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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. This is probably becoming a signature punchline by now, but I'd grab the latest video driver update for your PC. Fixed the initial low frame rate problem for me at least.
  2. Doom 3 was mostly walking around in pitch black hallways with your flashlight and switching to your shotgun every time an Imp drops in front of you. It was more appealing back in 2004. And it seemed to copy several elements from System Shock 2 as well - for instance, the rampant audio logs, locker combos for secured loot, and the survival horror angle in general. Could be coincidence, but...
  3. Told you it would be. I realize this thread's main emphasis is on Japan's game industry, but...eh.
  4. Yeah it's a big one. Well worth the download though, trust me. So far the only game I've seen that tops that amount is GTA V, which is roughly 65 G
  5. hmm, I'm surprised at 30hrs. I was hoping it would be 45ish. Expansion pack hopefully in the future? I'm going to play it either way, looks great. AFAIK two story DLCs are on the way - one next month already with Pritchard, Jensen's former colleague from Sarif. I do recommend updating your video drivers first though, if you're on PC.
  6. I know there've been 25 homicides in my city this year - 15 of them since June. But Chicago...supposedly had more this year than LA and NYC combined.
  7. Just beat DX: Mankind Divided, at just under 30 hours. If I ignored all the side quests play time might have been halved, but I had to follow my curiosity. Pretty much took the non-lethal approach the whole way, but saved up on armor-piercing ammo for my combat rifle in case of run-ins with hostile robots. EMPs only seem to disable them for a short time though - they don't wreck any kind of mech outright like the last game. This game should come naturally for anybody who's already familiar with the DX franchise. Worth playing overall, though I'm not sure it has the level of replay value HR did. Though there's surely stuff I missed, including a weapon that might've made the final boss fight easier.
  8. Speaking of racism, the latest on the DAPL standoff is that now private security are using attack dogs against protesters: http://usuncut.com/climate/dakota-pipeline-pepper-spray-video/ I guarantee not a single mainstream news outlet will cover this. Because corporate-owned federal omerta.
  9. Sounds like you didn't need a comedone extractor then. Or a mollusc there to lick it, for that matter.
  10. I made a decent appetizer out of a potato. I sliced it up, soaked the slices, rolled them in Italian bread crumbs, sauteed each side in olive oil on a skillet, then garnished with sea salt, shredded parmesan, and basil for the last couple of minutes. But I had to abort the operation when the stupid smoke alarm went off. Anyway, it was one of those moments where you whip up an improvised dish with whatever you happen to have on hand. But the result overall was successful. Think I'll coat them in egg before applying bread crumbs next time tho.
  11. damn that really entices me to play, does it have a lot of the post economic collapse vibes and look of the original DX? there's something about the mix of high tech and low tech that always stuck with me as a great example of a cyberpunk world. MD emphasizes on the apartheid theme between "naturals" and augmented people, with the latter typically being treated as a marginalized category, player included. There's definitely a near-future dystopian vibe, especially in regards to how increasingly militarized police treat augmented citizens. Also, as Perezvon mentioned earlier, the streets of Prague aren't unlike City 17 from HL2.
  12. Was feeling reluctant and frustrated with Deus Ex: MD at first, but now I'm at the point where things are legit starting to heat up in the game and really getting into it now. Had this annoying intermittent pause every few seconds on the streets of Prague for the past week with this game, but the NVidia driver update fixed it. Runs a lot smoother now. It's also apparent that there are quite a few throwback elements to the original Ion Storm game as JC Denton. For example, the return of Biocells, Multitools, bipedal robots, TF29's resemblance to UNATCO, etc. Time to take a break though. Gotta get some fresh air at my fave hiking spot one last time before fall...
  13. I've been, a little bit. Still early in the game though. If you haven't played Human Revolution yet, I recommend playing thru that one first. Doom 3? Whatever mods you download you'll need to unzip into your Doom 3 folder if I remember right. If you're running it on Steam then you should be able to do so under the Steam directory. As for Classic Doom, I recommend GZDoom for downloading WADs and PK3s. If you enjoy Brutal Doom, then Project Brutality takes it a step higher.
  14. Reminds me of this twat I drove behind coming home from work yesterday. Weaved all fast thru traffic, didn't use turn signals...and I still ended up right behind him at the next light. Turns out he was wearing a propped-up flat-bill at an angle with sunglasses, glancing at other drivers all twitchy-like.
  15. raptor is an AWESOME game. Thanks for the reminder =D Sure thing man. Raptor may well be my all-time fave top-down arcade shooter. Just the overall design, the ability to buy and sell stuff between missions...and if I remember right the dev team was made up of just seven guys.
  16. DOS games...the original MicroProse XCOM and Raptor: Call of the Shadows are two of my faves. Strife (which uses the Classic Doom engine) is also dope. They're all available on Steam now though, so no standalone DOS emulator is needed. Actually my favorite Street Fighter-style fighting game on DOS; One Must Fall 2097. That one you do need DOSBox to run.
  17. Is it just me or are a lot of older games more fun than the latest ones, in general? Lately it's felt like the gaming equivalent of updating your OS whenever the newest version of Windows comes out. Like Microsocks should've stopped at Windows 7 when it was pretty much optimized. After that was just new cosmetics without any improvement or innovation in functionality. At least with Doom 4 this year it appeared that Id Software knew what players wanted, having drawn inspiration from the mod community. A GotY nomination wouldn't surprise me. But shame I can't seem to get motivated to continue either NMS or the new Deus Ex.
  18. House-sitting for my friend from work and his wife, but their dachshund is terribly lacking in potty training. Every day I come home from work I find her kennel bed soiled and defecated on, plus she'll continue to pee and crap on the floor after the fact, despite there being diaper pads for her to go on. She just took a shart on the floor right before I made this post, and I could hear it all the way from the other room. Already washed her kennel bed four times now, on top of cleaning up all the other messes she makes. And I've already made numerous attempts to take her outside to do her business, but she just stands there, shivering and staring at me. Feels like working overtime. Happy National Dog Day. Fucking dachshunds.
  19. Straight Outta Compton. There's a muthafuckin 808 in the movie/10
  20. Trump's really turned out to be the butt of every joke this year.
  21. YES, totally got a City 17 feel from Prague. I don't think it's coincidence. Combat-wise the Dawn engine feels smoother than the one for HR did, but the controls are still taking some getting used to for me.
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