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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Nice. The game itself looks cool too. Is it a Flashback-style adventure platformer, I wonder?
  2. It's a beautiful city, but traffic is nuts. I also understand housing is expensive as hell. Wouldn't mind living there myself if it were more affordable...
  3. Welp, just pre-ordered the XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe package on Steam. Admittedly I was on the fence about pre-ordering earlier, but what's done is done now. Also re-downloading S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat specifically for the Call of Chernobyl mod, which happened to make it on the Editor's Choice Mod of the Year 2015 list on ModDB...and also happened to be released the same day I saw Ae live in Vancouver.
  4. Holy shit, a whole K just for bread? That's like two meals lol Yeah I'll probably go, at least for the ceremonial kissing. I'll make sure to bring my own wheels though, in case I get bored with the pretentious social bullcrap afterwards. Damn, Zephyr. I wish you'd actually posted this on the last page! Fun fact: Sweepstakes used to own one.
  5. Deformed mountain lion found with teeth grown on top of its head: http://abc6onyourside.com/news/offbeat/mountain-lion-with-rare-deformity-found-in-southeast-idaho
  6. Shitty clients should lawfully be booted from a service of any kind just for being shitty. My latest FWP is I've apparently been invited to a wedding for my late step brother's best friend, but I barely know him myself. I frankly don't want to attend at all, but if I don't, I'll probably be giving a bad impression. Fuckin' weddings.
  7. That's right, real men go hand-to-hand. Actually I used to own a .22 caliber rifle myself, but saw zero need to brandish it in public. And unless I intend to go hunting out in the wild, I have no need for another gun. I understand Second Amendment rights and all, but that doesn't excuse one to act like a total clown about it.
  8. I obviously don't like Trump, but if there were one of his sup- OMG ...Want
  9. I find this to be pretty interesting lately. We're taught about historical figures as if they were role models, but in order to buck the trends they had to be pretty savage and morally bankrupt some or maybe all of the time. Thomas Edison was a dick, Ben Franklin could be as well. I have no idea if Steve Jobs will be looked at in a similar way decades from now, but they'll probably fudge some inconvenient details. The ends justified the means for them. Thomas Edison was indeed a dick, especially regarding his treatment toward Nikola Tesla, who was the REAL granddaddy of modern electricity. When they talked about how Edison was to credit for electricity in history class in school, I don't recall even one mention of Tesla in those textbooks. This is downright fraudulent. I suppose I could tell the story in a nutshell, but some of you might already know. If not, Google can point you in the right direction. EDIT: Holy shit, just realized today was the 73rd anniversary of Tesla's death.
  10. So it's like a few extremely wealthy mob bosses running the show basically. And yeah our health care is a fraud. When I lived in Japan I was required to register for their national health care even as a foreign resident, and I don't think it costed more than the Yen equivalent of $15/mo. This is all kinda why I'm hoping for Sanders' victory, come Nov. 8th. We need somebody to fix this income inequality bullshit for once.
  11. I was hoping FO4 would be my GotY 2015, but there was just too much convolution, frustration, and tedium for me. You had to very deliberately betray one faction to continue the main quest line with another, the settlement babysitting got annoying after a while, and constantly finding yourself trying to resupply for materials whilst crafting your weapon and armor upgrades was a chore in itself. Made it hard to focus just on combat sometimes. Again though, it looks like a good lineup for this year. I'm especially stoked about Hyper Light Drifter and No Man's Sky...and Routine, if Lunar can finally get it finished.
  12. Guess he'll end up joining Y'all Qaeda if he can't find work. I feel like a Native American counter-protest is needed.
  13. Garlic is heaven. Yeah I've known soy products to have some effect on the moobs also, which is partly why I prefer almond milk to soy. Somewhat unrelated, but I found a chickpea curry recipe recently that looks legit. I'ma try and whip some up in the near future. I'm really sorry, that sounds like a traumatic fucking nightmare for real. Might I suggest Disney's Frozen as a replacement? Next FWP is I wanna build a snowman, but there's not enough snow.
  14. Something tells me I shouldn't eat tofu and cheese in the same day. Still not as bad as that stomach flu episode I had three weeks ago.
  15. I was actually more creeped out by what happened next, when he got back up afterwards and started speaking in that screechy high-pitched voice. Eeeeexactly! And his laughter when he gets up is creepy as hell Spoilers for anyone who wasn't watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Robert Zemeckis was my favourite film director from my childhood, hands down. (sorry, was this the Funny Pics thread?)
  16. Creampie Hard True Cock-Size Lies The 20-Year-Old Virgin (probably going too far)
  17. Oh no worries. I'm just trying to get ideas in case I end up doing the same. Not judging at all.
  18. This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent. I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes. I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway. I closed my facebook about 8 months ago. Never looked back. Everyone important to me has my phone number. (well, most). Good on ya Stephen :) Out of curiosity, did you make an announcement first to warn everyone that you were about to close it?
  19. This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent. I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you...except if you're uploading photos of your recent marriage or newborn baby. Then they shower the fuck out of you with Likes. I probably just need to close my FB so I can stop bitching about it elsewhere, since I'm feeling increasingly alienated on it anyway.
  20. I was actually more creeped out by what happened next, when he got back up afterwards and started speaking in that screechy high-pitched voice. A rather dark and surreal film if you think about it, even though it's about cartoons.
  21. So the "IT" acronym takes on a different meaning in that case. "I" is for "idiot" obv, but I'm having trouble with the "T".
  22. One thing I'm grateful for in social media is our increasingly swift response as a global community in ridiculing the ass clowns of the world
  23. Oh yeah, the Bundy family reunion. I remember how my libertarian ex-roommate was praising them back in April 2014 during their whole standoff with the BLA. To right wingers they're "freedom fighters", but they'd either be gangbangers, hippies, or terrorists if it was anybody other than good ol' Christian white boys carrying out these actions.
  24. Getting gradually better at understanding the modern "no fucks given" culture prevalent throughout today's internet. There's no longer any need to feel self-conscious about what you post because nobody cares anyway. No repercussions, so long as it's outside the NSFW zone. Shortened attention spans due to social media influence might factor into this phenomenon as well. Maybe who is posting is more important to us than what is being posted, on a subconscious level. Celebrity status and all that shit.
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