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Everything posted by Roo

  1. When I was a kid I used to go pig shooting with my dad in the general vicinity of the ACT and that wintry area of NSW. You'd come across some huge packs of them and the head bull was fairly dangerous. I've known of ex-Commandos who like to meet up at a retreat and get in lots of outdoorsey things like pig shooting for peace of mind. As for upper Queensland, nothing would surprise me really. If some ManBearPig came out of the foliage I wouldn't be all that shocked. The insects dominate the nights, and the frogs go nuts during wet season. There was also that horror movie Razorback. Dingos are about as large as our potentially maneating dryland critters get, so it makes sense that our credible creature feature is a mutant boar. I assume they were introduced and ran feral at some point, like rabbits, cane toads, wild cats, brumbies, foxes, etc.
  2. Haven't noticed any change in bird activity here (the town wouldn't seem all that different yet to them). There are thousands of cassowaries here, so we'd be fked if they put away their timid librarian nature and broke bad Bruce Lee style. I've noticed that the bush curlews love some bluesy melancholic sax of an evening, but they are types of birds you can't sneak up on. Socially distancing champs. The one weird thing I have noticed is a few more wild pigs risking it in the vicinity of the town. I guess they'll be rife in a Mad Max situation, for better or worse.
  3. A lot of those films you mention are actually Hong Kong or Taiwan cinema rather than mainland China. The Chinese films that critically do well internationally tend to be rather critical of the state as well. You also seem to have a very narrow concept of soft power.
  4. Yesterday afternoon I spent twenty minutes chillin' with the biggest praying mantis I've ever seen. We seemed cool until I tried to offer it an ant-infested dead moth, and it bolted. Fair enough, dead moths are like the grubby pigs of the insect world minus the bacon, and if I was a mantis I'd be disturbed by mobs of ants as well. When I was a little kid I was playing with a mantis and then immobilised it in a tight driveway crevice during lunch so I could play with it later. When I returned some ants had come along and dismembered its limbs and were already crawling out of its torso and eyeballs. First time I ever felt guilt in relation to an animal. Which is weird because mantis are about as sympathetic as a shark or octopus.
  5. Yeah up here in FNQ the seasons don't seem to exist other than dry/wet (currently buckets down a few times a day, so hard to have much faith in leaving the house for long periods, basically lockdown anyway). But when I lived in Canberra, I remember April 4/5 is when you typically got that first bone-chilling night, and Anzac Day is when the winter fashions start to line the streets as you get that dreary midday breeze. Melbourne and Western Sydney also get very chilly by the end of April. Melbourne is going to enter flu Mecca season very soon. Australia seems to be flattening the curve quite well for now. Still some stupid crap from time to time, but feel we are well placed for now.
  6. I'll predict 2.5 hrs, kind of like a full capacity 2CD.
  7. Meant to put this below the above quote:
  8. Same, given it was TDR. I'd be fine with simple differentiation like colour shade/text, but something tells me they'll continue down the AE_Live/elseq road.
  9. Hopefully locks-down means we see the prodigal return of Rob's luscious lox.
  10. Yeah Onesix is theoretically a separate LIVE release (as opposed to the NA stuff which felt a Part 2 batch), so looking forward to a new artwork scheme hopefully.
  11. The US can't function without a cartoon villain. If they don't have one, they'll make one, which is typically the case.
  12. YouTube started during my final year of high school, and I never heard mention of Facebook until the very end of that year. Definitely missed a bullet there.
  13. That's nothing. Multiply a couple times.
  14. So timezone typical for fark to get real just when I'm climbing into bed. I really should avoid this sub forum late at night.
  15. He certainly revealed how unready society is to process online information. His disregard for truth and due process isn't really anything new for an American President, but his provocative openness about it has had a way of degrading the ability for the average person to think critically and converse civilly. When the top human position in the globe uses his Official Twitter account in such a petty, tacky fashion, it can't help but set a bad example for how things are to be done. His exhaustive use of empty superlatives is also the most boring way of saying nothing I've ever seen from a world leader. Also seems too ready to place his people in the face of peril. His influence on standards of human behaviour, thinking, self-interest, interaction, etc. will have a lasting impact. He is our worst impulses made manifest and running unchecked.
  16. It was always going to be that way, just sounded like empty rhetoric from him the last week. He has appeared a man living day to day for much of March, as if he knows he has a bad school report on the way. His parents (voters) will still love him anyway, but his actions and the fragile system that is his reality is set to backfire. Imagine brag-tweeting about your personal approval ratings or press conference ratings at a time like this.
  17. In Australia last week, I felt like there was a very sudden shift in the commercial news media (and their viewers) from denial to self-isolating fascism. As long as there are some flagrant lockdown breakers and selfish hoarders and famous positive tests to poke one's finger at, the conservs are happy to accept and adjust to the new reality. Release the villains!
  18. It is sad to see such an empty aerospace, usually it is absolutely packed. The US though, lol
  19. Everything about QLD has a vague whiff of corruption about it.
  20. Given there was no pre-poll early voting stations available, my parents had to go vote today with the rest of their town for the local council elections (which no one could give a crap about). Voting at the local still-open school. So if it is present in the town, it will pick up speed after today. QLD has blood on their hands.
  21. Yeah the second I got that piddling text I deleted it. I assume thoughtless people did as well, as it won't convert the unconverted. NZ are like our better angel.
  22. Yeah same here. Sydneysiders fleeing to holiday homes in uninfected country towns is ultimately a selfish act as most country towns don't have ventilators or ICUs.
  23. Yeah same here. My lockdown consumption the last week had been Ingmar Bergman films, Adam Curtis films and regular Covid-19 updates, and that combo is liable to put you into a despondent mood. Plus my livid fury at QLD holding elections this weekend. Good time to just detune frequency and have a laugh.
  24. Yeah thanks for the records, been enjoying them! They are AM in my timezone, I only really catch the start and end and sleep through the rest of it.
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