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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. This is how I'm celebrating the New Year: http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/downloads/brutal-doom-hell-on-earth-starter-pack Everything about this latest BD update - the new maps, the music, an already legendary mod...fuck. This is seriously the next level experience for Classic Doom. EDIT: OMFG...the music in Map 05 in the Starter Pack...THEY SAMPLED AE'S CHIASTIC SLIDE EDIT II: Last post on this page? Figures.
  2. Shit, dude, I hope it gets back soon. Is it cold too? Having power out for a week in November was really shitty in near-freezing weather, any colder than that would be miserable. My FWP: somewhat inadvertently picked a fight on FB by criticizing Star Wars. Power's back. It was actually up in the 40s (F) today, so it was warmer than usual. I guess it's one of those "chinooks" My buddy @ work is way into Star Wars, but I'm mostly indifferent to it. The only time I really got into it was that Dark Forces game we played back in 1995. Though devout fans probably wouldn't consider it "true" Star Wars due to the lack of light saber, Jedi powers, and all that happy shit
  3. nostalgia time II [youtubehd]kXNwmwvASac[/youtubehd]
  4. Power's been out where I live for at least 4 hours now. We've been getting hammered with 70-100 mph (110-160 kmh) wind gusts, which must've blown some transformers. This time of year though, in the Arctic? Fuck this climate change. EDIT: Correction - found out the wind knocked a tree down which then struck a power line, not a blown transformer.
  5. nostalgia time [youtubehd]x0I51i8UwGg[/youtubehd]
  6. bruh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      lolol. I heard there's an epidemic of that up in Alaska =P

    3. ambermonk


      yeah, especially @ my workplace

    4. ambermonk


      so it's not a coincidence then.

  7. So NX would be a "hybrid" portable console? Sounds pretty cool. Yeah I'd be curious to see the demo.
  8. I ate a slice of cold pizza that's been sitting in the fridge for a week and didn't get sick...not that I'd recommend eating food that's been sitting in your fridge for a week
  9. Yeah I think I overheard the NX announcement a couple of months ago. If it's coming out within the next year or two I may just hold off til then. I already have a highly capable laptop for gaming, but lately I'm sorta desiring a change of pace in the games themselves - simpler, faster paced games as opposed to open-world exploration games, to be more specific. I'd like to exercise my eye-hand coordination / motor skills a little more. Alex Preston posted an update the other day on Kickstarter re: HLD, he had his heart valves replaced with artificial ones, and has been taking it easy for the last month. I'm betting the PC/Mac/Linux ports will ship in Spring on target, but the PS4/Wii U versions might not see release til Fall 2016. That reminds me, I need to chip in @ Kickstarter. A handheld version would be fantastic, if it's coming to Wii U. My brother just bought one yesterday. I watched a brief interview with Preston last night, where he cited Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as a direct influence, which happens to be my favorite Zelda game. HLD looks awesome either way.
  10. Still looking forward to some of the 2016 titles, especially Hyper Light Drifter and No Man's Sky. Not 100 percent sure about XCOM 2 and the next DOOM tho...probably will wait for reviews first rather than pre-order. Gonna try to be cautious in my anticipation this time around, after having a mixed final impression about Fallout 4. There's a couple more titles I'm watching but I don't feel like rambling on.
  11. Sounds like you guys aren't too impressed with the 3DS. I was actually thinking about buying one, but now I'm dissuaded.
  12. Brutal Doom v20b and a whole set of new realistic maps to wrap up 2015...fuck yes [youtubehd]NW8AHt5dgpw[/youtubehd]
  13. Jeezus I hope he pulls thru man. Seems like they should at least give him some anesthetic or morphine tho..
  14. Reminds me of a certain plastic Batman toy that met his demise on a sidewalk in Montana...
  15. 俺はもう日本語ができないもん、いえども北海道で留学したことあるのに。誰か助けてくれ。 だっていわゆる「第一世界問題」(FWP)なんです。
  16. I feel you on that. Just hang out with the animals in whatever house your family ends up gathering in. My parents house has 4 cats and 2 dogs when everyone gets together, it's pretty fun to hang with them. I'm lucky my family avoids the abuse factor and just watches movies, some aren't so lucky. I think the older you get, the less christmas means anything besides an obligation to spend money, visit family and gorge on liquor. Any gift I want is far to expensive to reasonably expect anyone to buy for me, and I suck at christmas shopping - it's not my holiday. My X-Mas shopping approach is basically to gift card the shit out of everything, when you don't know what they want. I just hope come the 25th there's no drama on that day. Like this Spirit?
  17. Feeling jaded about the holiday season in general. Hyper-consumerism laden with pandemic stress, alcohol abuse, and family dysfunction. Seems more trouble than it's worth anymore. Just glad I don't work in retail.
  18. ambermonk


    The fan titles look like random words from some unidentified Ural-Altaic language. I'll just stick with cities at which they were performed as ID.
  19. lol, no better time of year for it than now if you ask me X-MAS REEFERS IN DA HOUSE. SANTA AND HIS ELVES HIT DAT KUSH. JOLLY AS FUCK.
  20. are yoooo sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? You didn't even have a bit when we were in Vancouver? Nope. Sure was tempting tho...Nope but he had some with me about a year ago so he is in fact a filthy liar. Sativa contains THC? WTF was I thinking...guess I skipped ganja 101 class
  21. are yoooo sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? You didn't even have a bit when we were in Vancouver? Nope. Sure was tempting tho...
  22. lol I didn't even see the file name. That would've been a dead giveaway. Anyway, here ya go 747: http://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=151564 But I intended "game" as slang
  23. If you're to be considered a true WATMMer then you better god damn smoke that ganja, or else.
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