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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. holy fuck guys lentic catachresis is magnificence what a fuckin album 4real
  2. jesus fuck you guys, I swear there is no better place for dank memes on the internet this thread needs to be saved and cherished
  3. wonderful flowers, yes.. more dank flowers danke flowers
  4. Well nothing is proven so far and the question of origins of life is still here. However, the primordial state were simple elements joining into complex compounds. Initially there was only a chemical evolution with the basic elements which eventually formed first biological monomers, with carbon being the most capable of forming diverse polymers that are able to form cells from molecules. How? I don't know. But there are very plausible theories of self-organization on the atomic and subatomic levels, going up the scales. Like a master-algorithm if you like. This chaotic process could form first simple cells who then went through a biological evolution, which probably eliminated unsuitable cells unable to exist in the current state of Earth's environment. As the Earth's environment gradually changed, cells had to evolve into a greater diversity, but the original different cells also gradually could not adapt anymore. So, there is probably this champion cell.... maybe.. is an interesting train of thought nevertheless
  5. The general concensus on evolution (as I understand it) is that all species share a common anscenstor as in all species on earth are branches of the same tree. Something that has been nagging me about this is the following... Be it that either life was created here or came from eslewhere shouldn't there reasonably have been several instances of that occurring not only geographically but during time? My point being, shouldn't there be evidence of species being branches of several different trees? is there evidence of this? and if not... isn't that incredibly odd an improvable?
  6. this and the jordan peterson thread must be merged
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PXbFva-A0ZQ0hwNTZRWm9qSnc/view?usp=drivesdk this is a recording of my most broken run on binding of Isaac last year, great game if u haven't played it i recommend edit: to see vid open link in chrome
  8. YES I dloaded a bunch of her stuff a month or two back. Love that one that ends with a very long rambling monologue over a skipping CD sound https://www.discogs.com/Gabi-Losoncy-Security-Besides-Love/release/9937371 cheers for the rec that sounded quite interesting
  9. more compact than vinyl surely? I always assumed that anyways
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