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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. The one thing that's missing is the sound of shattered glass on impact
  2. Mafiosos with ties to white supremacist factions. That's today's GOP.
  3. Played nearly two hours of P.A.M.E.L.A.. I dunno. It's full of pristine jank. UI is too complex and cumbersome for my liking. Not really sure if I can get into it. Might try Subnautica instead. Meanwhile, playing Hyper Light Drifter again as the Alternate Drifter. Maybe I'm just too impatient now for slow and tedious survival games.
  4. I just happened to buy some new North Face merch about two hours ago (before I saw this). Miracles work in mysterious ways. But also because Ae.
  5. This Wordpress article from Feb 2016 does a pretty good job at summarizing the symbol's history: https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2016/02/10/the-difference-between-the-buddhist-swastika-symbol-and-the-nazi-swastika-symbol/ (Only need to scroll thru the first quarter of the page)
  6. Never watched it, but I heard the entire film is basically a glorified female fetish. Just like Species was one for males.
  7. Doubtful. Especially considering the killer cass was in Florida. I guess the victim was keeping it as a pet or something. From what I know these birds aren't carnivores, but their talons combined with their strength are dangerous enough to disembowel somebody with a single blow.
  8. Matt Gaetz...same guy who wants our military to bomb BLM protesters like they did Iraq and Yemen since the Bush years. He might as well be another Richard Spencer.
  9. Please tell me Garrett isn't related to James Rolfe of Cinemassacre/AVGN fame...
  10. P.A.M.E.L.A. is just now out of early access and on sale, so I grabbed it. But I haven't played Subnautica yet. Or Empyrion, which looks like it plays quite similarly to No Man's Sky. Generation Zero has gotten recent updates as well. I dunno. Maybe I should be investing more time in my Korg Minilogue XD instead.
  11. Somebody posted female Spock in the Funny Pix thread the other day. That dilated my pupils, not gonna lie.
  12. I 'member Tie Fighter used some of the same explosion sounds as Dark Forces. And DF itself was actually the next evolutionary step after classic Doom/Doom II in shooter games back in the mid-90s.
  13. You'd think he'd be in front of the horse and not on top of it...
  14. I'm tired of my job. But I lack the skill-set and connections to ensure decent employment elsewhere. I guess borderline indentured servitude is preferable to being unemployed though.
  15. I still prefer Doom 2016 to Eternal. Just better-written and more fluid & coherent IMO. Just beat Hyper Light Drifter a second time (first time was over four years ago). And I managed to find the Railgun (not to be confused with the Rifle) just before the final boss.
  16. What's more disturbing is how he managed to garner such a cult following. Granted decades of hate-grooming of his base by FOX News & Rush Limbaugh drivel and sermons by evangelical nut-jobs are major factors, but still.
  17. Not to pull the Epstein angle, but...
  18. Sounds like some bloated ticks need a poppin'. Motherfuckers should've been jailed years ago like the banksters were in Iceland.
  19. I wish I could work from home, especially lately. But idk if I have any particular skill set which would allow me to do so. I should've selected a different major in college.
  20. (I can tell the poor bastard is struggling to restrain laughter)
  21. Ah yes, the perpetually scowling angry chipmunk. I've heard elsewhere that people who tend to be kind IRL can be monsters online. Why anyone would hold an insecure racist chipmunk in high regard though is beyond my comprehension.
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