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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Rockman/Megaman X and X 2 on SNES...those where my favorite ones from childhood. Whether they can make it that good again, I'm skeptical.
  2. AFAIK you get slightly less boost from health, armor, and ammo pickups, and you take more damage from demons. But the quantity of demons and the damage you inflict remains unchanged. So my advice is step out of Pinky's way when it's charging at you. The new Pinkies are way tougher than they are in Classic Doom.
  3. and I thought my work was tiresome...at least I get along with my boss and coworkers no problem. Latest FWP is my Japanese is too rusty to maintain a fluid, coherent conversation these days. Then again I'm not forced to use it every day like I was eight years ago.
  4. Somehow the Classic Doom maps aren't as exciting as I imagined them to be in Doom (4), especially with no weapon mods. Starting to think the base mission line is more enjoyable. The journey beats the destination innit. Classic Doom maps with the Brutal Doom mod tho is a whole different story. Found out No Man's Sky got delayed. But that's OK, so long as they're using that extra time to polish things up. Damn that's steep. On vinyl tho...good thing I got a free turntable recently. I'll bet the music for the Western region sounds superb on vinyl.
  5. [youtubehd]TTFdDYQgc4Y[/youtubehd]
  6. Ultra-Nightmare? That takes some balls. I hear it's pretty much a survival mode, in that if you die, you have to start over from the very beginning. I'm playing on Ultra-Violence on my second playthrough, with my primary goal being to unlock all the Classic Doom maps. Secondary goal is to kill every demon in sight. I might try Overwatch, but I'm not in a hurry. So my understanding is gameplay is top notch, but level design is mediocre?
  7. Чики Брики

  8. Yeah I hate those shield guys as well. I've found the quickest and most effective way to knock out their shields is to use the stun bomb mod for the Plasma Rifle. Hexen II felt too Quake-y for me. The first Hexen tho is great. Yeah still three months til the new DX innit. Looks like it takes place in Prague, Dubai, and other cities. And will use a new engine. I'm stoked as well. Borderlands 2 is still the best thing Gearbox have ever done. Might be a while before I pick it up again tho.
  9. ^ jazz but still hilarious, especially the part with the chickens Debating whether to continue my second Doom playthrough in my attempt to grab all the Classic Doom maps. Hunting for secrets every mission can be a bit of a chore after a while tho. Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 has been out for a few days now, might get on that if I get bored with Doom.
  10. I'm burnt out on working with the public because some people are retards. But at least I'm not depressed about it this time. Yes, iTunes is dog shit. This is why I stopped syncing any new music to my iPod because iTunes is required to do so. And I didn't trust it not to fuck up my latest Ae downloads. (thought you were Candiru at first lol)
  11. 1992 needs to reevaluate her standards of what she considers sexy.
  12. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    I agree it's nigh-impossible for most tracks since Quaristice.
  13. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    "eastre" on #3 is the farthest I've gotten so far. Really sticks to me for some reason. Sorta reminds me of the soundtrack from Hyper Light Drifter, but with more high-pass filter. Curious about the reasoning behind the track title tho. Was it recorded on March 27th this year, I wonder?
  14. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    Maybe. Interesting to note that "c16 deep tread" is basically an extended fragment of one of the Ae_Live sets tho. But somehow I think this might be a permanent departure from the traditional hard copy studio release under Warp, given their trends from the last six months.
  15. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    Wow, Ae have been droppin' it like it's hot lately. I'm going with mp3 format because I'm a cheap bastard.
  16. I'm probably suffering from depression. But it's not so much a suicidal feeling, as it numbness and apathy. This is a common problem tho, I'm sure.
  17. There's a Praetor Suit upgrade that allows you to locate secrets more easily. Though I didn't really notice any difference once I acquired it. Maybe I just wasn't taking proper notice or something. Also just found out you can unlock Classic Doom maps, by finding parts of them on the campaign missions.
  18. Well...I just beat Doom. But I'm not ready to shelf it just yet. Gonna bump it up a difficulty on a second playthrough and see if I can hunt down all those secrets I missed, plus see if I can master more weapon and rune challenges. In Id's attempt to blend classic and modern gameplay, this is about as good as it gets. Holy shit, have they come far since the first Commander Keen.
  19. Yes. There's no shortage of trans-dimensional invaders, high-powered weaponry, and carnage. You'll definitely need to be quick on your feet if you intend on surviving.
  20. (in regard to Nebraska's post) "Nb'danibbadandowb'durbnim'bobberjimba." - Jim Bob Hodunk
  21. RDevine was involved in Doom? Kinda makes sense. Haven't actually heard much of his work, but I get a strong Scorn vibe from the loading screen music before the main menu. I think I'm pretty close to the end now, but I won't spoil anything.
  22. Glory Kills can vary depending on the angle tho. I know they glow blue once in stagger mode and then orange once in range. Pretty satisfying slicing a Hell Knight in two with the Chainsaw tho. Even managed to take down a Baron a couple of times with it, tho they require like five fuel cells. That and the HAR are probably my fave weapons so far.
  23. I think Id played their cards right this time. Every flaw with Doom 3 they took into account and rectified. They also seemed much more in tune with the still-active mod community surrounding Classic Doom. It was like a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) the first time you step out into the open Martian landscape and not have to worry about asphyxiation from limited O2 reserves. I'm wondering about the SnapMap tho...can we only develop arena-style maps for multiplayer, or is it campaign-friendly?
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