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Everything posted by goDel

  1. lol also his excuse the us is run by people who don't know what they're doing.... that one's going to bite ya back past the 20th! ;D
  2. interesting insights in behind the scenes trump from 4:30 onwards
  3. also, i think the world would be a better place without the nonsense from alex jones and his nutjobs. every bit of attention provides them the oxygen to keep on going. it's not even entertainment at this point.
  4. o no, it's twin peaks for old people where everything unfolds with the pace of a snail. even the tempo of the tp tune is slowed down. *grabs walking stick and stumbles away slowly...*
  5. good point. but i think he deserves a good bit of promotion to get some wider recognition
  6. yes. i wonder if it gets the praise it deserves. really brilliant stuff. would fit well on one of those big idm labels...
  7. nah. just doing her job. framing reality such that every fart trump drops is a stroke of genius.
  8. Ooooo, he thinks being president is kinda like being Oprah Winfrey!!? He wants to be orange oprah!
  9. Really? I thought he was pretty explicit in saying that american exceptionalism is not about "how perfect America is and has always been, but that they show capacity to change". I thought it was a good address - balanced but took a few subtle jabs at the mindless Trump supporters, but also the idiots on the "left" who spew the same nonsense but from their perspective. Couldnt get past the first 5 or 10 mins with his history of american exceptionalism, at the first viewing. Really tiresome stuff, tbh. Skipped through his speech again later. I'll concede it had some good moments. Mostly him getting emotionial while he thanked his wife, kids and Biden. And a couple of good points in his speech. In general I'm a fan of Obama getting emotional on a stage. Those are often his most honest moments. Although I 'm sure the "dont trust obama" people would like to tell me it's all an act. Sure it's a good speech and all. For Obama standards. For Trump standards... well, I won't even try to go there. (SAD!)
  10. that might, but I'm seeing a scenario where there's so much bullshit flying around on a daily basis, that even when some truthful damaging thing explodes into the media (worse than the trump kissing women incidents), nothing much will happen outside of the usual outrage. i wonder what should happen to impeach trump? posting drunken youtubes where he threatens meryl streep to use nukes on her house?
  11. Wait, that head implies Obama had a bed in a Ritz Hotel!? Or he paid them in his Ritz-hotel room to wet obama's bed on some other night? Why even mention the Ritz hotel room? I'm too stupid for this world. Bunch of fruitcakes...
  12. not going to happen. (the impeachment) although the screams for impeachment will be continuous, i'm sure. he's should have been pre-impeached ten times already, but nevertheless won the presidency. with or without russian help, i'm guessing. (comey did way more damage, and the race between clinton and trump shouldnt have been so close in the first place. just by looking at the amount of money both campaigns could spend)
  13. first time i've seen a presidential golden shower
  14. To make the above point valid, I think I should have added a remark that the amount of misinformation could make it virtually impossible to figure out what is going on. By the time misinformation is correctly labelled as such, other bullshit stories have already passed. It simply takes too much time to figure out what's actually going on. So with all the disinformation in the atmosphere, there's only a tiny bit which will be figured out and the rest can cancer away until it's mutated and needs accute treatment.. anyways, 2cts
  15. BTW, couldn't stand yesterdays Obama-farewell speech. It was an overdose of pushing "American Exceptionalism". I'll loosely quote the prez-elect: "OVERRATED! SAD!" (disclaimer: i'm not pro-trump!)
  16. And that is essentially what those 'adversaries' want to achieve: creating 1. doubt/fear 2. mistrust 3. detachment/anger But besides the foreign adversaries, there are plenty of US parties pulling cards from the same deck. (*cough* NRA *cough*) So, I'm afraid the solution is not the legal option (freedom of speech means freedom to spread bullshit as long as you don't shout fire in the theater), but the aggressive option. Not sure what that would mean, but it'd smell like those crappy sci-fi cyberwars... Or, in other words: the US defence budget needs more money. (which should be a recognisable pattern)
  17. The irony is our clicks and views help that barbie doll grow even bigger. Could we please ignore her? Here's another shiny to look at:
  18. Nah, it's more benign. The point is to show the extent with which fake information is pushed through the US-society/media to influence US politics. And that Trump can be victim as well (=attempt to depoliticize the issue by the intelligence agencies). Which won't be news for him as he was already complaining about the dishonest media for quite a while.
  19. Tops! Was great to spend a couple hours at Hardwax, seeing what they had. Found lots of good tunes over there. And the brainbox, obvs. ;-)
  20. how about reading the piece? it's all in there.
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