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Everything posted by goDel

  1. goDel

    elseq 1-5

    I had Marty McFly and a man with white hair at my door asking for Latentcall. I told them to use google and then they left. They looked really confused, btw.
  2. Not necessarily. It's a lot more likely that they're taking votes away from Hillary. Especially given how many Bernie supporters there were before he pulled out, I think there's a lot more would-be 3rd-party voters that would choose her over Trump if they had to (and they do, if they're being realistic). Yes, lots of 3rd party votes coming from the so-called millenials. If polls have two instead of four options, the biggest difference comes from millenials. And they tend to favor Hillary when Trump is the only alternative.
  3. Interesting. Sounds like something similar to what Baudrillard argued in Simulacra and Simulation. wiki:
  4. That really doesn't make any sense, or clear anything up. But hell, you are correct. *strokes braintrees ego to try to calm him down* You're free to vote the way you want and also look up the definition of status quo whenever you get around to it. Heaven knows you haven't yet. There seem to have been a lot of changes in social values in the recent years. Same sex marriage? What's the status quo you're talking about? If you want a more progressive social agenda, you really have to vote for Hillary. Remember the supreme court? What kind of judges would Trump bring to the supreme court? I'm not sure if voting for Stein will help. But I'm still not sure where you want to go with your status quo. Mansplaining me to read a dictionary wont help. Opinions usually stay outside of dictionaries.
  5. That really doesn't make any sense, or clear anything up. But hell, you are correct. *strokes braintrees ego to try to calm him down*
  6. Also, there seems to be a confusion between "status-quo" and "system". If I understand correctly, the american democratic system has been a two-party system right from the start. A system. By design. It is explicitly designed to have limited choices.. Design is something different to "status quo". You can talk about a status quo when the next ten presidents will be democrats.
  7. O come on. Strategic voting has been part of democracies since its birth. Please dont go for the "holier than thou" nonsense by saying it's unreasonable to use anything else but your principles. Same holds for the people trying to tell Braintree how to vote, obvs If you think voting for a third party candidate is more important than voting for the best possible outcome, so be it. You're not being any bit more (or less) democratic or rational than voters who use a different set of principles. The people hoping to avoid a Trump in the White House just have to accept that there's always going to be people who will support their preferred candidate regardless of the outcome.
  8. O, I thought Clinton was the most conservative vote on the ballot.
  9. Yeah, lets give Gary another chance to talk about Aleppo. Maybe he'll make more sense this time around.
  10. i'm actually too scared to watch. afraid that hillary runs her program like a robot and trumpster gives his reality tv show performance. it's going to be brexit all over again.
  11. The last 3rd part candidate that stood a chance in Hell was Ross Perot. That says a lot about Merica. Not sure what that has to say about 'murica, but let me just add that changing the party system seems like something you have to start with a state-level. Not the us of a level. So it might say about merica that change does not come from the top, but from the bottom.
  12. You are aware that by voting for either of those candidates, you're enabling the very system that no one likes to persist, right? And that by voting for the 'person you think will win' you are actively allowing the dumb masses to usurp your vote? I'm sure there are many who agree with you. Good thing is you take voting seriously. It's better to cast a vote than to not vote. Not voting only gives more power to the people who do vote and probably disagree with you and share different interests. With respect to voting for a third party candidate, I think people should think seriously about this. If people come to the conclusion they have to vote for a third party candidate, so be it. If you have any doubt, please listen to Bernie Sanders in this interview as it might inform you on what he thinks people should do when they don't like either major-party candidate (or 'the system' in general...whatever that means)
  13. I don't mean it personally BuuuuuuuuT whenever i hear a guy about hillary being demonic or somesuch (eg. "cant stand her voice" or "she's being insincere" are also good ones), I basically assume he's having some deeper issues with his mother and/or women in general. And yes, that's a broad generalisation. Kinda like those deplorables.
  14. think he got barred from posting for two weeks, that was before your long post. Looks like he has fully rage quit? must have been a combination of the things on these last pages - if I had to bet, think :musulman: tipped it over yes, the musulmenz win! haha eat that, white Europe! we're coming to defile your women and behead your children watmm really needs that emoticon!
  15. Looks like its going to be another Brexit. Good luck y'all.
  16. Also, syrian refugess are like Skittles because Trumpian logic
  17. Fixt lol could jev be so liberal that he would use the smiling musulman as his avatar?
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