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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. This was the last vinyl I bought: http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=vinyl+pants&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1536&bih=801&tbm=isch&tbnid=rVImax4_iegd7M:&imgrefurl=http://www.andersartig.de/LIP-SERVICE-O-Ring-Vinyl-Pants&docid=uZp2UdOLg4yezM&imgurl=http://www.andersartig.de/WebRoot/Store3/Shops/61380532/4BEB/F175/85A9/A528/ADBB/C0A8/2936/0257/M38-015_mensoringpants-blk_gross.jpg&w=712&h=600&ei=M29GT9LDO4Xm0QHg0cCaDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=307&sig=107682978226795372721&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=150&start=0&ndsp=42&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&tx=81&ty=36
  2. Not even South Park: Bigger longer and uncut? haha
  3. again, not a first world problem. considering the west is slowly becoming the third world you're pretty much right, there. KY - don't give up. try to just add something unique to it and then before you know it you can have a track that you're more than pleased with. ...considering how half of the west talks about how poor they are by putting it on their twitter account from their iphone... I think they're going to be ok.
  4. I also have too much work. someone take it please. =)
  5. I'm reading freakonomics right now.. that and my textbooks..
  6. helll ya! It was good stuff. Made too much though, about 6lbs lol
  7. That looks about the same as what I had, minus the diarrhea sauce hehehehe
  8. I just had a couple bbq pulled pork sandwiches and now I have indigestion.
  9. I'll wait until she's sleeping and wake her up like that.
  10. My gf has finished her lady time a few days ago and I still haven't gotten any =(
  11. My 10 yr is this year. I'm getting facebook spammed by women from my class (was about 1k people iirc) that aren't married yet and want a date so they don't feel forever alone. It kinda bugs me because people that wouldn't have anything to do with me back then are all trying to be buddy buddy so they can brag about their boring desk job and 5 kids to me. At the same time, it IS an opportunity to get some nookie.... I recall reading somewhere that grad reunions are one of the most depressing days for a woman. Opportunity knocks my friend! LOL ok maybe that's kind of f'ed up. Forget it. Or don't. ;)
  12. Hah, yeah my 10 year highschool reunion was last year. I think it was basically a gathering of all the people who had married their highschool sweethearts and got boring desk jobs.. Meanwhile I was on the other side of Australia playing a gig at a videogame expo "when's he going to grow up and get a real job? i just got made assistant manager at a place i hate!" totally dreading my 10 year reunion...probably won't even go. 3 years out of school and i still see my friends on more than a weekly basis. "when's he going to grow up and get a real job? i just got made assistant manager at a place i hate!" shit... story of my life :(
  13. South Park - bigger, longer, and uncut. wait.. what?
  14. ave' your missus go get you some :) Or your kids! or... here in Canada we have "Dial a bottle", they deliver alcohol straight to your house... =)
  15. My 5 year high school grad is.. I guess it's this year. I'll probably go.
  16. LOL yeah granite should be rock hard. hey that brings me to a question... .Does "The Thing" from the fantastic four always have a boner? =/
  17. I suppose trendy is the wrong word. What is the right word? Classy? Elegant? or is it passe now to use granite? =(
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