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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. do it! I'd subscribe to that. Hungover cooking channel. lol
  2. Do you know the muffin man?

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      hehehehe Scones will do. They will do indeed.

    2. Hugh Mughnus
  3. Do you know the muffin man?

    1. Stock


      no, do you ?

  4. Actually he credits Aaron in the insert on the album. Also I'm pretty sure Midwinter Log on lunatic harness predates most of funks releases making Mike the first person to use that style.. I don't know.. Actually he credits Aaron in the insert on the album. Also I'm pretty sure Midwinter Log on lunatic harness predates most of funks releases making Mike the first person to use that style.. I don't know.. At least, predates Funks work that actually made it to release. Kid Spatula - Full Sunken Breaks was released 3 years before Bilious Paths. Snares was releasing at least as early as '99 cause that's when his split with Stunt Rock came out. they definitely share samples, and they also shared with Keith Fullerton Whitman, because I remember getting Grape Nut Beats Pt.1 from KFW's hotline server and being surprised cause it was a remix of Witch Hunt. Yes. =)
  5. I thought I might like to go, but they're definitely not worth $150 imo. I'm thinking of charging $150 for tickets to my next gig in the hope that it too will sell out in a matter of hours. True. I do have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of weeks, and a lot of projects to work on. Plus, it'll give us a chance to chat a little more online (hopefully) so our first meetup won't be so awkward.. your summertime is now? O_o <<< my mind being blown You seriously didn't know that? lol I never really paid attention to where you guys live! Sorry. Never gave it much thought. That would be strange for me to get used to. I considered moving to byron bay years ago to go to SAE.
  6. your summertime is now? O_o <<< my mind being blown
  7. ...and you coulda got AB5. Shame. whasssat? Ohhhhh wait, for it. You're going to have some reading to do. I want to see what he says! I don't know what AB5 is lol
  8. quit braggin, this is the problems thread! ha! I just thought the same thing lol "man... wth? he's got free blow?"
  9. but it up your arse, do some lsd instead, and pretend you're the border patrol looking for people smuggling drugs across the border. You'll be surprised when you come to the epic realization that you're chasing yourself.
  10. ...and you coulda got AB5. Shame. whasssat?
  11. my most recent vinyl purchase? replacing a section of my vinyl fence. had 105km/h winds in november that tore it down. 1700$ to replace 2 little sections
  12. I can't post what I'm about to eat. Mr Joyrex-boss will ban me. =(
  13. oxygen again... i'm a pig when it comes to that stuff
  14. Besides I figure theyd be some sort of intelligent dance panties or something. I dunno. Im effed up. =)
  15. Someone in one of the other threads keeps asking hoodie to show us her panties. I know it's wrong, but I'm finding myself curious now myself. >.<
  16. Current first world problem? I've not had enough fiber lately and I know theres at least 8lbs of shit in me =(
  17. My first world problem today is that I can't get the squarepusher.net (f5) business to work, and at the same time I'm not sure if it even does anything and maybe people are just messing with me =( It's a tough life
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