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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. arbitray status self-overwrite

  2. Apparently my visual-identification-of-sound-by-waveform game was on point today.
  3. Just don't try to straddle along any sort of catwalks. Made that mistake in Japan when I was 23 and was limping for at least a week, after falling off and landing improperly. But I was younger and dumber back then.
  4. What about Tesla motors tho? And femtosecond plasma holograms? Photos of Pluto's surface? nm
  5. Wtf, why not just stay home and play Fallout 4? I've gotten pretty frustrated with FO4 lately t.b.h. Trying to figure out how to follow the main quest line has been a headache. Depends on which faction you form an alliance with I guess. Besides, my coworkers were glad I showed up.
  6. Caught some nasty stomach bug last night and went for a rough ride in the WC. Almost was gonna call in sick today, but decided I'll go into work a little later instead, even tho I have loads of sick leave accrued.
  7. Routine is still alive!! http://www.lunar-software.com/2015/12/december-status-update/
  8. I'm in the baldy camp as well. I stopped going to the barber at 27 and have been mowing my own head since.
  9. Getting tired of my step sister's childish drama bullshit, acting pouty and needy all the time. Hell, so is everyone else around her. Wouldn't be as bad if she didn't already have a 5-year-old and a second kid on the way. But it gets complicated, and I'd rather not be a burden by turning it into a diatribe. Just gotta vent is all.
  10. Something symbolic about that bald eagle trying to nip @ Trump...and quite ironic. A good judge of character indeed, that bird. Sometimes I think they're smarter birds than we give them credit for.
  11. Just heard somewhere he might be leaving the GOP altogether, which would be a great relief, as that would imply he'd be leaving the presidential race also. Still don't want Hilary to win tho.
  12. ^ Nice Limpy. Guitars can be a versatile instrument when you think about it. My latest FWS is I "rescued" my friend/coworker after he got stranded on the shoulder of the highway after his car had run out of gas. So long story short, he called me up, I brought a gas can, we got gas, came back, emptied the gas can into his car, and off he went.
  13. So the worse prez candidate imaginable is actually from the planet Tartarus. He wants to ban Muslims yet is conspiring to invade all of Earth, starting with the US. Fucking hypocrite. So next time we see someone bearing a confederate flag, they could very well be Tararutian invaders disguised as inbred humans
  14. shit man I hope you turn out to be alright? No lasting damage I hope. what a douchenozzle that guy was Yeah he sounds like some chav cunt. Maybe karma will get him back one day. Must be UV judging by the color. Hope you didn't get any permanent retinal damage. That's where I'm at with it. Need to get my heart healthy, losing some weight is a good part of that. I've been working out daily now which makes me feel a lot better. I've not lost much weight but I'm down about 2.5% body fat. Blood pressure is coming down a lot. Good luck man! The holiday season is tough, so many treats and good eats. Thx, you too Steve-O Think I might be shedding some weight already. Slowly but surely.
  15. Still trying to avoid soda as much as possible, and reducing any sweets to only yogurt and / or dark chocolate. The holiday season seemed like a legit excuse to pig out in the past, but not anymore. As for any kind of meat, I opt only for seafood or poultry. Used to feel a lot more insecure about being overweight, but now I just see slimming down as a motive for clothes to fit better and live longer overall.
  16. That OP track is delicious. Damn. JF has come a long way since 10110101 = (Rec+Play). It's essentially the difference between childhood and adulthood.
  17. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-wants-to-ban-the-internet-will-ask-bill-gates-to-close-it-up-a6764396.html Now he wants Bill Gates' help to shut down the Internet? I don't think we need anything more to convince us that he's officially off his rocker now. But the question remains; should we still be taking him seriously?
  18. ambermonk


    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thx for sharing Cygnus, even tho you had reservations about doing so. I still remember when the two of us were shooting the shit on aphextwin.nu (b4 it became xltronic) and autechre.nu back in 2002, as long ago as that was. Not trying to be a stalker or anything, but even back then was good times. (I was "pachI") Hell of a show you and the crew put on this year. Best musical performance I've seen in my life, and that's no exaggeration. And you have my condolences about your Dad. Nearly lost mine three years ago. Just keep doing what you're doing, and continue keeping us all posted on your live and studio recordings and all of your future works and tours. Peace and love.
  19. Just ate about 13 oz of buffalo chicken and my mouth was on fire.
  20. ambermonk


    Actually it's updated on Warp's FB page now. And on AE_STORE's mailing list. Just took a few hours I guess. Tried downloading all 5 at the same time last night, but apparently my internet can't handle that. My internet service at home isn't the most reliable anyway, but I'll make do. Looking forward to hearing these when the downloading is all finished tho.
  21. Trump as the next president will be a greater threat to the world than ISIS. Although it's blatantly obvious how unpopular he already is, at least among citizens with an adequate education. No way would he have an ensured victory by democratic means. I just hope he won't be able to somehow rig the election with his riches.
  22. ambermonk


    The hell? Seems like Ae continue to deliver when we least expect it. Guess I'll be grabbing the next 5 recordings then. Hope I have enough space on my phone lol
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