The beat programming is pretty good, but nothing extraordinary. I mentioned before how some passages seems to mimic (or even sample) Go Plastic, but all that really serves to prove is a relatively successful deconstruction of Squarepushers techniques, Definately does not bring anything new to the table. But the impression I have always had with either Aphex of Squarepusher (with the odd couple of exceptions) is that regardless of how complex the beat programming might get, it's always been secondary to the overal dynamic of the piece. Again, not an impression I get from Steinvord. anyway, tbh I get slightly cracked up by people gushing over the beat programming in this EP. It's as though they have been completely ignorant to just how far that stuff has progressed since 10 years ago. There are current artists who frankly, shit all over this, in terms of inventive beat programming and technique at least. But hey, this one is on Rephlex. "Ive not heard anything from either of them that could not be done by someone else" "There are current artists who frankly, shit all over this, in terms of inventive beat programming and technique at least." By all means, provide examples. I've been through thousands of hours of music, hundreds and hundreds of artists off of probably 100 record labels (my staple listens come from 6 or 7 labels only)... I've not heard any examples of more inventive beat programming. Not saying it doesn't exist, just indulge me and show me!
  14. Yeah I've been trying to say that over the last 9000101010328490 pages of steinvord/pizza posts.. :p
  15. 2oz tia maria mix in a glass of coca cola. Also, oxygen.
  16. If theres anyone that can do it, it would be him. But at the same time, I'm not particularly convinced he could. There are things (many) that afx does better than anyone, but imo maelstrom style drum programming? Only SP can do that. And you don't think, being great friends that they are, that Afx and SP have spent a lot of time jamming together and have taught each other loads of little tricks ;) To me this release is either a joint venture between the pusher and the fex or it really is a new up and comer. Either way, who the music comes from really doesn't matter when you get said record. Would knowing the truth really change the music significantly for you? I know I'm still going to enjoy the music all the same regardless True! But knowing it was SP would certainly squash my fear that the man will never release go plastic style beats again :)
  17. If theres anyone that can do it, it would be him. But at the same time, I'm not particularly convinced he could. There are things (many) that afx does better than anyone, but imo maelstrom style drum programming? Only SP can do that.
  18. Had some toast with margarine and a can of campbells chunky soup, sirloin burger. Washing it down with 3oz of a 28yr/old single malt scotch (low peat), mixed with 1oz club soda to mellow it out.
  19. I'm trying to put that movie into the context of taking a shit and... well.. quite simply I don't know how to haha. My imagination is running wild though.
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