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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I had to help set up some USO-sponsored event at work today where one moment on the stage there were young 20-something birds wearing these short-skirted uniforms singing random songs, then a bunch of 8 to 10 year old kids dancing on stage to EDM right before the event ended. It's like surreal Trumpland.
  2. Kellyanne Conway: 'If I was shot and killed tommorow,-" Barber: "Say no more" TBH I couldn't actually watch the video, the still says it all, esp. the reptilian lazy eye. Such subhuman garbage. She just referred to Tpmru as "healer-in-chief"
  3. Gets investigated. Still pulls the Hillary card, even though he beat her in the last election.
  4. Right there with you Squee, especially considering the timing of it. If there's one thing Bethesda got right in this year's E3, it's Wolf 2. I read somewhere that you start the game off wheelchair-bound, and you move throughout the level on conveyor belts, while simultaneously gunning down Nazis and turning them into red mist via microwave traps. GOTY material if you ask me.
  5. I work full time, and it's how I unwind at the end of the day. That and not having a GF gives me more freedom as well. And having gaming as a hobby doesn't necessarily imply poor hygiene or diet.
  6. Speaking strictly about Bethesda; the developer unveiling VR and their stupid Creation Club bullshit? Fans want a new fucking game, not new bells and whistles for previous ones. What were they thinking? But for Bethz as a publisher, Wolf 2: TNC is the shining moment.
  7. The last one worked well enough for me. But I think there were some occasional jitters with the ragdoll physics. I'm guessing this next one will run on Id Tech 6, same engine as Doom 2016. Yeah, give Prey a go some time if you haven't already, especially if you enjoyed any of the "Shock" games.
  8. ^ Haven't played DX: MD since last September. It's not bad, but I still prefer HR. And I thought Prey would be my only PC game purchase this year until today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZwU5Xil0sA This XCOM 2 expansion I'm kinda iffy about, just because of the fantasy-like direction it's going. But I feel the need to keep an open mind at the same time. Will likely still give it a go. And Wolf 2 I definitely plan on buying. Partly because I get the impression that it's a middle finger towards Trumpism, in a symbolic sense.
  9. Awwww sheeeeit, its on!! How many lawsuits has he already had against him over the years though? I'm not inclined to get excited until there is a permanent cripple to his power base, provided outright impeachment is out of the question.
  10. I'm waiting for Trimp to take a giant shit in his pants on live television so hard that it blows a hole out the back, while standing right in front of Bitch McMonnell, Raul Pyan, Beehive Bannon, Kellyanne PropagandaBarbie, and the rest of his administration. Maybe it'll happen during next year's SOTU address. (sorry I have nothing intelligent to say this evening)
  11. Finally beat Prey last night, after putting in over 35 hours. Was kinda thrown off by the ending, but it turns out the fate of Earth remains the same no matter what you do. The only thing that changes depending on your actions are the attitudes of the main characters towards the player at the end, and what relationship is ultimately decided between the Typhon and humankind. The similarity to System Shock 2 is no coincidence. There's even an in-game reference to Looking Glass Studios. The one thing I've experienced in this though that I haven't previously in FPS games is the zero gravity environments, and the fact that you can drift around in outer space. Actually a handy way to get directly from one section of the Talos I station to the other from the outside, and you don't have to worry about running out of O2. And I consider it relevant to WATMM because it was made by the same company that made Dishonored, which got way hyped here in late 2012. Also, there is docking involved.
  12. Seems like we've been talking about impeachment for a while now, but we gotta be careful what we wish for. Because his replacement(s) likely wouldn't be any better. Or we could ride it out and hope the GOP implodes, if not the two-party reign altogether. As much as I hate this administration, the Democrats have a few assholes too. And fuck Hannity. I heard he pulled a gun on someone a few months ago behind the scenes.
  13. Yeah because he's a piece of shit. And all of the people still supporting him are the corn kernels embedded within.
  14. He was calling out the corruption of "the elite few" in DC, and then I realized the video was uploaded May 3rd of last year. Would he be saying the same thing now, I wonder? It's like he's trying not only to thin the line between local PDs and the USMC, but to erase that line altogether.
  15. I think any male who goes out of their way to prove that they're the alpha actually isn't. It's an all balls, no brains competition.
  16. Most countries are already on board with the Paris climate agreement though. Are we all gonna decide to let it all go to hell because of one petulant, arrogant, narcissistic pasty shit-scrotum and is increasingly small circle of buddies? Fuck that.
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