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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?
  2. Thx for the quote. I believe i can keep my hopes up for a bit.
  3. If by "they" you mean the people, i'm afraid the distance between washington dc and the rest of the country can be big enough to not notice anything. As we've seen in the past.
  4. I hope all those lists of potential trump administration candidates are pulled from thin air. Although there's plenty counter evidence, I 'm hoping Trump will follow through on actually waving his middle finger to both democratic and republican traditions and create a 50/50 administration which represents both the outcome of the vote and his personal beliefs. He should call it his "by the people, for the people" administration. Kinda like what Trudeau did, but in a Trumpian way. If there is one. The biggest fear I currently have, is that republican elites will mis-use Trumps political ignorance to push their own agenda. Like it was a victory for the GOP over the dems. Which it really wasn't, imo. I hope Trump will stick to his guns and understand he won partly because people being sick of politicians doing whatever the hell they or their sponsors/special interests lobbyist wanted them to do. The current period will make or brake his legacy, imo. Setting aside all the crap about racism, misogyny, bullying and alt-right crap. I hope he'll keep on exceeding expectations. In a good way.
  5. Tip: If you want to get desensitised to internet comments you should spend a month at 4chan/b/ . It makes you drown in that cancer in such a way that it becomes invisible.
  6. Great read. I like the Facebook post linked too, very succinct and something a lot of the West needs to ingest. Good read, but a bit self-serving in points, imo. This piece on 538 makes a nice contrast (http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-a-difference-2-percentage-points-makes/ ): they change 1% of the Trumps votes in Clintons favor and speculate how the media would have explained the alternative outcome. The effect on the outcome is huge. And with that, the likely narrative that would have been told by the (biased) media. A small difference would have invalidated parts of this article, even though the electoral difference can be seen as noise. So even though this piece takes aim at the media (and everything else) as if its somehow above it all, it shows it's basically just like any other media piece: a narrative happily ignorant of the sensitivity of real world noise. It's easy for the media to draw conclusions which often mostly affirm their own predispositions (like the author of the article from the intercept explicitly does here, btw) without taking in regard the likelihood of an opposing outcome. Or rather, an opposing narrative. (try reading any article with the idea that the opposite is actually closer to the truth. similar to listening to trump and thinking he's everything he made out his opponents to be. no stamina. corrupt. and a lousy leader. etc) In a way the author does exactly what he mentions in this quote. The only difference is that he has luck on his side. Because the outcome was in line with his expectations. As if it was something inevitable. Which it just wasn't. Sorry.
  7. well, he did his first 180 during his acceptance speech. and there's prob. more to follow. he said it best during the second or third pres. debate: "it's just words, people. just words". And he wasn't referring to Clinton, but to himself and his twitter feed.
  8. Silver lining: that shit was already present. With or without Trump. And now that the real crazyness comes out in the sun, actual healing might start to take place. Many people will disagree, but the outcome of this election might be a medicine which makes you feel sicker at first and better after all that crazyness has come out. And I say the outcome of this election as this is beyond Trump. I actually think this revolution against the old establishment will help create a better new establishment in the long run. Like a wake up call for the people governing the us. Or who thought they were governing. But it's fair to call me out on this naive sense of optimism, though. I might be incredibly wrong. But I hope I'm not...!?
  9. I can see that. I don't get the whole conservative Reagan worship, he never really did all that much. In fact, a lot of his positions were quite liberal. He talked a big game and had a good face but that's mostly it. There is one thing though, Reagan had to fight a blue house and senate whereas Trump has total unity. Now there are so many neocons in the house and senate that I'm not sure how much they'll actually let through. With respect to the power within the GOP, I can hardly come to any other conclusion that it's now Trumps party. And Trump may be orange, but he's not Boehmer. If there's someone who could get the gop back in line (the freedom caucus), it's Trump, imo. The old establishment, the Bushes and the Romney's and all, will fall back in line the minute new policies will need to be made. They're too responsible not to work with the new establishment. And the freedom caucus, well, they now have the uber-anti-establishment candidate at the top. I don't see them competing with trump. Only exception might be cruz. But he's from a different planet so who knows. He might phone home like ET.
