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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Yep. It's a crowdfunded (Kickstarter) project. Can't remember when I first heard about it though, must've been last summer. Nightdive are already known for remastering '90s shooters, but what they're doing with SShock 1 takes it to a new level.
  2. WOT'S A NINTENDO? Anyway...brand new trailer for Nightdive Studios' SShock reboot This comes with the announcement that they've officially made Unreal Engine 4 their game engine. Also, turns out several project members formerly worked for Obsidian on Fallout: New Vegas.
  3. Just because poopoo comes from the self, does not mean we should eat da poopoo. Yin and yang, baby. I wonder if pastor Dr. Martin Ssempa supports "the Man" (pege brek)
  4. I have reason to believe Big Brother is monitoring my online activity. Sometimes when I post a comment about Trump on FB the page quickly scrolls upward. Even on this message board the site page turns black in the browser window when I'm reading a thread about Trump. Hell, maybe this post will get deleted by an outside party somehow.
  5. They're getting all weepy because they're being punished for making threats? You reap what you sew dipshits. Quit pretending to be victims.
  6. Maybe I'm being naive, but it's hard to let go of wishful thinking. This past election and the very recent appointment of the new DNC chair isn't reassuring. Realistically though it's up to us at the grassroots level if we're to get the kind of change we want. But we can't sit and wait for it to fall into our laps.
  7. If this turd gets re-elected, I'll have lost all faith in our political system.
  8. We have SNL still. Honestly Melissa McCarthy's take on Spicer made me laugh harder than I ever have since Tina Fey left the show around 2009. There is plenty of rancor brewing at the grassroots level though, and I don't think it's just among leftists. We've already seen it at GOP town hall meetings. One lady screamed at Mitch McConnell at one of these meetings recently in Kentucky over the administration's attempt to sabotage health care. (that and most institutions necessary to sustain the overall health and well-being of a nation)
  9. I'm gonna have to start watching this series. Plus those footsteps at 0:45-ish would make for a delicious percussion sample.
  10. One day it will be his pussy that gets grabbed. Seems like a lot of them are syntactically challenged on the internet as well. And they love to voraciously reply to their own comments. I dunno. Used to own a rifle myself, but can you imagine an impromptu militia of ex-hipsters with AKs? All that would accomplish is playing right into the hands of this administration's propaganda machine.
  11. Was in the middle of an online survey about protein products (shakes, bars, powders, etc) and to a question regarding where said products in a store can be found, I answered, "The area where you find fuel to become the almighty vanquisher of evil minions." As soon as I clicked the next page button, I was disqualified. Oops. Bear in mind these surveys are based on random selection, as I have no way of knowing their content before proceeding.
  12. There's no definitive answer. And anyone here who will attempt to draw that conclusion will not be without some sort of bias, myself included, since it will be debatable regardless. To find a single answer that will see unanimous agreement with the 7 billion plus humans on this planet - next to impossible. Hope that helps.
  13. This shit makes me want to hurl a baseball at a window or TV screen. (General approval polls regarding the current POTUS) http://www.newsmax.com/Surveys/Results/id/363/
  14. Still grinding way at battles on War Robots for mobile. Didn't think I'd ever get back into multiplayer until I picked up this game. So many gundam/mechwarrior/battle armors to choose from, as well as upgrades and weapon builds. It's a slow but rewarding process. Faster for players who are well-stocked on Gold though I'm sure. Pretty much why I've set aside PC gaming altogether, at least for now.
  15. square root of three divided by zero

    1. KovalainenFanBoy


      all primes have irrational square roots ya dingus

    2. Perezvon
  16. Only 47 more months to go (assuming the world survives) A sound assumption. The guy may have ego and riches, but he has such a short attention span, not to mention political amateur. He's struggling just to maintain a functioning Cabinet. Call it naive optimism, but I think it'll be a temporary reign.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuO_IiJOSGM I could see this frog being used for military applications
  18. Bendish I can't help but be fixated on your avatar. It's like a very discontent primate who can't wait to plant somebody into the ground with his fist.
  19. What an odd coincidence. I'm in the very same boat. Good thing I already have the next four days off from work.
  20. I beat Bioshock Infinite again last Wednesday, but since then I've been playing strictly mobile (Android) War Robots is pretty fun. Basically an MMO Mechwarrior. I love prancing around the map capturing every vulnerable beacon I can while all the other players are focused on destroying each other. More often than not I end up helping my team win the match with this approach.
  21. Give me one of those folding aluminum chairs and I'll take the swing, WWF style.
  22. The one on the left is not in the proper attire. This is proper attire.
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