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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. You forgot to mention Pete bribing Shadow Inc to boost his poll number. Putting words in my mouth hasn't swayed my political sub-allegiance, but regardless your attempt is admirable.
  2. Trump tards pretty much label anyone even remotely left of them commies at this point. They're basically the KKK, McCarthyists, and drunken NFL fans put together.
  3. Murkowski is one of the few moderate Republican senators remaining. She still condemned Trump during the "trial", but ultimately voted not to convict, presumably out of fear of backlash. She's widely regarded as a RINO in her own state, but then again there's no shortage of MAGA shitbags in Alaska, including the governor.
  4. I got about one minute in and had to stop. Fuck this trash. Warp will never again be as good as they were in the late 90s and early 00s.
  5. Trump's approval rating now at 49 percent, results from Iowa caucuses turning out to be a clusterfuck...this year is proving to be a mess so far, predictably. Not to put a dent in morale, but the circumstances don't really invoke optimism for me right now.
  6. April or May prolly. Be patient.
  7. Starting to think buying Synthetik was a good decision. Feels like a tactical Risk Of Rain. Just gotta make sure to disable integrated graphics for optimal performance. EDIT: I dare say this is now my new favorite.
  8. Dunno if I'd go that far. But it's evident that many among the ruling elite hate him. Republican establishment is fine with outright dictatorship. Dem establishment is more focused on crony capitalism. At least that's how I understand it.
  9. lol. Bold words considering how the 2004 election worked out for him. (For the record, I have never voted Republican, and never will.)
  10. I wonder how former Warsaw Pact nations feel about the popularity of AKs in the States
  11. Well, this just convinced me to go ahead and buy it. Looks like others are in the same boat on the Steam store page. I'd imagine Flow Fire Games are thanking Sseth profusely now.
  12. I'm just gonna refer to this sham of a trial as Turtlegate until someone else comes up with a better name. Because McConnell. At least this would give more ammo to whomever the Dem front runner ends up being, as the general public gets closer to casting votes.
  13. It's making me have the hotts for the therapist
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