  10. No. As alive as ever. Trump's just going to be another Reagan. A reality-TV poster-face doing the ceremonial stuff and support from regular politicians feeding the executive branch. Plus, GOP has to show responsibility by actually doing stuff again. So the obstructivism of esp. the freedom-caucus - or whatever the hell its name - is a no-go. I don't believe the Dems will go into obstr. mode. Although you never know. There's still some hot button issues like climate and income inequality. And obamacare even. edit: @candiru
  11. Trumps acceptance speech was pretty good. Defied my expectations. Although the nod to Guiliani should have been for Comey. ;-p
  12. my silver lining is that the actual political machine is so weirded out by the prospect of Trump, that they have to start to cooperate with each other. or else they'll face someone pushing chaos down from the top. and at least he is a-political and up front about being an a-hole. edit: climate is f-cked though ...or as they said in WWII: FUBAR
  13. A President can be impeached, not sure what the process is though. You sum it up pretty nicely. This @Kavinsky: men can't stand strong, ambitious smart women. apparently
  14. What she has done doesn't necessarily break the law. It is simply money influenced, and I view her as a fairly corrupt politician. She takes legal indirect bribes, that she herself pushed for, and which has worked. Off the top of my head: Glass-Steagall (ugh money in politics, there should be very little money in politics, WHY would they push to get this passed when there's no reason for money), voting for the Iraq war, not voting for gay marriage, pipelines, potentially shitty trade deals, voting against (like 60% of) environmental reform that was justified, once supporting universal healthcare, and then after receiving many donations deciding Obamacare is good enough. Uhhh the DNC doing various small things to ensure Hillary's victory, then only the person running the DNC getting shafted because of it, then subsequently getting a job WITH hillary. Super-predators.... uh... ok that's enough. There is a reason companies WEREN'T supporting Bernie. They know Hillary will do good by them. She's bought out. I mean, it's just obvious man. I don't understand why this isn't clearly evident. That's all I have to say. I'm tired of arguing about Hillary. She is in the past now. As I said, hopefully this will be a lesson to the DNC to choose someone who is more respected. Understand, I think things would have remained the same with Hillary as the president and I would choose her over a living spray tan any day. I think the Bernie or Bust thing wasn't rational. No need to argue. I just read that list as her having made different political decisions than you'd have liked. That's political disagreement. Not corruption, imo. Not interested to dissect any political judgment made by her. Not because I necessarily disagree with her on all those as well, btw. I mean, the obamacare deal was the obvious best step forward at that point in time, imo. But doesn't matter anymore. Soon you might have no obamacare at all. And no universal care either.
  15. Something has changed alright. But I'm not so sure it's going to be your kind of change. Seeing Glenn Beck making sense again, is ... wtf is going on
  16. There is an establishment though. I mean, it isn't totally corrupt or anything, but it's there. And it doesn't have the people's interest in mind really. No one can be totally objective. But I think it's important to try to be as objective as you can. Most things have gray areas, of course. I think Hillary is corrupt, however I don't think she will throw America under the bus. Donald however... remains to be seen. Can't think of any objective reasons to call Hillary corrupt, tbh. I know it's not a popular thing to say, but all the stories I'm seeing are just different kinds of birther stories.
  17. well, now that you mention it: gravity might not exist at all. at least not in the classic way we thought we understood https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.02269
  18. facts only matter for a minority of people who can think for themselves. Feelings are what drive humans. It's apparent that a lot of people FEEL that mexicans are taking over the country EVEN THOUGH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS LESS THAN 1% and they're ALREADY segregated by economic class. But if they're told something often enough they will come to believe it. To be fair though. Similar arguments can be made about the "establishment".
  19. If there would be a silver lining, this might be it. Great post.
  20. Wow Van Jones hitting an emotional spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeXW1FA4frY And apart from race, the climate might be an even bigger problem
  21. https://twitter.com/reaidonaldtrunp/status/796206408932827136
  22. He's a billionaire. He will never use $20 bills.
  23. Lets wait and see the voting percentages. I'd blame the people staying home more than some old farts turning up to vote.
  24. The irony of Obama handing over the keys of the White house to the birther fruit cake. Wow...
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