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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Cue all the Trumpatriots denouncing COVID-19 as totally fake but decrying 9/11 as the most devastating attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor (2,977)
  2. Saw that on IG last night. Gotta love how the guy holds the rifle like Rambo (with the stock under the armpit rather than rested against the shoulder) and the lady assumes the Karen stance, with one hand on the hip and the other hand pointing a handgun in lieu of the index finger. And their "house" looks more like a government building.
  3. Ugh. This year's election is gonna be messy no matter the outcome.
  4. Void Bastards is an underrated gem IMO. It also seems to lend itself to partial Duskers influence, which I still need to try.
  5. Spokane is arguably the most liberal part of inland WA. But it's also just outside the border with Idaho, which has historically been a white supremacist stronghold. But I'm not sure if that's where these toothless meth zombies are originally from.
  6. Jesus. They're like fucking zombies. And this is in Spokane. I've never seen shit like this in the many times I've visited.
  7. Tryna eat non-dairy Ben & Jerry's under the influence is like tryna carve out chunks of styrofoam packaging with a spoone and eeding it EDIT: I regret this post
  8. What's frustrating is that he occasionally has made valid points but they have always been at the wrong time.
  9. It's as if Trump is totally OK with "Kung Flu" proliferating to levels beyond what we've seen 2 to 3 months ago. I hope this reduces the odds of a second term at least.
  10. Umm...shouldn't there a way to either vote in or appoint replacements? Not while this abomination is still in office, but afterwards..
  11. I heard about that. Alaska got hit with a 7.1 at the end of November back in 2018. Pretty sure the main shock lasted a good full minute. Then it was scattered aftershocks for months. Seismic PTSD is real.
  12. I still see far too many people out in public w/o masks. Hell, even my own co-workers. Even saw at least two people throw full-on Karen shit-fits for being told that they need a mask to enter our building. I simply have no patience for this infantile Trump-enabled behavior.
  13. That's rich, coming from Bunker Bitch. Glad to see Twitter has taken action though.
  14. Akash Thakker managed to create the shrieking sound of the main villain using an old WWII-era wire recorder. How dope is that..
  15. The two nations in the graph with the highest count also happen to have the crappiest leaders. Go figure.
  16. Just consumed a prefab vegetable yakisoba pack for lunch, but...I added a Beyond Burger (plant-based) patty on top, with mayo and kimchi. Unconventional but surprisingly tasty.
  17. Oh damn. I just realized that I haven't seen a Barq's root beer in a long time.
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