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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. There are at least four. I got called out here once for using the term "retarded" though. If that same person can come up with a better substitute in this context, I'm all ears.
  2. I meant that one could simply snip the digits off with scissors or something. But that's an option too, albeit a risky one...
  3. One latex glove can theoretically yield 5 condoms
  4. Really? Because Sanctuary is the only fast travel point that shows up for me. WTF Gearbox. So I gave up and started playing solo on Generation Zero, by the same devs of RAGE 2. Pretty cool so far. The environment is like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with a tech upgrade. The killer robots don't mess around though - they're fast and have seemingly advanced AI. EDIT: Never mind, I just figured out how to cycle thru multiple maps in BL3. Fast travel points were revealed on the one for Promethea. Problem solved. Also the guys working on Prodeus (upcoming indie Doom 2016) just posted a Kickstarter update today, including this demo of a Sniper Zombie
  5. I'm about 8 hrs into BL3 now...got as far as Promethea, got back to Sanctuary, and tried returning to Promethea's surface via the drop pod..but even that I can't use now. Pretty sure this game is broken lol
  6. Nice. I still plan on ordering a Valve Index, but it'll be another few weeks before the second batch is ready, last I heard.
  7. I'm willing to cut them slack if they indeed announce another delay. Would rather see it be polished than become a rushed, buggy mess. Plus they need to make the overall health of their staff a priority as well. Either way, I don't regret pre-ordering.
  8. If we can't vote Trump out in seven months, then I at least hope Kentuckians will do the right thing and vote McConnell out and end his stranglehold on the Senate. That old putrid scab has been stifling progress before Trump even announced his bid for the presidency.
  9. I could see the pandemic being a factor, should that happen. But I'm just going by the official date. Just going by what I know.
  10. Just pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077, even tho it won't be out for another five months. (Fuck you COVID, I'm getting thru this) Also just found out that Run the Jewels AND Richard Devine are among the contributors to the soundtrack
  11. I have a feeling that Sean has been low-key browsing the Dank Memes thread
  12. Some AAA game developer will eventually catch wind of the word Panopticon and name the evil empire in their next game after it
  13. Doubtful, as long as we keep following the basic guidelines to mitigate the spread. Although not everyone does. Shame we're still dealing with racist assholes this far into the 21st Century. Was hoping we'd put that behind us until 2016 happened.
  14. Finished the main story line in Rage 2 last night and then hunted for the remaining three Vaults Arks I missed. Now I'm ready for those DLC quest lines I've been putting off. Can confirm that I'm disappointed in the story writing in this game, but...the journey beats the destination and all that. As for Doom Eternal, I have a feeling that it's a one-time thing for me. I admit that I was fully aboard the hype train in the months leading up to its release, but now that it's all passed I've had time to take a step back and realize that not everything about it is gold. The combat is so over-the-top, for one. And everything has to be done a certain way. And the platforming, the purple slime shit, and the tentacles...the fucking Marauder...come on. And on top of that the game didn't have as much continuity story-wise as I'd hoped. It's like a bunch of new lore was shoehorned in to effectively elevate Doomguy to superhero status. Kinda cringey tbh. Id Software should get back to basics. Get bigger guns to kill bigger monsters more quickly, that simple. That's what I liked about Doom 2016. And the Doom subreddit full of meme-parroting Gen Z edge lords can fuck right off. (End "Boomer" rant)
  15. Dammit. I don't even wanna set foot outside anymore, but I got called into work tomorrow. Granted it's only for 4 hours, and human contact should be minimal, but still.
  16. The last one wasn't a failure. It was a defiance.
  17. Evangelists are the worst, especially considering the amount of influence they have these days...whether cultural, political, or pathogenic.
  18. I'm tempted to make this my new profile pic EDIT: Son of a bitch. File was too large. Oh well, probably safer that way anyway due to its seizure-inducing potential.
  19. Shame we have the shittiest possible administration during this pandemic. Wish JFK could have jumped thru a wormhole or something back in November 1963 to today, knocked out Trump like Danny Marianino did Danzig in 2004 AND proceeded to stomp him in the nuts, and led an emergency coup d'etat. Okay, some useful information: apparently CBD is an antiviral agent (and not just physically): https://medcard.app/can-cbd-help-prevent-or-treat-the-covid-19-coronavirus/ Don't smoke it though obv. Use CBD-based oils. But for ganjaphobes, there's always Vitamin C from citrus fruits and even cranberry juice. And basic cooking ingredients like garlic, ginger, and turmeric should help boost immune defenses as well.
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