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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Even for working a lower-end NAF job, the benefits are hard to argue with compared to probably most places in the private sector. And yes, there is a shit-ton of bureaucracy we deal with even as civilian personnel. But yeah, something uniquely sentimental about our time on Malmstrom.
  2. Just over two weeks ago our governor issued the "re-open" order. And now active cases in my state are nearly triple from last week. And on top of all the shit that's happened in the past week alone, and that this year's not quite half over yet...and the fact that we still have a looming general election...
  3. He might as well be Logan Paul in Japan suicide forest circa January 2018. Too bloated, privileged, and empty-headed to stand for anything.
  4. America as a whole is under threat of white supremacist usurpers. AFAIK they've already infiltrated the military and law enforcement agencies. We've seen the trends of thru countless memes over the last few years - psychological influence, perhaps establishing roots in 4chan since the early 2000s. And then there's the recent evidence of looters having ties to Identity Evropa...conveniently re-branded the American Identity Movement as of last year. If I'm not mistaken the Nazis themselves were partially inspired by white supremacy groups in the US, nearly a century ago. So we're effectively dealing with the exact same ideological enemy today as we did then.
  5. Indeed we are. And the fact that I technically still work for the DoD makes me wonder whether I should remain at my job, should the worst case scenario happen. Yet we're all expected to go about our daily business like good, law-abiding citizens...even though I feel like shit is yet to truly hit the fan.
  6. I truly hope our military top brass have enough sense not to carry out his Twitter directives. But I'm not optimistic. In his case it seems there's no limit to how disdainful a human being can possibly become.
  7. A lot of Trumpsters in the comments feed it seems. There's no getting away from those cockroaches anywhere online.
  8. Yeah even in the mid-90s that was the case apparently. My dad acted like we were about to traverse a cease fire zone or something at the time. I had to look up the acronym ACAB just now because I'm a dummy. And yes, it is an easy mindset to fall into. But I also think it's a bit of an unfair stereotype, because the good cops never get as much attention as the bad ones these days. I feel like America is long overdue for a systemic overhaul in police training. We need law. We need order. But we don't need shitty, psychotic, unprofessional thugs under the guise thereof.
  9. This shit is getting depressing. I wish more cities would follow Camden NJ's example. (I vaguely remember us driving thru there as a family when I was a kid.)
  10. One month from now will be a year since my grandfather checked out. It's as if he already knew what 2020 had in store and was like "k fuck this shit, I'm out"
  11. Any Native American would tell him that his (our) "anaesters" were the ones who came here "ileagely". Also my browser won't let me play those Twitter vids for some reason. Dunno why. Do I have to be logged into my dormant Twitter acct first I wonder?
  12. This whole aftermath is too complex to make it just an us vs them conflict. There are shitty cops, just as there are shitty opportunists in plain clothing taking advantage of the chaos...although there is some overlap in some cases. Either way I have a feeling that martial law is imminent. And all I'm doing is sitting in the safety of my home browsing social media and posting useless opinions on WATMM. Worth noting though that there are more altruistic examples of activism amidst this unrest. Black men protecting a police officer who got separated from his squad in Louisville last night, people donating food and supplies in Minneapolis, etc.
  13. The powder keg was lit the moment George Floyd lost his life to a rogue cop. People won't tolerate American fascism, greed, racism, and imperialism anymore. All we can do from here is let things run their course.
  14. I finally played thru the pre-alpha demo of Nightdive Studios' remake of System Shock. Most if it anyway up until it crashed. It certainly has potential, but it's also apparent that NDS still have a lot of work ahead of them. Something tells me a definitive release date will be set for 2022 at the earliest. Also I re-installed Bioshock Infinite on the new PC because I feel like has some symbolic parallels to the current Floyd murder aftermath, even though it came out back in March 2013. I guess Ken Levine was prophetic in a way.
  15. He needs his Twitter account suspended for inciting violence. He's already violating their rules. He's not a president. He's a scab.
  16. I truly hope those little shits don't become police officers, because they seem to fit the ideal psych profile these days.
  17. Guess he was afraid that colonel was gonna grab his vagina
  18. He doesn't give a fuck about George Floyd. If anything, he'd personally give Derek Chauvin a commendation.
  19. Arrest of CNN reporters on live TV Follow-up edit: Turns out Jimenez was released about an hour later and gave this follow-up report
  20. Looks like things are escalating in Minneapolis. Third Precinct ablaze, and now the National Guard are on the way
  21. Tomi is white nationalist Barbie. I'm just glad that people are getting less tolerant of fascist bullshit.
  22. I actually agree with you on both ScarJo and De Niro. I guess I'd have to point out ScarJo because she and I were born only about a week apart. And De Niro is just a badass in general.
  23. Apparently one person was shot dead amidst the riots in Minneapolis overnight. And I heard the PD are guarding Derek Chauvin's house (the officer who had his knee on George Floyd's neck, causing him to asphyxiate). Shit's only gonna get worse if those four officers don't get more punishment than just forced resignation.
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