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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Slsk is still a thing? Latest FWP is I've been laying down electronic drum patterns on a computer for years, but it takes more effort for me to maintain a basic drum beat on an actual live drum set. My buddy was kind of showing me the ropes last night while he was on guitar, and we initiated an impromptu jam session. This is only the beginning though.
  2. Last three presidents were two term. It's destiny that this malignant tumor have only one...at the most.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0EYkjEkde4
  4. I'm not sure it is even of the chordata phylum
  5. If you think throwing a rat at someone is funny in MRB, you should try playing as Boris and trying his special taunt.
  6. Is that the kind of chemicals that were being put in the water?
  7. Max is too sophisticated for my ape brain. Think I'll play around more with Caustic on my phone instead.
  8. God damn. Good thing that hand cannon didn't go off pointed the other way...
  9. you're being too kind I know.. But I think it's safe to say the post-election honeymoon phase for his supporters is over, one year later. There are some who voted for him who are now more woke and see him for the dirt bag that he is, and the rest that are still loyal are...well, you know.
  10. Donnie could fall off stage and poop his pants and it would still be considered normal
  11. Never played any of the Mass Effects either. Guess I've always been rather picky with gaming. Sometimes a game overlaps between popularity and personal appeal, and sometimes it doesn't. But either way I usually choose based on the latter. Since finishing Wolf 2: TNC I've been playing Day R Survival on mobile exclusively. It's basically Fallout in Russia in an alternate 1990s. And you can explore the whole country. It's all text and pictures though; no animations except for player cursor on the map. I'm taking on the steepest quest in the game right now, trying to gather a shitload of materials to help some dude build a nuclear-powered strip mine dump truck. Just now got done delivering the last nuclear reactor part from Chernobyl, but still have a ways to go in order to complete the grocery list. Plus I need a bunch of materials to build a steel forge just to produce all the steel required for this behemoth.
  12. IIRC you can unlock Ashley's suit of armor by completing the game on Medium. Not the sexiest apparel option, but rendering her basically invincible makes up for it. Which is nice, because having to babysit her for half of the game was RE4's greatest letdown IMHO. That was 22 years ago, the cash printing machines are extremely well oiled now and their owners are rich and fat. eh? the old republic games were no good? =/ I wouldn't know. Haven't played them.
  13. Dark Forces from 1995 was the one Star Wars game that didn't feel like a cookie cutter dev project. Lucas Arts were genuinely innovating with it in the game industry at the time. I could(n't) care less if it didn't have light sabers and Jedi powers.
  14. This whole administration needs to burn to the ground. Every Cabinet member has been just another turd from Trump's ass.
  15. Shit, that sucks man :( Would be nice if there were an unlockable chapter selection in the game.
  16. I thought the whole Pizzagate thing was another bullshit alt-right propaganda stunt?
  17. Ignatius you're killin' it on this page
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