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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. This reverse evolution bullshit needs to stop. We're already nearly two decades into the 21st Century and this is how humanity's transpired.
  2. I think traditionally the requirements to run for prez were to either be a state governor or a senator. But I reckon that's out the window now. Believe me, I feel just as perplexed by this celeb-ocracy trend as you guys. And I hope it isn't permanent, or Idiocracy will be confirmed as reality - although that already seems to be the case.
  3. The establishment Dems are fuckin retarded if they think Oprah has a chance against Trump. Yeah, let's just go ahead and counter a washed up former reality TV bigoted ballsack with the matriarch of pretentious old lady talk shows. Fuck US politics.
  4. That dumbshit will be lucky to be alive after those shenanigans
  5. God dammit, we don't need him smearing his poo everywhere here too. We have enough wack jobs as it is.
  6. I dunno if I can muster the will to buy pods ever again. Thx 2018
  7. Although I'm not actually a Star Wars fan, I ended up seeing Ep. VIII yesterday and I think I liked it more than VII. Should you choose to go see it though, prepare for a nearly 3-hour show.
  8. Big govt. is bad, except when it's good This will not fly in states in which marijuana is already legalized (including my own). It simply won't.
  9. Most of those GOP geezers are closet gays, as they have a thing for boy scouts. Regardless, that's an F.U. to the veep with finesse. Well played.
  10. Never thought I'd touch this thread until today, now that I've finally seen it. I successfully made it thru the whole movie without having to leave the theater to go urinate. At this rate I wonder if any of the original cast will appear in Ep. IX.
  11. I always thought it was DX7? Could be wrong. Yeah tho nice score. Turns out Yamaha didn't start producing the DX7s until the year after the movie came out. But I could swear there was some Moog and ARP 2600 in there, maybe even one of those old modulars.
  12. I don't care anymore. This nuclear standoff between these two clowns has cried "wolf" more times than anyone can count. Not like I can do anything about it anyway.
  13. Koyaanisqatsi. Last time I watched it was at the end of 2002. The overall theme seems more relevant now than ever. Also I forgot how beautiful that Glass composition was, especially with those analog synths.
  14. I've been spending NYE with a flu, and ended up sleeping most of the day. At least it was an excuse not to go to work today.
  15. Well, 46 percent voter apathy played a role in it too.
  16. My bro and I played it a bit just before Xmas. But we didn't even make it beyond the second level. Gotta love games where all the enemies are bullet sponges and you die in one hit.
  17. They're not totally extinct...yet. I think we still have three active ones in my city.
  18. Alt-right trolls are a fucking pandemic on FB. Seems like no page is safe from them now. I swear the moment Trump got elected they came bursting out of the woodwork all at once. Where's an M41A pulse rifle when you need one?
  19. I posted a YT thing in the wrong thread (the games one) the other day. And I got home from vacay @ 1 AM this morning, went back to work today thinking it would be slow, but it got unexpectedly busy. But at least I get the first three days of 2018 off.
  20. No offense, but your little sis seems to act like she's 14. I was gonna say, I think the average life span for most PCs that see regular use is 5 years. My Lenovo laptop has a built-in fan dust removal app, but it doesn't seem to reduce the temp much. I run it atop a cooling pad whenever I do high-end gaming, but the CPU still gets pretty warm.
  21. I successfully managed to restrain laughter when my grandmother said "peanuts for squirrels". Because it sounded like she said "penis for squirrels".
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