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Everything posted by goDel

  1. The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is. Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along. I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying.
  2. so euh, how come obamacare providers (=insurers) can drop out because of some unsustainable business model, but insurance companies have both written the legislation and aren't going to lose under it? can someone explain the logic? i know healthcare is a difficult issue, but a basic sense of logic is not too much to ask, right? more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it
  3. When older than 60 and being a white gray man, simply ask them their row v wade position and move them to the north pole accordingly. We should give white old men a new home on the North Pole (yeah, the disappearing one ;p) if they believe in redoing row v wade. edit: like santa :D
  4. zizek making a couple of good points. not sure if this is the right thread at this point. i feel like we need a new thread to collectively cry about the direction this planet is flying in. thinking about expensive limited vinyl only releases, trump tweeting like an infant, football leaks tickling my soccer balls, and genetically modified techno.
  5. good article. surprised it was released in july this year. should have been bigger news, imo. can't remember it. could be me or a general focus on bullshit tweets, polling numbers and emails. can't put the full blame on media either. this stuff was out there, but didn't stand out in terms of ridiculousness compared to the other stuff, i guess.
  6. [gif of grandpa simpson quickly exiting upon entering a room]
  7. Lol Now they have to release the manc set soundboard! :D
  8. It doesn't really matter what the particular motivation is, I don't think.Whether's it's sexual rejection (e.g. Elliot Rogers), racial scapegoating (e.g. The kid who shot up the black church because of course black people are the reason I'm so miserable), or some abstract ideological concern, the distorted maps that lead to evil are all the same: You are *here* The thing you want is *there* And 'other people' are the obstacles standing in your way And of course I am perfect (and therefor don't need to change) so *they* are the problem The conditions for those "maps" to develop are relevant though. (parents etc..)
  9. you actually tricked me into to watching that garbage....
  10. I wouldn't call it fake. Surreal, yes. Like reality TV taking over the government. But as far as I'm concerned I actually believes he wants the things he talks about. It's just that it's going to be the trump execution way. Call it weird, but I don't see it any weirder than those Obama videos talking directly to the audience. Basically the same thing, except for the orange head. I don't see whats the big deal, tbh.
  11. I'd vote for locking this thread when reacing page 200
  12. Wanted to post this earlier: dataviz @ bloomberg about model explaining the various factors influencing climate change (from 1880-2005). Natural factors and human factors. The model seems to explain pretty well the current the actual situation. Especially from the 1950s onward. http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-whats-warming-the-world/
  13. Well, people who obsessively try to clamp down on anomalies in their environment usually do so as a result of having a very traumatic relationship with anomalies. So every lizard is a dragon to them. People cling to their self-concept ('white supremacist') because it offers them order and control, and heavy walls to keep out all the dragons. The idea I'm advocating is that the way to turn them into egalitarians is to treat them with an excess of humanity and compassion, as this offers them the opportunity to make an egalitarian gesture back. Well put! Also, some interesting points in this article: https://thecorrespondent.com/5676/the-trump-takeaway-its-time-to-pay-attention-to-each-others-realities/145475880-1c662f27
  14. Don't expect too much. It's most likely less than smoke. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/demographics-not-hacking-explain-the-election-results/
  15. That interview with Bannon in Hollywood reporter is quite interesting, btw. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/steve-bannon-trump-tower-interview-trumps-strategist-plots-new-political-movement-948747 Helps to get past the hysteria and outrage about the coming Trump administration, imo. Have to admit I'm growing really tired of most of the media just doing what they have been doing the entire campaign: looking for anything to be outraged about. I understand the concerns, but all this emotional outrage and taking some imaginary moral high-ground is really a waste of time and an annoyance. But I'm sure it sells and creates money for them.
  16. x2^n This is orgasmic sound sex Good recording too
  17. Amusing Hillary Clinton parody @medium: https://medium.com/@shitHRCcantsay/are-you-fucking-kidding-me-86bdc2c638d6#.utcb20st2
  18. it was a winning strat though. also, i'd rather argue the organisation was - again - unorthodox. different what anyone would expect. whether or not it was disorganized is completely subjective. my guess is, it was mostly intentional. and if that indeed was the case, i wouldn't call it disorganized. the argument would be similar to saying venetian snares makes disorganized chaos beats. many would agree, although in reality there's a lot of intent behind it. and many on this forum would argue otherwise, i'm assuming. i think there's a lot of irony in current events. as it's to a large extent the exact opposite of what happened when obama was elected. thinking about those tea partiers protesting and the gop going into full obstruction mode. some would argue this is a false equivalence. and to a certain extent that might indeed be the case. but not nearly to the extent as some would like to believe, imo. there are simply too many similarities: people being butt-hurt about the outcome of the election and crying it's the end of the world. meanwhile, trump hasn't even dropped a fart in the white house...
  19. yeah.. i think he's great. edgy. i always liked his "we're just hanging out shooting the shit and i'm being hilarious" delivery. oh.. and this - they have a few months to fill 4000 positions so shouldn't worry right? Lol if true. Which I'm not questioning btw. Wasnt Guiliani leading the transition? Or is he busy doing interviews and other gigs? Perhaps its another onorthodox strat of the trump team. Why bother appointing 4000 new positions in one heartbeat, if you can do it more gradually. Just let the current people keep on going until there's an alternative. Wouldnt be a silly idea, imo. Although people would obvs interpret it as a form of neglect, carelessness or just incompetence. As I just did ;D
  20. Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government Are you fucking joking, Adieu? Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find... Hey! Weren't you blaming others for not being open minded and cynical?
  21. Let's see. Also, the fact that the article says Jamie D. was asked screams it's a piece of crap, imo. I really can't see the Donald playing friends with Wallstreet so openly. This is either bad reporting, or trump-campaign playing tricks on the media. Just throwing some bullshit out there and seeing the media eating it like religious fanatics. Probably both.
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