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Everything posted by eugene

  1. mouthus - way to fade your cloud beautiful
  2. grouper - hold stunning new track http://soundcloud.com/room40/grouper-hold
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e5VDMx4JH8
  4. eugene


    yeah, didn't realize there's so much of it myself, i'm still on page 1
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmbvWyuv_gk
  6. eugene


    definitely grouper, but not "dragging a dead deer.." go "cover the windows and the walls" and.. black tambourine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wva074MGZi8 glifted for math-shoegaze http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td6wW05kBw8 for shoegazy druggy psych rock bardo pond are the ultimate choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HY1ywAZ_wE&feature=related
  7. my bloody valentine - several girls galore
  8. fake ae interviews > fake ae fakes more.
  9. and again gorgeous album..this track in particular
  10. Is it Atavism? yea, its quite jazz band in these parts actually
  11. that snd album sean mentioned is mental...math idm. just be sure to have a large bottle of soda nearby
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saKzFDaXIWE
  13. major fail on not mentioning Excepter, alternation lp is the definition of 'psychedelic', they also release hours upon hours of free music.. mouthus' softer albums - slow globes, divisionals, sister vibration. those guys are the autechre of noise/psych music, slow globes is probably the best album ever. Kemialliset Ystävät is always awesome, i like the last 2 albums the best, they're like a fucked up focus group. OOIOO is a continuation of boredoms VCN vibe, gold and green and feather float are a must. jan jelinek - tierbeobachtungen bulbs - light ships
  14. a perfect album indeed, mastery of repetition. oversteps is so insignificant and pathetic in comparison it's not even funny. can anyone recommend a musician\band that does something like rettic ac ? in terms of sound design, not melody.
  15. I'm just wondering.. how many people actually listen to James Ferraro and similar stuff on WATMM? one rad dude and a bunch of lame poseurs actually, i've seen a few watmmembers once or twice mention james ferraro and the skaters in "tell me what to listen to (or technically download illegally)" threads. i grabbed Citrac and a Lamborghini Crystal rerelase under the name Gripper Nother Onesers on vinyl too. Trying to cop Multitopia next. I think I'd feel kind of cheated buying his CDr releases, actually. you guys should stop by this forum: www.fangsandarrows.com
  16. now with the proper quality copy out i can conclude.. fuck you autechre, 24bits of subpar generic IDM wankfest with a few hints of past brilliance. this is infuriatingly disappointing. you known(1) fags should take a close listen to eidetic casein. /Orubasarot
  17. 3rd spin and it's still mostly crap, the awful tunes (something that id never expect from ae) played with some cheap sounding synths are taking such a huge portion of this album, it just sounds like a pisstake most of the time. i've never heard such downright BAD tracks from ae as O=0, redfall and known(1)..tracks that aren't plagued by those YLC/plaid sounding tunes are just noodley and boring. the only decent tracks are the 2 first and os veix3, really hope that this is some elaborate fake although there are just way too many unmistakably autechre elements..1 pooper is somewhat forgivable, but 2nd in a row..
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