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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. We're almost at the 10K mark with posts in this thread
  2. Maybe it's time for a summit of world leaders to host a boxing match between these two clowns, and have it televised internationally like the Olympics. It would be much more lucrative from an entertainment business perspective than nuking the shit out of our beloved planet. I could see Putin and Jinping knocking back cocktails and laughing in the audience while the two angry fat kids in the ring have at it.
  3. Yes, online co-op. That's what's missing, and it's begging for it. I've gotten halfway thru MRB, but shelved for the last two months. Might be time to pick it back up. Fixions produced a bangin' soundtrack for it too, I might add.
  4. No kidding? That's funny The chicken & yogurt are mostly obscured by the veggies, but it's there. My bad, I probably should've exposed it more, especially since it's the tastiest part.
  5. Made my first shawarma tonight, and came out better than I thought it would. Aside from making the right marinade for the chicken (or any meat) and using the right seasoning for the yogurt, it's not very difficult to make. If you've had Greek gyros before, this is basically the Middle Eastern version.
  6. If Trump and his lackeys ever end up in prison, I hope it's the same one Fleece Johnson's in.
  7. Dude, McD's will slowly kill you if you get hooked on it for too long. It's like putting industrial waste into your system. Making sandwiches is a good start to veering of that deceptively dangerous path. And if you get bored with sandwiches, expand your culinary horizons and learn recipes on YT or elsewhere online. You don't have to cook exotic restaurant quality either. Dishes can be simple, so long as they're nutritious. Baby steps. EDIT: Was probably exaggerating a bit with McD's, but their food can still malignant to your body. Ignatius makes a valid point too, if you'd like to cook but you're on a tight budget. Had to fix up beans and rice myself earlier this week before I got paid this morning.
  8. 808 State - Pacific State still ethereal, 28 years later

  9. lol. I remember that cutscene. I can't remember who the last character was to use the head before Grace opened the door though. And it's legit bothering me.
  10. That's the new Cosby method. The old one involves Texas Instruments kakookachoos and Jello pudding you see.
  11. yeah Virgin vs Chad is kinda stale now
  12. Ziggy fish cross-dimensional interloper. Even better than Meme Man and Orang quest
  13. Why is a white man gunning down groups of unarmed civilians with an AR-15 not being called an act of terrorism in mainstream news? "A mentally ill lone wolf" my ass. Call it for what it is.
  14. One of the few movie-based video game instances where the game was actually better than the movie
  15. I tried to eat Corn Flakes with a fork and orange juice from a glass dish instead of a spoon and milk from a ceramic bowl when I was about 3. That's one of my earliest memories.
  16. I meant the original 1993 Doomguy. The one that my 7th grade female bus driver looked like.
  17. I've seen on some Wikia page that Doomguy is the descendant of BJ Blaz. But there's still no indication in the new Wolfenstein that the two games follow the same timeline at all.
  18. Sgt Mk IV, the author of Brutal Doom, included my name at the end of his new BD Version 21 beta public release trailer as one of his special sponsors. (I finally got around to throwing in my support on Patreon.)
  19. Just beat Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Good game overall, but the ending felt abrupt. But that's okay, because you can actually keep playing unlockable missions after the credits roll. I died a shitload of times though before completing the main story. Not sure if it's because it's challenging, or I'm an amateur.
  20. Whoever made that sign needs to be whacked in the crotch with a cricket paddle
  21. I won't turn down garlic butter regardless. But that's about all they have going for them.
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