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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Covfefe hath potential. Kinda like All Your Base circa 2000.
  2. The only time I've been to Portland was at the last Ae tour in that region with my brother. TBH it felt more laid back than Seattle. I don't think we should let the whole city's reputation be tarnished by one bloodthirsty racist shithead.
  3. Also reveal trailer for Far Cry 5 (due for Feb 2018 release): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxav5An1sAs As formulaic as the FC series is, this one seems appealing. Part of it's probably because I lived in Montana myself for four years during my childhood.
  4. Both are pretty solid shooters. I reinstalled Wolf: TNO nearly a month ago but haven't gotten around to it yet this year. Though I did play thru both the Fergus and the Wyatt timelines two years ago. I'm playing Prey at the moment on PC, which I think echos System Shock quite a bit. More so the second than the first though. And War Robots is still my top game on Android. How's Prey working out? Are the graphics as good as they look in trailers etc? Worth playing? I'm on the last level of DOOM and need a shooter replace it. Yeah I'd say so, especially considering the game's less than 20 G in size. I have to warn you however that the same bravado tactic that gets you thru DOOM, splattering monsters left and right, won't quite work the same way in Prey. Since it's more of a survival horror, you'd have to tread lightly wherever you go, since even one enemy at a time can post a serious threat. Not unlike the first Resident Evil.
  5. I yearn for the simpler days when that term was merely used as an evolutionary biology term or a porn fetish Pretty sure these alt-righters who coined the term "cuck" in the first place aren't above cowardice themselves.
  6. Both are pretty solid shooters. I reinstalled Wolf: TNO nearly a month ago but haven't gotten around to it yet this year. Though I did play thru both the Fergus and the Wyatt timelines two years ago. I'm playing Prey at the moment on PC, which I think echos System Shock quite a bit. More so the second than the first though. And War Robots is still my top game on Android.
  7. He doesn't have to tell anyone he's an idiot. It's blatantly obvious even to children.
  8. Can't say I blame her. We got hijacked by an orange scrotum, even though he still got fewer popular votes than his opponent last election and 46 percent of us didn't even vote at all.
  9. I take back what I said earlier regarding my "multiple shots" remark. Having that image of him desecrating our flag by wearing it like a cape whilst simultaneously doing the Reich salute all over the internet is effectively blackmail. So the work of exposing him for what a piece of shit he is is already under way.
  10. If you mean climate change as in all the racist pukes flying out of their closets like locusts and being a cancer to the rest of society, then you are correct. But if you mean the environmentally harmful variety, you are also correct. Normally I'm against violence, but I swear that fucker deserves to be shot several times with .22 LR's for what he did.
  11. If he's the "alpha", then why does he always act like a child? If anything he's the schoolyard bully - trying to be the big man on the surface, but is woefully insecure deep down. Part of that insecurity comes from appendage size.
  12. I contemplated for a good fifteen minutes to come up with a safe response, but I gave up
  13. Well I believe he has at least two weaknesses we can take advantage of. We can either cause his endless attention-seeking efforts to backfire with critique and/or ridicule, or we can give him the cold shoulder and try to make him feel irrelevant. It will harm is fragile ego either way.
  14. If she despises him that much...she must be a ticking time bomb
  15. To be that ignorant especially in recent postmortem takes a special kinda stupid
  16. I think my Ae Oversteps T I ordered a few years back off of Bleep. And my Ae Live 2015 one I bought at the venue in Portland for their North America tour. But I don't think I've bought any new T's since then
  17. So I decided to buy Prey and started playing. So far it's almost like what Bioshock would have been if it were a direct sequel to SShock 2 rather than a spiritual one. And it's from the developers of Dishonored, for which there was significant hype here five years ago. It's the first time I've bought a AAA title since last August. Pretty immersive so far.
  18. Sounds like the official System Shock 3 will finally happen: http://www.glixel.com/news/why-system-shock-matters-w483835 In the meantime Nightdive's Kickstarter reboot of the original is due out next year. As for this year, I might grab Prey after all, which supposedly derives a heavy influence therefrom.
  19. The music video for this is how I discovered Ae in the first place, two decades ago.
  20. On point He inhales his own farts 24/7 and enjoys every second of it. I can't say the same for Melania though.
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