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Everything posted by goDel

  1. it'd be a repeat of what happened during the elections. lots of revolts within the gop. without many consequences...
  2. I was betting he'd fill the cabinet with iffy but workable technocrats and double down on a lot of his campaign promises. I was so wrong. Hell I think I would of preferred Ted Cruz over him and I never, never thought I'd say that. His administration will be as 'functional' as his election team. Or in other words, not many of the people you see in his administration today will still be there in a couple of months. It's going to be a disfunctional mess with the only successes based on either an already recovering US economy (thanks obama!) or some alternative reading of reality. Trump is going to set a new low bar.
  3. lol also, wished it would be the last star wars movie. ever. point.
  4. Brilliant piece in washpo on first days in white house https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-first-days-inside-trumps-white-house-fury-tumult-and-a-reboot/2017/01/23/7ceef1b0-e191-11e6-ba11-63c4b4fb5a63_story.html?utm_term=.90e42d64d893
  5. interesting response to the spicer/conway deal over at morning joe: reason it's interesting is the behind the scenes connections with the white house/government combined with the knowledge trump himself actually watches it. (and knows mike/joe..)
  6. Imo, that would be a positive development. Press conferences give him an official platform to spread nonsense. I'd rather have his nonsense being limited to his twitterfeed. That way he's just another of those social media 4chan trolls and easily ignored. And besides, the last election cycle, the non-access press outperformed those who had acess to trump. (Waspo) non-access journalism seems more effective for delivering quality news. All those outlets dancing to trumps whims... its all redundant to me. So please stop with the official press conferences and let journalists do the hard work of describing the actual events instead of trumps distorted nonsense.
  7. Putin: "Also, your whole inauguration was heavy on the God stuff. I've never heard you say God that much, and I have tapes of you having sex." FLOL
  8. big enough to fit in a 12" uhhuhuhuhuh
  9. for the people who are into 1991, this might be up your alley
  10. Don's actual name might be closer to Vladimir or Boris (or insert another russian name)
  11. He got a flyby he wanted nonetheless, first since Truman's 1949 inauguration. I'm sure members of the Trump team love to troll the huffpo. And the Huffpo will obviously do themselves a disservice by actually falling for that.
  12. longer version here: https://hardwax.com/71437/various-artists/rick-wilhite-presents-vibes-2-part-2/ (caant embed)
  13. iwshed thery had done a better job mastering those tracks though. my be f-ing difficult to master a couple of beats coming from some old tapes ;-)
  14. can't embed, but check these out: https://hardwax.com/70666/leron-carson-dion-wilson/tracks-from-the-tape/ awesome chicago tracks from 1989!
  15. kaine played the affable goofy dad during the election, but that dude was a killer. it's good to be reminded that politicians work really hard to play characters which are usually some version of regular person but most of them, and i'm sorry if this offends the government haters out there, are very bright, highly competitive, and well-educated. i wish someone like kaine could just do kaine. and being a politician means you have to master complex systems and ideas. because they play these regular guys/gals on TV, people tend to think they can just walk into the work. devos is fucking hobbyist. i get that trump gets to pick his idealogues, but FFS pick someone who understands the intellectual landscape of the job. Remember an interview at "morning joe" with kaine during the elections on syria and the bewilderment in mikas and joes eyes on his response made two things clear: the non-answers from the trump team during an actual election cycle where you would want to pick a candidate on their policies ( actually saying they couldnt talk about solutions because "the enemy might find out") and kaines answer (saying everything you need to know and showing actual knowledge about what is happening, might going to happen and the possible options for actions). That guy is so underrated. He's got the media-charm of a dad who hasnt had sex with his wife in years and instead locked himself away in the basement with his train collection, but in the meantime, he's a world class politician. Couldnt find the actual interview, but found another one which says enough. Havent checked the date, but it looks like the election cycle was yet to begin. In the interview during the election he basically gave his off the cuff views like he did here. Compare that to the proverbial macfries from team trump... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvuJ3bKt3iQ
  16. The answer is at the start of that Vox clip: 88% without college degree. They have to understand what "single payer" means to be against it. My guess is they don't know. And might even don't care. The clip shows they're not happy with the current plans and want something better, less expensive. Which is perfectly valid. And they believed Trump could provide that. I hope I don't sound too cynical, but these people simply aren't rocket scientists. Their understanding of the world is a different one. And that has less to do with ideology (or cognitive dissonance) than sometimes seems to be implied, and more with capacity to understand, if you ask me. A reason they didn't believe Clinton was probably that they didn't emotionally connect with Clinton like they did to Trump. There was some 538 article, I think, which concluded that education level was by far the best predictor for voting behavior in the 2016 elections. Forget about the russians or comey. It's intelligence. (factoid: the average iq being 100, means half of the population has an iq below 100 ...)
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