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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Nobody complained when Eugene said it. Dunno why you're bitching about it now.
  2. That was a cute stunt last night that Clington and her buddies in AP pulled last night by declaring her victory in the primary before the remaining states vote today. And the superdelegates don't vote til July 25th. You're not fooling anybody, Shillary.
  3. I've actually been playing some Star Wars Battlefront on XBone since Wed, while house-sitting for a friend from work. Though I'm not a die-hard Star Wars fan, the Survival Mode missions are pretty fun. That jet pack module thingy is pretty useful for bouncing out of sticky situations where you're getting swarmed by Imperials.
  4. I literally clapped when he got tazed. Thinks he's somehow entitled to not abide by common courthouse laws. Delusional twat.
  5. I'm more worried about Clington winning the Dem primary than I am about Trump winning the general election at this point. Gonna throw in one last contribution to the Bern campaign for Tuesday. Hope he can win Cali...
  6. RIP Ali [youtubehd]pSqeQlnOhJQ[/youtubehd]
  7. Probably not a realistic expectation, but I hope the police can make him pay back your GF, and then some.
  8. While on the subject of old school (NES) gaming, I remember Abobo in Double Dragon used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid. Not sure why.
  9. ^ yeah I remember watching that a few days ago. Looking forward to trying that mod once it's complete.
  10. yup, I've been following them on and off since the 90s, some amazing stuff out there, especially stuff like void which adds a whole bunch of new features and tricks to the game.TeamTNT (the creators of the TNT: Evilution episode of final doom) went on to make some great, huge levels as well. And we know that Romero himself released two new map WADs this year. Some of the mods out there tho...I thought Brutal Doom was king, but then there's mods like Reelism, Project MSX, Trailblazer, and Project Brutality (which Brutal Doom's author was involved in) that actually that introduce new weapon and enemy animations, and even gameplay elements. Really torn between these and another Doom 2016 playthrough at the moment.
  11. My theory is males who are insecure about their manhood are the ones more likely to be packing heat everywhere they go. The metal variety, of course. This applies more to urban environs tho. Out in the country, that's a different story.
  12. Closest thing I have right now is bear spray, which is basically high-powered mace. It's something I only carry when I'm out hiking tho.
  13. Used to own a .22 caliber rifle (Ruger 10-22), but gave it to my dad. I only used it for shooting paper targets at the range four years ago. Haven't bought any strap since then, and don't have any need for a new one in the foreseeable future. No one seems to wanna pick a fight with me anyway.
  14. Getting back into Classic Doom mods lately on GZDoom for some reason. More than two decades since release and there is still a large, active map and mod creator community today...something I might consider participating in myself. Still can't believe the longevity it's had. I have been playing a bit of Far Harbor for Fallout 4 too, but it just isn't as fun.
  15. [youtubehd]VwDDMGZLlSk[/youtubehd]
  16. Animal rights activists disrupt Sanders rally in Oakland: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Protesters-Jump-Barricade-Interrupt-Bernie-Sanders-Rally-in-Oakland-381333601.html They think that's gonna help animals? What a bunch of dumbshits. And the way the agents carried out that third dude is lol.
  17. Second time getting a text message reading "LOK" in earnest from a work friend. #MostIDM2016
  18. They had a live-action trailer for DX: HR five years ago too though. Not an entirely recent trend.
  19. He probably reeks of bacon, whiskey, nicotine, and armpits. Gotta love redneck chest-beating. In truth, diabeetus is a greater threat than Iran.
  20. [youtubehd]zDjRbATUqlc[/youtubehd]
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