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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Looks like I'll be the only one here talking about Hyper Light Drifter until it comes out on consoles. Speaking of which, time to test out my new USB controller.
  2. All the plays I get on ClownSound anymore are on a Tribe Called Quest track remix I made four years ago. Could be partly why I'm not in a hurry to make new music any time soon.
  3. Already put 2 hours into it on PC. I dare say it's the most "IDM" game I've played in years, based on the sound, music, and overall design alone. In terms of game play, I remember one reviewer describing it as the Zelda and Metroid games getting married, having a child, and teaching him/her to play Dark Souls. Pretty accurate I think, even though I've only played two out of the three.
  4. Badass. The music is dope too. I've always wanted to poop turds out of my head onto unsuspecting bystanders. EDIT: Highest score is 650 69431 512591 so far. Gonna see if I can top it. Found out you can poo-sition your impact cursor along the Z-axis with W and S.
  5. I get it. Rubio's out the game and DJT is rubbing it in his face. But the bigger picture is that Idiocracy is inching closer to reality.
  6. ambermonk


    DAMN this is dope. Thanks for sharing! And yes, I dig 199X too, especially while on the road.
  7. You'd be surprised how many of my fellow Alaskans are sick of hearing about her. Still sucks what happened to Todd though - I don't wish that on anyone.
  8. The original 1994 System Shock is getting remastered! [youtubehd]xaI7fg6_K2E[/youtubehd] Also System Shock 3 to be developed, with the involvement of Warren Specter, who worked on the original Deus Ex. Fokk yeah. Damn game industry keeps finding ways to coax money out of me lol
  9. Or even Kim Jong-Un for that matter. Gotta love the irony. I remember something about Putin even praising Trump a few months back, if only to encourage him to become Prez and run this country into the ground in the long run. We all know Putin's no fool.
  10. These uneducated products of incest are living in a dream world. (Warning: Contains infamous WW2 references)
  11. I woke up this morning right after having a dream that I was being contacted by aliens via a large flat-screen monitor in some surveillance booth, and immediately afterwards some coastal town in New Jersey was getting attacked by a large UFO. Last night I decided to pick XCOM 2 back up after the performance patch update a few days ago, but left off with 8 Avatar Project progress squares. Coincidence?
  12. Welcome to the anti-Drumpf majority that is WATMM.
  13. Couldn't tell whose voice that was towards the end of the Chicago brawl video, but they sounded like Mr. Garrison from South Park. Couldn't even tell what gender they were, but flol anyway.
  14. Good ol' Arch Rivals. The only b-ball game I know of where you get to punch other players on the court.
  15. (tries to ignore Trump bit) I will agree about hoagies from south Jersey, they don't mess around. There was also that pizzeria just outside our subdivision, Pirone's I think it was called. The calzones they made...hoooly shit were those things monsters (in a good way) Moments like these really test my steadfastness of being veggie though...
  16. Yeah we lived in Mt. Holly specifically, and I do remember there being bomb-ass Italian food aplenty, for obvious reasons. But I still think Trump is a twat.
  17. Congrats! Yeah the final mission gets crazy tough towards the end, but the feeling of victory was also stronger. Glad they patched it too, because those "hang-ups" were annoying. I'm too much of a sissy to play on Commander mode though, especially on Ironman. Seems like it would be impossible to up your Specialists' hack skills without being able to "save-scum." I like being able to take control of ADVENT turrets, MECs, and especially Sectopods.
  18. "He might be with a terrorist organization"...gimme a fuckin break. The archetypal Drumpf lover for sure.
  19. Yeah I'm still eager for NMS, which I already pre-ordered last week. I'm curious how many gigs it's gonna be to download. Doing another XCOM 2 run-through after beating it over a week ago, because I'd like to beef up my hacking skills on my Specialists and also train up some Psi-Ops units, (neither of which I did last time) in order to take control of robotic and organic enemies on missions respectively. Seizing a Sectopod is one of my main goals.
  20. Still seems like little more than speculation right now tho. Harrison Ford as a returning cast member? Unlikely. I'll come back to this thread when there's an actual trailer.
  21. Dafuq you talkin' bout? Michigan just got BERNED
  22. Tried to make homemade matcha (green tea) frappuccino but the ice cubes were too damn big and it came out a watery half-assed green sherbet ice mess. Oh well. Still tastes OK I guess.
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