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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I'll miss the adorably bad acting from TNG though. That series was always fun to make fun of, in an almost MST3K fashion.
  2. ^ Okonomiyaki! I started making the Osaka version a couple of years ago, which is more of a mixture style. Mostly the same ingredients, but I've found bean sprouts and shrimp work too.
  3. Did my first ever DIY oil change, on the new car. It was almost an FWP because I accidentally put in SAE 5W-20 as the new oil instead of the recommended SAE 5W-30, but after doing some research after the fact, turns out I'll be fine during winter. I'll just use the '30 on the next interval, at which point I probably need to change the filter as well.
  4. Yep, the Napoleon Bonaparte of the Ae subforum
  5. thx gta v! [youtubehd]RwtEKZcsMuM[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]T2dOW3ztvfs[/youtubehd]
  6. Just earned gobs of cash in GTA V Story Mode by collecting nuclear waste in a mini-sub along the sea floor off the LS coastline. I'm still amazed by the amount of depth in this game (literally). Reminded me of No Man's Sky for some reason.
  7. Country:United States lol I do this all the time too m8 Aye. Yesterday the technician bloke came to install the new water heater but there was a bit of a cock up because he didn't have the correct parts, so he had to come back today to finish it. It was like brass monkeys all this time, but after feeling the warm water flow again from the kitchen sink faucet, I was proper gobsmacked. (Not sure if that sounds right t.b.h.)
  8. Finally have hot water again after two weeks without it. Ice cold showers are bollocks.
  9. Somebody set up us the "srupid" back to "stupid". Now I'm sad. Also have been having...digestive issues today. Guess I just need to start eating more salad. And I remember noticing a WATMM member a couple of weeks ago who's been here over eight years and hasn't made a single post, but I can't remember their username. The ghosts are among us.
  10. All I gots to say is the dude on the far left looks like Cornel West and Bob Ross put together
  11. I'm not denying that girl was misbehaving, but the way the cop shoved her around like some kind of animal...assholes like him are why there's so much hate towards cops these days. My theory is that people who think more rationally and have more self-control would make good cops but often do not want to take up that job. And then there's the ones who are cocky, insecure, and overzealous to assert their authority the moment they are granted even an iota of power - y'know, the bad cops.
  12. [youtubehd]j8mPn1B5JGI[/youtubehd] June 2016...no problem. There are already four other new games that I want which are scheduled for release between now and then.
  13. So many aging right-wing "good ol' boys" from my state are claiming his actions are justified. Getting sick of the complacent, double-standard Dittohead mentality.
  14. 二天一流 [youtubehd]mabwgJVoW3Y[/youtubehd]
  15. ambermonk

    Now Reading

    In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore Never thought I'd be reading a self-help book, but I'm on the verge of a new approach on life.
  16. I realize Nintendo monopolized this thread long ago, but Trevor is becoming my favorite GTA V Story Mode playable character. Crazy, smelly, smart, morally ambiguous, and completely fearless. Franklin and Michael are p cool too, but Trevor is just the most fun to play as for some reason.
  17. So there's an Ae and a Kode9 remix. Still think the former sounds ballsier tho [youtubehd]9qR5rgKK39Y[/youtubehd]
  18. [youtubehd]Qkex-n03TC0[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]QUzme21W_Lc[/youtubehd]
  19. [youtubehd]ba81lyOdCOA[/youtubehd] Way underrated game. Playing the Veteran Edition on Steam right now. Would love to see a reboot.
  20. MD just uploaded minutes ago [sc5]229273330[/sc5]
  21. Yeah, acts all tough and then he/she cowers on the couch like a little bitch Also, here's Danny Philippou's latest [youtubehd]4XWpCe8gUlo[/youtubehd]
  22. Ay'way... [youtubehd]Taaje64OH6A[/youtubehd] (I shared this more for the doge's voice @ the end than anything)
  23. I cracked a hardened combination padlock (the hard way) and found its code.
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