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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. happy danksgiving

    1. auxien


      ohshit son u rite tho

    2. ambermonk


      dat tryptophan

  2. I just hope we make it thru these next four years of bullshit without catastrophic damage, whether international or domestic (or global, when you take into account climate change), and that the Dems overhaul their platform with Bernie playing the key role. Supposedly the Bern hasn't ruled out a 2020 run but he'll be 79 years old by then. But of he were to promote and back a candidate like Tulsi Gabbard...
  3. Got my electric bill this morning, which ended up being about twelve times what I normally pay each month. No more using the space heater at night I guess.
  4. I was getting ready to head out to a vocational rehab follow-up appointment this morning, and some woman out of nowhere storms into our condo building and starts screaming at a guy who lives down the hall, pounding on the walls and shit. At least it was at a time of day most people were up and about, but still. Fuck drama.
  5. This might be a tired saying, but...HE shoulda been our goddamn president-elect.
  6. Never heard of Bill Burr until now, but I like him already. I'm sick of all the lunacy from both sides too. Funny how our elections are like a perpetual pendulum swing.
  7. Lobbyists are POS's, I agree. But medieval-style execution...maybe I'm taking it too literally. As long as we can completely strip them of political power, I don't care what they do.
  8. I'm in the same boat as Hoodie in that this might be a golden opportunity for the Democratic party to clean house. Can't blame third party voters for Hillary's loss either cos she still got the most popular votes. No more fake corporate whoring muthafuckas. Time for the Dems to regroup and establish a true progressive platform.
  9. I think I'm done going SJW for a while. Just exhausted with politics after the past year. Dunno if Trumpet will be as destructive as many people claim he is. Too early to tell right now.
  10. Playing a new playthrough as Shaun's mama on Fallout 4. Also recently started Fallout Shelter on my Galaxy S7 Edge. All Fallout, all the time.
  11. We're now officially a popcorn country, in regards to either side of the political spectrum. Oh, hi.
  12. MISTA ESTABLISHMENT [youtubehd]ZIJC_aTFo80[/youtubehd]
  13. While I don't support Johnson, voting for him is taking votes AWAY from Trump. Same with Stein. Also, polls are likely rigged by the corporate media outlets. Why have more and more people been supporting Stein when her percentage somehow reportedly dropped from 4 to 2 percent? Doesn't add up. We can all agree Trump is a crazy asshole. But you're also not gonna convince me to vote for the other poison.
  14. Third-party voting is not lazy and ignorant. Not voting at all and not giving a shit is.
  15. Don't forget that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the DNC chair and managed to have the Democratic primary rigged in Hillary's favor. Don't forget that there was fraud and voter suppression left and right against Bernie supporters. That's why Jill has been getting growing support since June in the first place. The night before June 7th is when Hillary had a private meeting with Bernie, and then he announced his endorsement for her the next day. Tell me that isn't unusual.
  16. I get where Braintree is coming from though. We'll potentially have a record number of third-party votes this election in the likes that haven't been seen in over 150 years. Everybody's getting tired of the same stale corrupt crap when it comes down to it, even if it's not a guarantor of victory. It could pave the way for things to come.
  17. My understanding is she's dead center on the political spectrum.
  18. Although I don't support Johnson, he's the alternative for conservatives who don't want Trump, and is therefore a benefactor in this election as a whole by taking away his votes.
  19. A local assemblyman in my city knelt during the anthem and now all these right-wing nationalist fucknuts are accusing him of treason. I've seen comments from at least two vets who are arguing he has the constitutional right to do so, who obviously have far more leverage and credibility.
  20. Back to Doom 4. Id knew what they were doing for sure, by developing their latest engine but also having studied the still-active mod community of the original game to get a feel of what fans desire. Out of all the 2016 shooters I've played, this one ought to be GotY. Also beat Metroid Zero Mission on a GBA emulator for my smartphone. The latest Doom and Metroid seem to have common elements actually.
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