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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Easy to hate? It's a simple observation. It looks like a copy-paste of all the familiar themes in the first two movies. People will probably like it, I'm sure. I admit I'm more interested in the story following the first Prometheus movie. And being salty about this trailer. But the familiarity wrt to the first two alien movies... well, it's just there in your face, right?
  2. just for the record: the point was NOT to downplay the russian hacking
  3. Sorry, but i have to jump on the antagonist bandwagon here. I agree with the chaos/distraction perception, but I think the blame shouldn't be purely on Trump. Even if much of what he says or tweets, results in some kind of outrage. The blame for the outrage is just as much, or even more on the people who are outraged. To me it's not clear who is more paranoid. Trumps administration, or the people being outraged? I'd rather blame the outraged people for all the chaos and distraction, at this point. Although I understand I have to be very careful doing so. I would agree that Trump is riding a fine line which shouldn't be normalized. But that is not a justification for the outrage we're currently seeing, imo. With respect to the conflicts of interest for instance, I am under the assumption there's lot of legal precedence (constitution?) protecting the american democracy. And I'm fairly confident many people from different (political) backgrounds will hold Trump accountable for respecting and defending the integrity of his office. I think this is called "having faith in the institutions". I can only hope more people channel their emotions in more productive ways. Not by being outraged, but by taking legal action whenever he crosses a line. It should be obvious that the "boy crying wolf" approach is ineffective. And worse, it enables Trump to do outrageous stuff. (It really does!) So, in a way, the new Trump administration is an exciting test for the institutions of the American democracy. I've read somewhere that if you add all assets of people in the Trump administration, you have as much as the bottom third of the US population. Call it late stage capitalism, if you will. I call it an experiment of power: money or the institutions? It wont get any more transparent than we currently witness. And I hope that'll be a good thing. Also, interesting editorial by former NSA analyst about Russian hacking: http://observer.com/2016/12/former-nsa-analyst-debunks-three-myths-about-russian-hacking/ Nothing new, but the novelty is that it comes from an insider. And it gives insight into their perspective.
  4. we're stupid robots where "announcement" triggers the "entitled to throw money at it and get desired format in return" subroutine. The "no announcement" event activates the "where can I download" subroutine. And those are very different subroutines from an emotional perspective. *beep beep boop*
  5. Good point. It's made by an algorithm. Ironically, this should be a plus. If it weren't so blatantly giving cheesy blow-jobs to the fans .
  6. The "trailer that's not a trailer" thing has me worried. They're trying way too much to do a Star Wars Force Awakens thing: simply redoing the original with new techniques. But also with the newer "storytelling" that comes with the franchise industry: executives deciding where the money is going, which is often something bland and generic. Perhaps it's the Ford/Gosling dialogue with the tongue in cheek reference to the past. Or the attempt to recreate the visuals and the music from the original. Although... the music is arguably not even an attempt to sound like the original. Nevermind my grumpy crap though. I'm just allergic to the franchise shit that's washing through the cinema's.
  7. Who's to say that he's not black? lets say he was. he'd def be very conscious about being on a forum with an overwhelming amount of skinny white bearded jesus fans. actively downplaying his black funkyness because those sensitive skinnies prolly wont understand him because of all their first world - i'm white and entitled - problems.
  8. "I see you fam" the fam thing on watmm looks a bit silly. kinda like tarantino pretending to be a black guy.
  9. not available...must have been russian hackers
  10. releasing those old squarepusher tracks? yeaaaaaaa... =D
  11. please give a call when clips are available *still furiously refuses to think in pre-napster/digital mode* *grabs another hand of popcorn and sits this one out..slightly unsettled*
  12. My take on this discussion there's a bit of miscommunication involved. I expect there's proof for the spread of misinformation or propaganda even (semantic discussion) from people who are (indirectly) on the payroll of russian government. No direct involvement in rigging the election and/or direct support of the trump campaign. Probably similar tactics to those people spreading fake news on facebook and/or massively taking part in discussions on social media. More than we probably think. It only takes 10/20 people doing this full time to spread misinformation online (facebook, reddit, newspaper sites, youtube channels, twitter, ...). (lets say 30K salary each, and the entire investment isn't that big at all - lets say 1 mln). You see Trump blasting the CIA, because he thinks everyone's implying he didn't win the election on his own. I don't think that is implied, but to his defense, even if it was implied, it would be near impossible to prove Trump won the election because of russian involvement. Even if the CIA have found financial ties between people spreading misinformation and the russian government. It's even near impossible to make the case Comey got Trump to win the election. But I don't believe anyone's arguing Trump wouldn't have won, at this point. Not even HRC. But that's clearly not what the Trump crowd's thinking. The point is merely intelligence agencies have evidence of foreign people (russians) being structurally (and full-time) involved in western social media outlets and spreading misinformation. I doubt they have any evidence of direct involvement of the russian goverment. And evidence is mostly restricted to groups of people from russia. But this is merely speculation of course.
  13. o wow thanks for posting that. funny how you can pay people into thinking they actually bring good to the world... and good for my cynicism perhaps :/
  14. Not just a us problem, btw! This crap is global. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/02/fake-news-facebook-us-election-around-the-world
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