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Everything posted by goDel

  1. If you're tired of people calling Trump the return of Hitler/fascism, this might put your soul back to rest. Interesting piece by Niall Ferguson about why analogies with 1920s/1930s are crippled. Don't take everything what he says as fact though. He does wear his political views on his sleeve. But he can bring an interesting perspective from time to time. http://www.cirsd.org/en/horizons/horizons-autumn-2016--issue-no-8/populism-as-a-backlash-against-globalization?utm_content=buffer4a254&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  2. It certainly would be a shame - most of the money I've spent on music in the last 4 years was a direct result of discovering new indie artists through SC. Problem is, the sales took place on Bandcamp or elsewhere! That's the thing I don't understand about SC. Why not introduce store-functionalities without linking to external stores? Bandcamp misses the chatter from SC. And SC misses the buy options from Bandcamp.
  3. Bit confused about finding the digitals. Found them at Hardwax (AIFF) eventually. Clone only seems to have mp3. Confused, because I would have expected bleep to have digitals, but they didnt. Mr Detuned, will the 5years compilation be made available as a download? Love to have that one as well!
  4. Really don't believe the subscription thing will save them. That is not going to fly. Not sure who will buy sc though. There's not a working business model, unless google can somehow make it work by reducing costs to keep it in the air. Hope richie will move his tracks to bleepstore and considers adding soundcloud functionalities to it. So the platform to post and chat about music is combined with directly buying them. (don't think bleep is wealthy enough to buy sc though)
  5. Again, look what he actually tweeted - he still thinks the Ethics Committee is unfair, he just wants them to get rid of all the social safety nets first and gut the ethics committee later, when everyone is too busy fighting for some basic social welfare. Again again: give credit where due: timing and idea was horrible. It got cancelled. Which is a positive. Yes it might come back in the future, and yes it's not clear what trumps position will be at that point in time. But it's too early for going on a boy cry wolff trip by shouting its not an offset but a delay. I agree its not the same and there might be something on the table in the future. But there's simply no reason to blindly assume its just a delay. The most likely scenario is that delay means change. So if the subject returns, the proposals will likely be different. Again again again, if he supported the change, why stop it? The reps are at an alltime high and can do anything they want. If he had any benefit of the proposal, he could have done nothing. (He isnt even in the office at this point, for f.cks sake) But that was not what happened. Please don't assume the worst because it fits a narrative. It's good to be concerned though. But concerns and prejudgments are two distinctly different beasts. Also, predictions for the obama care "repeal": it's going to be very similar to the obama-getting-troops-out-of-iraq thing. Things will visually change and be labelled as a repeal, even though it's mostly stuff which was already mandated, or in the pipeline of necessary changes to the aca (but blocked by the toxic political climate). Just like the troops in iraq were already destined to be drastically reduced under the bush administration. In other words: there will be no actual repeal. The aca will keep going, but with a couple changes. Just remember there are an awful lot of reps who have huge interests in being able to say they repealed obamacare, while at the same time, keeping a lot of provisions from the aca because their constituents actually demand access to a lot of stuff in the aca. It's just the label of obamacare thats toxic. And if you want to keep those parts of the aca (eg preexisting conditions) you'll end up with something that will really look like the aca. It's amazing how distorted the discussion about obamacare is. Baffling.
  6. In the category "give credit where due", I've got to admit I loved todays events with respect to the Ethics Committee proposal of house reps. Trump makes two tweets criticising them to put their focus on more important issues..and *poof*... their proposal is off the table. Regardless of all his tweeting-bullshit, I really like seeing developments like these. Good to see it's possible to have a president putting reps back in place when necessary. ;-)
  7. planet of the apes might be closer to the truth after all *imagines they cried like fighting monkeys* HNY! ;D
  8. yeah, prolly close to this. a rambling mad man on twitter. don't pay too much attention to what he says publically. or rather, better to completely ignore his remarks.
  9. I don't rule out the possibility that Trump knew about the UN vote and it's outcome before the votes had been cast. And I wouldn't be surprised Obama and Trump discussed strategies before the vote. Whether or not Trump agrees with Obama's views, he certainly likes a bit of chaos. Imo, this first non-veto in 30+ years is similar to Trump calling with the Taiwanese president. Ironically, also a case of going against 30+ years of US foreign policies and putting the relationship with, here, China under pressure. Lets say Trump wanted to do something similar wrt Israel. Wouldn't it be safer to give Obama the honours? I'm sure Trump likes to play "good cop, bad cop" with the Israeli leadership. When Obama plays the bad cop, Trump could profit from being the good cop. So, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually a coordinated effort between Trump and Obama. Tangentially, it's pretty painful to watch Israeli officials blaming the Obama administration for the UN vote. After 30+ years of the US saving their ass wrt their settlement activities, they blame the US for not vetoing. How about looking into a mirror and realising they haven't been able to convince the international community about the justification/validity of their settlement policy for the past 30 years? You simply can not blame the US government for being unable to convince the international community about the legality of their settlements. That's their job. And they have been doing a pisspoor job at doing so. Bunch of fing idiots.
  10. phlex said it it wouldn't be released again in his lifetime by warp but i hope he was just pulling our sacks which track? the soundcloud track rdj posted days ago, or the track(s) from the houston white label? (i dont read da fakebook!) if warp reposted the soundcloud track i think you're confusing the two...
  11. why are people so sure of this? my first impression was '95-'96.. What makes you think 95-96? Thats the HAB period, right?
  12. goDel


    Here's a proposal: get rid of all artist subforums! YES!!!!
  13. Dr Strangelove... they don't make em like that anymore. And strangely suited for these times, btw. I must remember to call Trump dr Strangelove whenever I'll get in a twitterfight with him.
  14. couldnt find the bear/trashcan thingy, so here's the alternative
  15. sounds like newer stuff. (guessing he's not going to upload more tracks from his older archives like he did a while ago..)
  16. Let's keep it at Ridley playing mindtricks and making people believe he just copy-pasted the scripts of the first two Alien movies. Instead, the movie might actually cover new grounds and has almost nothing to do with one and two.
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