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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Well, it takes place in the far future of our universe, where humans have branched out into many different solar systems/galaxies; Neverness is a city which is sort of an intellectual center for a mystical order of mathematicians (and other professions) who use their knowledge to navigate "the manifold" (read: the universe). The story is the tale of how the main character Mallory, after an encounter with a God-like entity deep in the heart of space, embarks on a quest to discover the secret of life, and ends up transforming himself into something incredible. It has a very psychedelic tinge to it a lot of the time, in a good way. sounds good to me!
  2. seems like a plus+++ to me. warm balls. as long as they aren't getting a low dose of radiation. don't want to microwave your little guys. I used to work in a commercial microwave at a meat processing plant, I had to wear a 50lb lead vest. I think I'm sterile anyway. I was only 14 when I worked there. :mu-ziq:
  3. OHHH!!! A Frappe! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frapp%C3%A9_coffee thats the perfect ratio? the perfect ratio is 4 bottles of vodka to 1 bottle of coke my bad, my math is off after the first bottle or 2 of vodka. =P
  4. is this for study as well?? if you were to explain it in 3 sentences, what would those sentences be? I'm intrigued.
  5. I'm so happy i don't know what frape means. I imagine it's something like friend rape, or uhm it's related to french crepes, or friendly drapes.. or something =(
  6. 8===>---.. pealse dotn' ban me for pesin drawring
  7. what does mean jazzband? Who make ekg plusters?
  8. Christ Sirch, you feeling unwell? That's an awful lot of shits. Hail the Almighty Turd Master!!! Feel better Mr poopy pants Sirch
  9. A good portion of this book is centered on the cultural side of things too, although it's from the individuals perspective participating in the macro-environment so ultimately they boil the cultural down to the psychological, if that makes any sense Anyway, happy studies! =)
  10. Nice! The class is called mediated interpersonal communication (same title as the book). It's a required course for me to finish my BBA-Economics/Finance. It's all about computer mediated communication and all of the psychology behind it.
  11. we need to talk lol are you reading that for fun or for study? For study. Required class towards my degree =( It has to be one of the most wordy, difficult to read books I've ever had to read. Every second line is a citation or new concept.
  12. how was black sands remixed? Did you like it? I think the black sands album was great just wasn't sure if the remixed thing was worth it.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Mediated-Interpersonal-Communication-Leas/dp/0805863044
  14. U-fap-u-lum - can't wait.

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    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus




    3. Stock


      I lol'd indeed ^^


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